Fall 2011 Header

VNA of Chittenden and

Grand Isle Counties E-News

December 21, 2011


Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year from VNA staff and volunteers. Please enjoy the newest edition of the VNA E-News.

VNA Annual Appeal


Annual Fund Allis Photo
Clifford and Terry enjoy time at home with one of her paintings.
Clifford and Theresa Allis have lived in their home for 55 years. After Theresa was hospitalized this spring, Clifford and their son, Bruce, knew they wanted her to return home. "The VNA got right on it to get us the help we needed," Clifford reports. "Terry's attitude wasn't too great, but the VNA nurse really helped turn that around."


Click here to read the Allis family's story.


The Allis' story is just one of many stories this year about how the VNA has helped people through transitions in their lives. Please consider a tax deductible year-end gift to the VNA Annual Fund so the Allis family and others can continue to receive exceptional care. Thank you!


Remembering Loved Ones


Noyana Singers sang at the 2011 Memorial Tree Lighting Ceremony
The VNA offers its annual Memorial Tree Lighting and Remembrance Ceremony on Sunday, January 8, 2012 from 2 to 4 pm at the Williston Federated Church. This ceremony is an annual tradition at Vermont Respite House, a chance for gathering together to honor and remember loved ones.
Following the ceremony, guests are invited back to Vermont Respite House to share in refreshments and to view the Vermont Respite House Memorial Tree.
 The tree remains lit throughout the holiday season. You may purchase a bulb in honor or in memory of a loved one for $10. This donation is very much appreciated as it supports the care given to over 140 people and their families each year at Vermont Respite House.

For more information about this event or to purchase a bulb, please contact Maria McGrath at 802-860-4435 or mcgrath@vnacares.org. In the event of inclement weather on the day of the ceremony, please call 860-4435 for an updated message.

New Year's Day Concert

The Green Mountain Mahler Festival presents a special New Year's Day Concert to benefit the Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties at 3 pm, Sunday, January 1, 2012 at Saint Michael's College's Elley-Long Music Center.

The Green Mountain Mahler Festival Orchestra and Chorus will perform the inspiring Beethoven Ninth Symphony under the baton of maestro Daniel Bruce and the direction of chorusmaster Lisa Jablow. The concert will feature noted vocalists Lisa Jablow, Carol Spradling, Wayne Hobbs and Erik Kroncke. Net proceeds will benefit the VNA.


The cost is $25 for adults, $20 for seniors 62+ and $10 for students. To order tickets, call 802-86-FLYNN or order online at flynntix.org.


Founded in 2002, the Green Mountain Mahler Festival is dedicated to providing the opportunity for local musicians and audiences to experience and enjoy the grand orchestral works of Mahler and other great Romantic composers.


For more information about the concert, visit www.vtmahler.org.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Caring for a family member or a loved one can be challenging. Many family caregivers experience increased stress and often feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities. The VNA is soon offering a 6 week program designed to help family caregivers become more comfortable in their role as a caregiver.


The national program, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, provides caregivers the tools they need to care for themselves so they can more effectively care for their loved one. You will learn to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Balance your life
  • Better communicate your feelings
  • Increase ability to make tough decisions
  • Locate helpful resources


Classes are led by VNA staff certified as Powerful Tools for Caregivers class leaders. VNA class leaders also bring with them their experience and expertise in caring for persons in the home.


Classes will be held at the VNA Adult Day Center at Grand Way in South Burlington Tuesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. The first class is expected to begin in February. A donation of $25 for the 6-week class is appreciated, but not required. Class size will be limited so we encourage family caregivers to contact us now if you are interested. Send your name and phone number to Ellen Gagner at gagner@vnacares.org or call 862-6610.

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Any suggestions for stories can be sent to info@vnacares.org.




Your VNA
Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties

In This Issue
VNA Annual Appeal
Memorial Tree Lighting
Green Mountain Mahler Festival
Powerful Tools
Palliative Care Survey
Gathering the Community Voice
Madison-Deane Initiative, the education arm of VNA End-of-Life Care services, is partnering with Vermont Ethics Network and the Palliative Care and Pain Management Task Force to gather information from the public to determine your understanding of Palliative and End-of-Life Care and identify educational needs of local communities.
Please help us by sharing your opinions and thoughts in our brief survey.
click here
to begin survey
Your response will help in organizing future educational opportunities within your community and across Vermont. The survey has 15 questions and should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Thank you! We appreciate your taking the time to help us with this effort.

Contact Info

VNA of Chittenden and
Grand Isle Counties
1110 Prim Road
Colchester, VT  05446

802 658-1900



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