
| Alternative Medicine in the News October 2010 edition 96 published weekly |
Dr Johanna Budwig (1908-2003) |
Whether you are a practitioner or a patient, dear reader, this is an email you must file for reference.
The Flaxseed (Linseed) oil diet was originally proposed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and expert on fats and oils, in 1951.
Over the years Dr Budwig cured thousands of cancer patients. As to be expected, she was attacked by the medical community a number of times. None of the cases brought against her succeeded.
The primary ingredients to the diet are Linseed seeds, linseed oil and "quark" - a german soft cheese. This cheese can be easily homemade or cottage cheese orricotta cheese can be substituted. Linseed and Linseed oil can be found in the health food shops of which our major Kenyan supermarkets have branches. So it could even be ordered through those outlets. In other words, this diet can be followed by anyone.
Short Background Dr Johanna Budwig by Dr. Lloyd Jenkins Naturopathic Doctor of the BUDWIG CENTER of Europeon
I personally visited Dr. Johanna Budwig in her clinic/home in August 2000. Dr. Johanna Budwig was born 30 September 1908, died 19 May 2003. When I saw her in the year 2000 she would have been 91 or 92 years of age. Judging by her stamina and coherent manner I would have predicted that she would have easily reached the 100 years of age mark. Unfortunately she tripped and fell in her own home and never recovered from that accidental fall.
She was a genius and it is no wonder that she was a seven-time alternative Nobel Prize nominee. Her legend lives on as people overcome cancer and other serious illnesses uses as bases of their treatment, the famous Budwig Muesli comprised of flaxseed oil and quark (cottage cheese).
I found her to be very alert and focused during our discussions. When she answered my questions she looked me straight in the eye and spoke in a clear and methodical manner. It was with deep interest as I listened to Dr. Johanna talk about her incredible health breakthrough of when she discovered the powerfully healing nature of essential fatty acids on all manner of degenerative diseases including cancer.
Dr. Budwig told me how she found that cancer patients typically had an odd greenish-yellow substance in their blood, instead of normal amounts of hemoglobin. She realized that this discovery undoubtedly explained why cancer patients are so often weak and suffering from anemia. Dr. Budwig also discovered that in general, blood that comes from a healthy person contains far greater levels of Omega 3 essential fatty acids than blood samples taken from someone who is ill. When she spoke of hydrogenated fats she was referring to the cooking oils sold in grocery stores. Most extract the oil from corn, sunflowers, plants, etc by using extreme heat and chemicals. They are no longer alive but dead oils that cause death to the user. They also are very tough (dead) oils in that they have a 20-year shelf life. These oils get into our cell membranes (where cholesterol should be) and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate.
What is her background? Dr. Budwig was a qualified pharmacologist, chemist and physicist with a doctorate in physics who worked as the chief expert-consultant for drugs and fats at the former Bundesanstalt fur Fettforschung (Federal Institute for Fats Research).
Dr. Budwig was not only a researcher but also a writer. I recall seeing numerous books and documents lining the book shelves as she toured me, along with another doctor who came with me, Dr. Raymond Hilu and our translator. It seemed to me that in every room I walked into there were books and documents piled here and there. She authored numerous books (among them Cancer - The Problem and The Solution, Das Fettsyndrom [The Fat Syndrome, discussing the links between fats and next to all diseases of the heart and lung as well as cancer], Krebs, ein Fettproblem [Cancer - A Fat Problem, on the right choice and use of fats], Der Tod des Tumors [The Death of the Tumor], as well as numerous scientific papers and treatises in which she published her findings on the critical importance of the right fatty acids and the deleterious effect of the wrong fats on human health.
Three of her works "FlaxOil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, And Other Diseases" , "The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook" and the above-mentioned "Cancer - The Problem and The Solution" have been translated into English.
The former, though a slender volume of only about 60 pages, is "packed with the most clear thinking on the genesis of serious diseases and health recovery" including healing cancer.
