Toro Consulting, Inc.
Extra Points
with Dan Weedin

Dan's weekly memo mission is to help readers thrive in their business and life!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Announcing my new Monday morning memo

This brief, weekly memo is meant to give you pause to think, reflect, react, and ponder at the beginning of your work week.  It will include one focus point and one quote for perspective. It's meant to be quick and to the point. No announcements, resources, or links will be found on this memo.   This is about offering value and inspiration to you to thrive in your life.  I hope you enjoy!

agility logo
President John Adams
This week's focus point - I just finished watching the HBO special mini-series, John Adams, based off the book by David McCullough. It's a brilliant series.  Adams and his chief political rival Thomas Jefferson disagreed on almost everything from the size of government to neutrality in war. There arguments were legendary. However, they also kept a 50-year friendship strong well after their public lives ended. Adams lived in Boston and Jefferson in Virginia. Yet they corresponded until their death on the very same day - July 4, 1826 (exactly 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence of which they were both consummately responsible for).

Do you seek out friends and associates who have different perspectives than you, or do you keep a narrow focus on only those who agree with you?  Diversity in friends who hold disparate opinions actually broadens your horizons and challenges your views.  Look what it did for Adams and Jefferson!
This week's quote - All mankind is divided into three classes; those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.  Benjamin Franklin

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Dan Weedin
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