Job Growth, Housing Indicators

Show Positive Signs


Dear Friend, 


Total nonfarm job numbers for the Pittsburgh region were up again, increasing by 12,700 in September from September 2010. These numbers are stronger than all benchmark regions except Milwaukee, Boston, Cincinnati and Minneapolis. Pittsburgh numbers were particularly strong in goods producing, wholesale trade, education and health services, and natural resources, mining and construction. Government jobs in the Pittsburgh region declined by 4,600 year-over-year.


Natural Resources, Mining and Construction, September 2011
Natural resources, mining and construction Jobs in the Pittsburgh region increased by 6.5% year-over-year.


Housing foreclosure rates continue to be low in the Pittsburgh region.  According to RealtyTrac, in the third quarter of 2011, there were 1,434 foreclosures in the Pittsburgh region, or 0.13 percent of all housing units, the lowest total number and lowest rate of any of our benchmark regions.


In addition, housing values in the Pittsburgh region continue to appreciate.  Pittsburgh was the only region to have positive appreciation over the 12-month period ending June 30th.  Pittsburgh was also the only region to have positive appreciation over a five-year period ending June 30th.




Doug Heuck

Program Director