Its not surprising that in her time, she attacked the cancer industry. She had a very strong and determined character, to say the least. She attacked the cancer industry for their approach. "It is not correct to regard the problem of tumours simply as a problem of too much growth and thereby to instigate all manners and means of growth inhibiting treatments" Said Dr. Budwig
She gave numerous conferences and of course The Central Committee for Cancer Research were not happy with many of her statements which finally lead to their taking court action against her.
In court, the judge, after having reviewed the evidence from both sides, pulled the cancer research people aside and told them not to take on this woman. The court records quote the presiding judge: "Doctor Budwig's documents and papers are conclusive. There would be a scandal in the scientific worlds, because the public would certainly support Doctor Budwig."
The Budwig Diet http://www.budwigcenter.com/anti-cancer-diet.php Dr Johanna Budwig
The Budwig Center teaches the Budwig diet founded by German biochemist Johanna Budwig. The Budwig Diet has been successfully helping people with Cancer, Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Multiple sclerosis, Heart Disease, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne and other illnesses and conditions.
To start the diet, you will need to have 3 appliances:
- A coffee bean grinder to grind the flaxseeds.
- An immersion hand-held blender (a stick-shaped mixer) It's important to use an electric mixer rather than stirring by hand.
- A juice Machine. A masticating type juicer is said to give a more healthful juice than a centrifugal type. If you do not have this type of juicer the BUDWIG CENTER can help you locate one.
Budwig Diet Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese (FOCC) or quark:
Generally, each tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (FO) is blended with 2 or more tablespoons of low-fat organic Cottage Cheese (CC) or quark. [Didi: In Kenya I recommend Brown's cheeses, particularly the Ricotta. Brown's are organic products]
Note: Whenever Tablespoons are mentioned it is the standard US tablespoon which is the equivalent of the British "dessert" spoon.
1 US Tablespoon = 15 ml and 1 British Tablespoon is 18 ml - 16 tablespoons = cup and 4 tablespoons = 1/4 cup.
- To make the Budwig Muesli, blend
- 3 Tablespoons (British dessert spoons) of flaxseed oil (FO) with
- 6 Tbps low-fat(less than 2%) Quark or Cottage Cheese (CC) with a hand-held immersion electric blender for up to a minute
- If the mixture is too thick and/or the oil does not disappear you may need to add 2 or 3 Tablespoons of milk (goat milk would be the best option).
- Do not add water or juices when blending FO with CC or quark. The mixture should be like rich whipped cream with no separated oil. Remember you must mix ONLY the FO and CC and nothing else at first. Always use organic food products when possible.
- Now once the FO and CC are well mixed grind 2 Tbps of whole flaxseeds and add to the mixture. Please note that freshly ground flaxseeds must be used within 20 minutes after being ground or they will become rancid. Therefore do not grind up flaxseeds ahead of time and store.
- Next mix in by hand or with the blender 1 teaspoon of honey (raw non-pasteurized is recommended)
- (Optional) For variety you may add other ingredients such as sugar free apple sauce, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon juice, chopped almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews (no peanuts), pine kernels, rosehip-marrow. For people who find the Budwig Muesli hard to take these added foods will make the mixture more palatable. Some of our patients have even added a pinch of Celtic sea salt and others put in a pinch of cayenne pepper for a change
- (Optional) Dr. Harvey Diamond who wrote a book on the importance of "food combining" and other experts recommend not mixing fruit with other foods (they say to eat fruit on its own on an empty stomach and wait 10 minutes before eating other foods) If however you do not have any digestion problems you may want to add various fruits, especially berries fresh or frozen. No more than 1 cup of fruit should be added.
- (Optional) Add ground up Apricot kernels (no more than 6 kernels per day). Or you may decide to eat these apricot kernels on their own
Nausea - Some people get nausea from the ground flaxseeds, to counter this by taking a small bowl of papaya immediately afterwards. Also put a lot of papaya into the morning muesli too, it may be there is a special enzymes in the papaya that quells the nausea.
The basic rule with the Budwig diet is "if God made it then its fine and try to eat it in the same form that God made it". Here are some foods that many are not sure of, but they are accepted on the Budwig diet.
