 VOLUME 7, NO. 9
February 14, 2010 
About Us:
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts promotes and supports ways for cultural traditions to thrive now and into the future by providing advocacy, resources, and connections for folk and traditional artists and their communities.


Funding Opportunities

CAC's Creating Public Value
Deadline: Feb 18, 2010

National Native Master Artist Initiative: Artist Teaching Artist
Deadline: Apr 1, 2010

National Native Creative Development Program
Deadline: Apr 1, 2010

USArtists International
Deadline: May 3, 2010

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Upcoming Events

Oakland Asian Cultural Center Presents: Lunar New Year Celebration 2010: Year of the Tiger
Feb 20, 2010

Khmer Arts Salon Series Presents: Dancing Nation: The Royal Ballet of Cambodia
Feb 20, 2010
Long Beach

CONTRA-TIEMPO's 5th Year Anniversary Gala
Feb 20, 2010
Los Angeles

Congolese Dance & Drum Workshop in Maui
Feb 26 - Mar 8, 2010

Pride of Erin Ceili Dancers Presents: Sean-Nos Dance Workshop
Feb 27, 2010
La Mesa

Chinese Lantern Festival
Feb 27, 2010
San Diego

Pride of Erin Ceili Dancers Presents: Sean-Nos Dance Workshop
Mar 3, 2010
San Diego

REgeneracion: Ricardo Flores-Magon and the Mexican Revolution of 1910
Mar 5 - Mar 13, 2010
Fresno and Clovis

Annual Conference - Society for Ethnomusicology, Northern California Chapter
Mar 6, 2010
Santa Cruz

25th Annual Jewish Music Festival's March Concerts
Mar 14-Mar 29, 2010
San Francisco Bay Area

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Current Exhibits

American Masterpieces: The Artistic Legacy of California Indian Basketry
Through Mar 14, 2010
Sacramento, CA

Japanese Papercraft: Miko Dolls
Through Mar 1, 2010
Oakland, CA

"A Project Documenting Fading Traditions"
Through Mar 6, 2010
Fresno, CA

Textiles From Oaxaca
Through Mar 6, 2010

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Letters from India: Chritesh Das Dance Company's 2010 Tour

Editor's Note: Rina Mehta (Los Angeles) is a participant in ACTA's Apprenticeship Program as an apprentice to Kathak virtuoso Chitresh Das (San Rafael).  Her following account reflects on a series of performances which were part of a tour in winter 2010 to India with Das and his company Chhandam Chitresh Das Dance Company. Her visit to India and studies and observance of Das during this time formed an instrumental component of her studies with Das both in California and India during the course of her apprenticeship.  The apprenticeship will culminate in Mehta's full evening solo concert in Los Angeles, May 2010 under Das's direction.

I arrived in India without any preconceived notions or expectations of the trip and the tour.  Anyone that has traveled to India will understand that India demands this of all its natives and visitors.  The country, as is observed by many, is a mysterious entity with a rhyme, rhythm, and reason of its own.  Some say that India's natural state is one of chaos and standing in the streets of Kolkata or Mumbai, this truth becomes self-evident.  Buses, trucks decorated in multi-color, hand-drawn and motored rickshaws, pedestrians of all ages, and the occasional cow or dog crowd the streets.  There is a firm belief embedded in the consciousness of the people of India that one's destiny and the fate of the world reside in powers beyond. In English we say, "I am late" or "I was late".  The same phrase in Hindi or any Indian language is said as "Lateness happened to me."  So, stepping off the plane at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose airport in Kolkata, I chose to leave behind any preconceived ways of being and doing and submit to the laws of the India.

Drone Magic!

Ever wonder about bagpipes?  Ever consider the varieties of this wondrous instrument whose seemingly endless supply of air and undercurrent of drone can accompany the most regal of ceremonies or the most raucous of circle dances?  Who plays them and where are they to be found?

Some answers were uncovered in an aptly named Living Cultures Grants Program project called Drone Magic, an international festival of bagpipes.  Under the direction of Hungarian-born piper Ferenc Tobak, this day-long event of workshops and concerts highlighted pipers representing the traditions of Hungary, Moldavia, Scotland, Greece, Macedonia Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden and Ireland.

The San Francisco Foundation Multicultural Fellowship Program

The San Francisco Foundation is now recruiting for the 2010-2012 Multicultural Fellowship Program.  The Multicultural Fellowship Program is a two-year full-time program that aims to increase diversity in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors.  Successful candidates are young professionals of color with the promise and passion to create significant social change.  The Fellowship provides challenging work and professional development experiences, on-the-job training, and opportunities to enhance skills in grantmaking, convening, project management, and a variety of other areas.  Fellows are an integral component of the Foundation's grantmaking Program staff.  Additionally, Fellows benefit from networking, mentoring, trainings, seminars, professional conferences, and interactions with a wide array of nonprofit, community, and philanthropic leaders.

This year, the Fellowship Program is seeking one Fellow in each of the following three program areas: Arts and Culture, Education, and Environment. Applications are due on Monday, March 22, 2010, and the Fellowship positions will commence July 1, 2010.

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