Shawl News
 May 2012   
The Needle Emporium

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From the Front

The shawl is knit in 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces Solemate. 

55% superwash merino
30% Outlast
15% nylon

100gram skein
425 yards

This brand new colour way, Bigger on the inside, was created just for this project. We will have stock of this colour next week.


You might know her as Kate or you might know her as Wisehilda. Kate lives in Toronto and comes to visit every once in a while to teach for us. Her classes are amazing! Along with teaching, Kate designs and has written a book called Beyond Knit and Purl. She loves socks and shawls.


You can find Kate's blog here.


Bigger on the inside
Kate's latest design is a free pattern on
From Kate
Bigger on the inside
"When I was a teenager, I insisted my mother knit me a Doctor Who scarf. Although the colors weren't precisely right, it was exactly what I wanted: an absurdly long, multicolored scarf with a generous fringe. I wore it for years. And years. I was still wearing it when I finished university and started my first proper job.

One cold winter day, a coworker made a comment in passing. I am certain he meant it to be helpful advice, but it stung more than he could know. He said that the scarf was childish, and if I wanted to be taken seriously in my career I needed to dress the part. The scarf got put away, and I spent more than 10 years dressing conservatively for a career that I never quite fit into.

Fast forward to 2005, when Doctor Who was relaunched to much acclaim, and I was busy reinventing myself and finding a career I could fit comfortably into. I never forgot my beloved Doctor Who scarf - I'd kept it all along - and I harbored a fantasy of reinventing it for my new life.

And so: Bigger on the inside. A sophisticated, grown-up take on the Doctor Who scarf. No matter how conservative your office, you won't be out of place with this draped tastefully around your shoulders.

Note re: Yarn Usage. The original weighs 127gm, therefore there will definitely be lots of leftovers from the second skein of Solemate - an opportunity for matching socks!"



Have fun knitting,

The Needle Emporium