- Stevia, raw non-pasteurized honey, dates, figs, berry and fruit juices serve as sweeteners - no other sweeteners are permitted
- Herbs in their natural form (pure nothing added)
- All nuts (raw unroasted) are fine except peanuts
- All seeds good, sunflower seeds are very complete and filling
- Raw un processed cocoa, shredded (unsweetened coconut) and rose hip puree
- Cup of black tea is accepted (coffee beans are toxic and not recommended)
- Any flour is permissible as long as it's 100% whole grain. Corn is generally believed by the group to be an exception because of mold/fungus and genetic manipulation
- 2 or 3 slices of health food store pickles (no preservatives! - read label!)
- Freezing cottage cheese /Quark as well as fruits and vegetables is ok.
- VERY IMPORTANT: The flaxseed oil must always be kept in the refrigerator. It will keep for 12 months in the freezer. Arrange to purchase as direct as possible from a manufacturer (like Barlean's) and when it arrives put it right away in the refrigerator. Or arrange with the local health shop to keep a supply in the refrigerator for you.
- Drink only distilled water or reverse osmosis water
According to Dr. Budwig, restrictions are:
- NO hydrogenated oils, NO trans-fats, (cold pressed sunflower seed oil is a better choice than olive oil)
- NO animal fats NO pork (pigs are the cleaners of the earth and their meat is loaded with toxins. ham, bacon, sausages, etc should be avoided)
- NO seafood (lobsters, clams, shrimp, all fish with a hard shell are cleaners of the sea and are loaded with toxins..)
- White regular pasta is eliminated, as is white bread, (Spelt pasta and bread is a better choice than wheat as many cancer patients have an intolerance to wheat, whole Rye, Oat, Multigrain bread is good. Corn is very discouraged (because of mold and genetic modification issues).
- NO ice cream or dairy products (other than the cottage cheese and some cheese)
- NO cane sugar, white sugar, molasses, maple syrup, Xylitol, preservatives
- NO processed foods (NO store bought pastries), make your own with our recipes
- NO Soy products (unless fermented or used for 2 or 3 weeks at the beginning if you cannot tolerate the cottage cheese)
- Avoid pesticides and chemicals, even those in household products & cosmetics. Good old vinegar, as well as baking soda are excellent household cleaners (look on the Internet for more info)
- NO microwave, NO Teflon or aluminium cooking ware or aluminium foil. We recommend and provide during your stay at Budwig Center enamel cooking ware. Stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, glass and corning cooking wear are fine.
Dr. Budwig warned against using her protocol in conjunction with other therapies that could go against the benefits of her formula. Oxygen therapies, Laetrile (Vitamin B17 injections), Vitamin C infusions and most supplements should not be combined with the program. Check with the Budwig Center if you are not sure.
ENJOY SOME SUNSHINE - RELAX After sunbathing, as recommended by Dr. Budwig here is what some people on the program have said: "We all felt an increased feeling of general well-being, a feeling of lightness, more energy, better circulation, when in the sun, I felt the healing power of the sun affecting my skin much differently than before. Also, every week or two, I become aware of feeling better in different ways."
"Old aches go away, my skin improves and I am able to do things better."
One woman felt so good with the flaxseed oil, cottage cheese and sunbathing that she introduced it to her children and said that right away she could see improvements in their skin tone. As she spoke, I saw that her own skin had more color and was radiant. And this was only about two days after she started on our program!
We want you to get a reasonable amount of sunshine everyday that you can. One of the significant aspects of Dr. Budwig's work is that she has discovered, (or rather rediscovered) the affinity of the human body with the sun. If the body has the right balance of oils and proteins, it has a magnetic field (MORE on the importance of Magnetic Therapy later on) which attracts the photons in sunlight and thus is open to the healing powers of the sun.
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Ginger effectively relieves even severe muscle pain, new research shows
Forget the aspirin and Big Pharma pills for your muscle pain. According to a new study just reported in the Journal of Pain, published by the American Pain Society, daily doses of raw or heat-treated ginger effectively relieve muscle aches and discomfort -- and that includes even severe pain following strenuous exercise.
