Jiggety Jog Header 2012

VNA of Chittenden and

Grand Isle Counties E-News

April 12, 2012


Please enjoy the latest edition of VNA E-News.

Jog, Run, Bike and Walk With Us!

Register, collect pledges and join us for

VNA's Vermont Respite House 5K Fun Run & Jiggety Jog

Saturday, May 12

at Allen Brook School in Williston


For more than 20 years, this annual event has been the single largest fundraiser for Vermont's only Medicare-certified hospice home.


register button  

Day-of-event registration begins at 8 am with the 5K Run starting at 9 am and the Jiggety Jog immediately after.  The $20 registration fee is applied toward your fundraising total.  Individuals who raise $100 in pledges receive a Fun Run t-shirt. Individuals or teams who raise $1,000 or more become members of the Jiggety Jog Club.


A ceremony follows the race to honor Jiggety Jog Club members for their fundraising achievements and to award medals in all age categories to top finishers of the 5K race.


Vermont Respite House is a home-away-from-home where terminally ill individuals can live out their remaining days to the fullest, surrounded by the love of family and friends.  Every dollar raised from the Fun Run goes directly toward providing room, board, personal care and special services for residents, regardless of their ability to pay.


For more information and to learn how to register online, visit http://www.vnacares.org/news-events/Fun-Run.

You may also contact Maria at mcgrath@vnacares.org or 802-860-4435.

Start the Conversation

Start the ConversationIn life, we prepare for everything - college, marriage, children, retirement. But we seldom talk about preparing for end-of-life care. We'd like to help you start the conversation and increase your understanding of end-of-life options, how to share your end-of-life wishes and how to record your decisions using Vermont's Advance Directive form.


We invite you to join a conversation:

Wednesday, April 18

5:30 pm

at the Arbors, 687 Harbor Rd, Shelburne


Angel Means, RN, MS, VNA Director of End-of-Life Care, will discuss end-of-life care options and introduce resources to help you start the conversation with your loved ones.


To register, please email lecompte@vnacares.org or call 658-1900 x3903. For more information, visit our website at www.starttheconversationvt.org.

Fashion Show Rings in Spring!


Janet Stackpole
Janet Stackpole, 2012 VNA Cares for Children Award Recipient

More than 320 guests welcomed in spring at the VNA's Spring Blooms! Fashion Show and Luncheon on April 4. This annual event, held at the Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, raises money for the Janet S. Munt Family Room, VNA's parent-child center. The Family Room serves over 400 of Burlington's most vulnerable families each year.


This year's fundraiser featured fashions from SportStyle Store, Brooks Brothers Factory Store, Stella Mae and Bella Boutique. The outfits were modeled by such community members as Bridget Barry Caswell, Judy Cohen, Dr. Lewis First, Mark Redmond, Jim Fogler and Eva Sollberger.


At the luncheon, VNA CEO and President Church Hindes announced the creation of a new award to honor an individual whose efforts have enabled a vital aspect of the VNA's work, caring for our communities' children. The inaugural VNA Cares for Children Award was given to Janet Stackpole for her 14 years of work to make the Fashion Show fundraiser a popular success. During this time, Janet has helped to raise more than $250,000 for the Family Room.


Also during the event, guests enjoyed a slide show presentation featuring photos from the Family Room taken by photographer Daria Bishop and assembled by Andy Bishop.

To view the presentation, please click here. 


To learn more about the Family Room, please visit http://www.vnacares.org/health-care-services/family-childrens-services/family-room.

Community Education Series Continues
Educational Workshops 
Join us on Wednesday, May 2, from 5:30-6:30 pm for Effective Communication Strategies. This educational workshop is presented by Mary Val Palumbo, DNP, APRN, Gerontological Nurse Practitioner at Fletcher Allen Health Care Memory Center.
Held at the VNA Grand Way Adult Day site in South Burlington, the program will help you understand and improve your interactions with persons with dementia, Alzheimer's disease and memory impairment.
  • Learn how to communicate better.
  • How does the person with memory loss interpret what you are saying.
  • Why is communication understood sometimes and not at other times.
  • Decrease your stress; helping your loved one decrease theirs.
To register and for more information, call 802 658-1900 x3903 or email lecompte@vnacares.org.
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Any suggestions for stories can be sent to info@vnacares.org.




Your VNA
Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties

In This Issue
5K Fun Run
Start the Conversation
Fashion Show
Education Series
Camp Knock Knock
Camp Knock Knock Volunteers

Mandatory Volunteer Training

May 5


Please call the volunteer hotline at 802 860-4499 x6633 for more information.


Camp Knock Knock runs June 1-3, 2012 at YMCA Camp Abnaki.

To learn more about the camp, Click Here.

Contact Info

VNA of Chittenden and
Grand Isle Counties
1110 Prim Road
Colchester, VT  05446

802 658-1900



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