Leading Visions to Action
Dec. 2009 * Warm Holiday Greetings!
In This Issue


Inspiring, Potent Consultations  Coaching, Content Design and Seminars for  Leaders & Awakening Entrepreneurs

Moving into a new home and office over the holidays.

Stay tuned (be patient with my weblog updates) while I reorganize!

I will be launching new coaching packages starting January 18.

 The first 5 to respond
to this message by Jan. 8, will receive a 25 -minute complimentary consultation (new clients only).

Looking forward to serving you in the New Year. 

Changing the Dream of the Modern World

Some of the most rewarding work I have been part of since 2006 is the Awakening the Dreamer Global Initiative.

If you have not yet attended a symposium, check our  calendar for upcoming events in 2010. Our regional teams offer the symposium customized for your workplace or community organization.

Contact me
for more info

ball of light Season's Blessings:
May you be safe
May you be kind
May you have what you need
May you be of service
May you know the love in which you are held
May you know yourself as Beautiful and Blessed.

Warm Heartfelt Greetings to All!!

What a wonderful time of year for giving and receiving, sharing love and reNEWal! 

If you survived the last 3-6 months with your sense of humor still intact, take a moment now to CONGRATULATE yourself for your amazing navigation and accepting "what is" skills.

A friend recently shared this wonderful reminder with me:

LIFE is an endless transition. Go with the flow, change the flow, surrender to the flow, be the flow, create the flow... the essence of the flow is: Transition
When we look at nature (biomimicry) we see how true this is.

It's been quite a time of transition and reorganization for so many! Most everyone with whom I speak has commented on the "intensity " of the times with many of us undergoing, slow, yet massive changes in our homes, careers, businesses, and relationships. I believe we are all undergoing a collective re-organization. 

  • What has changed for you this past year?

  • How are you reorganizing your life/business?
  • Any new approaches/attitudes you'd like to share?

The theme for me has been SIMPLIFY.  I didn't realize how complicated simplification could be.  It takes tremendous courage and trust to get out of our own way, surrender, and let go! As all manifestors know, the clarity of our intentions along with committed action/discipline is what creates "so-called" miracles. I am very grateful for all of you who have witnessed and supported the transition I have been in.

Now is a wonderful time to move from hoping to knowing/feeling what it is we are creating in these times."Everything comes to us that belongs to us when we create the capacity to receive it." -Rabindranath Tagore

Clarity, love, acceptance, and gratitude are wonderful gifts to give and receive. In this holiday season, I am wishing us all more ease, beauty, moments of peace and rest, more compassion and understanding as we continue to navigate and reinvent our lives, businesses, and relationships.

Change cleanses the soul.Enjoy the ride and be kind to your fellow travelers.

Wishing you loving, happy holidays!


Exclusive Femme Fatale Marketing & Entrepreneurship Weekend
Jan 23-24 , 2010

women clapping

I've been invited to join Jessica Hadri, founder of Ripe Paradigm, and other amazing women leaders to offer an exclusive weekend workhop in a beautiful location in the East Bay. 

This weekend is available to 10 women ONLY.  Contact me directly for details and special rates.  More information regarding this amazing weekend coming soon.

Awakened Entrepreneurs & Collaborative Leadership

Collaboration is the new competition.  Moving from solo-preneuership to collaborative partnerships is a skill of an Awakened Entrepreneur. Know your purpose, get the right people on the bus, and then collaboratively develop your message and strategy based on your clients needs.

 In this workshop, you will gain the tools to:

  • Produce a compelling marketing message with passion, vision, and soul guaranteed to attract and retain your ideal customers, clients, and partners.
  • Learn the formula for craft a One-Page Business Plan™
  • Develop a consistent social media presence with the Big Four
  • Transform your expertise into products, seminars, workshops, e-books.
  • Choose integral partners in alignment with your values and big vision
  • Transform warm leads into engaged clients.

A Practical Approach to Working with People, Processes and Technology

RULE #29   Use Leaders as Collaborative Strategists

2009, �Shera R. Sever & SuperStar Press

Get the right people on the bus and in the right seats, with a commitment to building a best-in-class collaborative culture.

Focus on internal-facing collaboration that encourages collective intelligence (simple yet intentional engagement).

Recognize those within the organization who consistently share information, resources, responsibilities, while engaged in and committed to organizational and personal excellence.

Available as e-book or paperback.  Order here.

Sheryl Sever (Coach Shera)  www.sherylsever.com
(o): 510.336.9161; (m): 415.713.7727

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