For centuries, ginger has been used by practitioners of Chinese medicine and by traditional Indian and Japanese healers to treat a host of conditions including vomiting and nausea, chronic coughs, morning sickness, gastrointestinal complaints and migraine headaches. It has also been used to treat both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. However, Western medicine has only recently started to seriously study the medicinal qualities of ginger.
So far, several studies have shown that ginger appears to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties similar to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but without the side effects (which can include gastrointestinal bleeding and ulcers). In one study, taking a daily dose of ginger (30 to 500 mg.) for four to 36 weeks successfully reduced knee pain in people suffering from osteoarthritis.
Now, in new research from the University of Georgia and Georgia College and State University (GCSU), scientists have found even more evidence that ginger is a potent muscle pain reliever. The scientists worked with seventy-four student volunteers who were divided into three groups. One group was given raw ginger, one group received heated ginger and the third group received a fake ginger placebo.
Muscle pain was induced in the volunteers by having them perform 18 eccentric muscle exercises. Then the research subjects were tested on 11 consecutive days to see if those taking the ginger had reduced muscle aches and pains. And they did -- dramatically. The results showed that both raw and heat-treated ginger lowered muscle pain intensity by 25 and 23 percent, respectively.
More breaking ginger news: in a study just reported in the journal Pediatric Blood and Cancer, researchers from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi have documented that ginger significantly reduced nausea and vomiting in children subjected to chemotherapy for cancer. In addition, new research published this month in the journal Molecular Vision suggests ginger may prevent or delay the development of cataracts in diabetics.
For more information: http://ampainsoc.org/press/2010_jop... http://www.naturalnews.com/025930_h... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/... http://www.naturalnews.com/ginger.html
Mobile phones responsible for collapse of honeybee populations?
In spite of industry claims to the contrary, cell phone towers may indeed be contributing to the collapse of honeybee populations, according to the findings of a study conducted by researchers from Punjab University in India and published in the journal Current Science.
"Increase in the usage of electronic gadgets has led to electropollution of the environment. Honeybee behavior and biology has been affected by electrosmog since these insects have magnetite in their bodies which helps them in navigation," the researchers wrote.
Honeybees play a major role in pollinating some of the world's most important food crops. Populations have been steadily falling across North America, Europe and some other parts of the world, raising alarm for reasons of both ecological health and food security.
Numerous studies have aimed to uncover the reasons for the decline, and most scientists are now blaming a combination of pesticides, disease and habitat loss. In the new study, researchers sought to determine whether cell phone radiation might play a role by attaching two mobile phones to one beehive and attaching two dummy phones to a control hive. The active phones were then powered on for two 15-minute sessions each day for three months.
"There are reports of sudden disappearance of bee populations from honeybee colonies," they wrote. "The reason is still not clear. We have compared the performance of honeybees in cell phone radiation exposed and unexposed colonies."
At the end of the study period, the number of eggs laid by the queen had dropped significantly in the cell phone-fitted hive, and production of honey had ceased. The overall population of bees also decreased, as did the number of workers returning from foraging trips. The absence of workers in turn led to an overall drop in nectar production.
"The behavior of exposed foragers was negatively influenced by the exposure; there was neither honey nor pollen in the colony at the end of the experiment," the researchers wrote.
Sources for this story include: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wi....
Doctors do the worst thing possible with wounds and injuries
If you go to your doctor with a wound or a sports injury, he will do the very worst thing for you - he will try to reduce the inflammation. But don't blame him, it's the way generations of doctors have been taught at medical school, and only this week researchers have discovered the therapy is wrong.
Doctors have always been taught that it's important to reduce the inflammation as quickly as possible - but researchers have now discovered that it's nature's way of healing damaged muscles.
