... and so do our clients.
Every quarter, we ask a sample of clients in our Adult Day programs how satisfied they are with the care we provide. Last quarter, 100% of the clients who were surveyed rated the program as excellent - the highest rating on the scale.
If you're not familiar with our Adult Day program, you might be surprised by what a typical day looks like. Yoga, bingo, manicures, and root beer floats are just a sample of the activities on the calendar for VNA's Adult Day programs.
Social and recreational activities are combined with nursing assessments, medication administration, therapeutic services, and appropriate levels of exercise. Healthy snacks and hot meals are also served - providing 70% of the daily nutritional requirements. All of this is offered in a comfortable, home-like environment and is led by registered nurses, licensed nurse assistants, activity specialists, and dedicated volunteers.
A comprehensive Adult Day program can help maintain levels of functioning, promote physical and mental health, and delay admission to a nursing home. The individuals who attend also benefit from a sense of belonging and community.
The VNA invites individuals to spend a free day at any of its Adult Day programs. To learn more about Adult Day programs, call Linda Martinez at (802) 860-4407 or visit www.vnacares.org/adultday. |