Faced with an acute muscle injury caused by trauma - such as a sports injury - or by chemicals, infections or drugs, the doctor usually prescribes an NSAID drug in order to reduce the inflammation. Once the inflammation is under control, the wound will begin to heal, he says. But what he's been taught is the exact opposite of the way the body works. Inflammation is an important part of the healing process, as researchers from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio have revealed this week.
Inflammatory cells around an acute muscle injury produce a high level of a growth factor that naturally increases the rate of muscle regeneration, they have discovered.
(Source: FASEB Journal, 1 October 2010; doi: 10.1096/fj.10-171579).
TV food ads promote unhealthy eating habits
A person who ate only products advertised on television could get an entire month's worth of sugar in a single day, according to a study conducted by researchers from Armstrong Atlantic State University in the Savannah, Ga., and published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
"Just one advertised food item by itself will provide, on average, three times your daily recommended servings of sugar and two and half times your daily recommended servings of fat," said lead researcher Michael Mink.
The researchers recorded 84 hours of prime time broadcasts on ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox over the course of 28 days, plus 12 hours of Saturday morning programming. In that time, more than 3,500 commercials were aired, over 600 of them for food products. In contrast, none of the 116 public service announcements aired concerned nutrition.
Researchers used a computer program to analyze the nutritional content of the more than 800 individual food items advertised, then constructed a 2,000 calorie diet of only these foods. This hypothetical diet was then compared with government dietary guidelines.
The TV diet provided 20 times the recommended amount of fat and 25 times the recommended amount of sugar, as well as too much protein, sodium, saturated and cholesterol. It provided too little in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables, resulting in only 55 percent of recommended calcium intake, 50 percent of recommended magnesium and insufficient levels of vitamin E, potassium and fiber.
"The thing that really struck us is that this is a double whammy," Mink said. "You're getting too many of the things that are associated with a higher risk of illness and too few of the nutrients that are associated with protecting us from illness. It's the worst combination."
The food industry spent more than $11 billion on television advertisements in 2004.
Sources for this story include: http://health.usnews.com/health-new... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/08/h... http://news.discovery.com/human/tv-....
You don't have to hurt as you age! Eat broccoli and avoid arthritis
Over 21 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from the most common form of arthritis -- osteoarthritis. Primarily associated with growing older, the condition is marked by the wearing away of cartilage, the cushioning between the bones in the joints. As osteoarthritis gets worse, the cartilage disappears and bone rubs on bone, producing pain and swelling. Mainstream medicine offers symptomatic relief -- but no cure -- with medications including liver damaging acetaminophen (Tylenol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen which, long term, can cause ulcers and bleeding; some NSAIDs may increase the risk for heart attack and stroke, too.
But despite the view of many that osteoarthritis is an inevitable part of aging, researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) believe they are hot on the trail of a way to prevent this form of arthritis from developing in the first place. The potential solution? A natural, bioactive compound called sulforaphane that is found in cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli.
The UEA scientists have already discovered sulforaphane blocks the enzymes that cause joint destruction in osteoarthritis. Now the same researchers are launching a new and groundbreaking project to investigate how sulforaphane may act to slow or even prevent the development of osteoarthritis. This initial study will pave the way for additional patient trials that could lead to safe and natural ways of preventing and treating this painful disease.
In a statement to the media, the UEA research team noted that broccoli has previously been associated with a reduced risk of cancer. But their study is the first major research into its effects on joint health. As part of their three year long project, the UEA scientists will also investigate the impact of other natural compounds on osteoarthritis -- including diallyl disulphide, a component of garlic that appears to slow the destruction of cartilage in laboratory models.
As reported previously in NaturalNews, phytochemical compounds in cruciferous vegetables are turning out to be remarkably powerful disease fighters and health builders. For example, scientists at Ohio State University's Comprehensive Cancer Center at Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and the Richard J. Solove Research Institute have discovered that a substance in broccoli and Brussels sprouts specifically blocks the growth of breast cancer cells
Other research has concluded eating broccoli can protect against asthma, too (http://www.naturalnews.com/025771_b...).
For more information: http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/home/home.aspx http://www.naturalnews.com/broccoli... http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/...
Namibian women subjected to forced sterilization by doctors after HIV diagnosis
(NaturalNews) Three Namibian women have filed a lawsuit against the country's government, claiming they were sterilized at state-run hospitals without their informed consent after being diagnosed with HIV.
"HIV-positive women are holding the health system accountable for the wrongs done to them," said Veronica Kalambi of the Women's Health Network.
The plaintiffs are represented by the Legal Assistance Center, which says it has collected evidence of 15 such forced sterilizations since 2008. The three women are seeking one million Namibian dollars (U.S. $130,000) in damages.
"We want a health system based on human rights which promotes equality for all," said Amon Ngavetene of the Legal Assistance Center.
According to Ngavetene, women in Namibia who are diagnosed with HIV are often urged by their doctors to undergo sterilization operations. The women are not always given a clear explanation of the risks and consequences of the procedure, nor of the alternatives available (such as drugs) to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus. In addition, doctors do not always take into account pre-existing conditions that might make the sterilization more dangerous.
All these problems are exacerbated by communication barriers in a country with 11 indigenous languages.
Hundreds of people marched in support of the women in the Namibian capital of Windhoek, as well as in South Africa, Zambia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Supporters also held sit-ins at two of the hospitals accused of performing the procedures.
According to protest organizer Vicky Noa, women deserve "peace of mind that if you have HIV you can still go to the hospital and be treated with dignity and equality."
"If we were scared that we might be sterilized, we will not use the hospital services as much," she said. "We do not want to be denied the right to motherhood."
According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS, one in five Namibians, or 200,000 people, have been diagnosed as HIV positive.
Sources for this story include: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/af... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap....
Coconut Recipes: Enjoy the Milk and Oil of the Coconut
(NaturalNews) The health benefits of coconuts are well documented. Delicious sliced open on the spot for a refreshing drink and satisfying snack, coconuts are also dried for use in a variety of meals and dishes. Coconut oil is an excellent and healthy ingredient in shakes and smoothies. Try some of these international soup, main course and desert recipes that incorporate the milk or oil of coconuts.
African Coconut Cream and Banana Soup Ingredients: 1 dozen small green bananas 2 cups home made chicken, fish or vegetable stock 1 cup coconut cream 1 small onion, chopped Fresh hot chili, to taste
Method: 1. Peel and grate the bananas or puree in a blender, if preferred, then mix with the stock. 2. Saute the onion and chili until soft. 3. Mix all the ingredients together and heat but do not allow to boil. 4. Decorate with fresh parsley or coriander.
Main Course Using Coconut Milk Many people confuse coconut milk with the liquid found inside a coconut, which is coconut water. Coconut milk is extracted from the meat of coconuts. The fresh meat can be squeezed directly (usually referred to as coconut cream) or it can be grated, mixed with hot water and then squeezed, making a thinner coconut milk. It can easily be made at home or it can be purchased at stores, canned or frozen.
Spicy Potato Curry with Coconut Milk Ingredients: 3 cups potatoes, cut into cubes 1/2 cup coconut cream, 1/2 cup coconut milk 1 small onion, chopped 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 sliced red chilies, or more, to taste 2 tablespoons olive oil
Method: 1. Fry the cumin seeds, onion and chilies until the onion is soft. 2. Add potatoes and then stir in the coconut milk. 3. Simmer on a low heat until potatoes are soft. 4. Add the coconut cream and seasoning, to taste. 5. Bring to a boil, allow to cook at a high heat for a minute or two, and then turn off the heat. 6. Serve hot with brown rice.
Coconut Oil and Strawberry Smoothie Healthy strawberry smoothies are packed with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that come in a whole-food form. Combined with coconut oil, a strawberry smoothie is rich and filling enough for a complete meal. Ingredients: 1 cup fresh strawberries 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1/3 cup raw almonds, soaked 1 and 1/2 cups water
Method: Blend until smooth and strain to remove almond meal.
Sources: http://www.antioxidants-for-health-... http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/ http://www.nursingdegree.net/blog/3...
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