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December 20, 2011 

Bells and Whistles     


Ever wonder why jingle bells rock? Perhaps because acoustical and audio engineers have developed technologies to help control noise and enhance the listening experience. Sound absorbers, noise barriers, and silencers for ventilation systems are just some of their ear-friendly innovations. This week's activity will ring your rock stars' chimes. Happy holidays!


Lesson: Sound Booth Construction 


sound booth In this activity, students in grades 7-9 explore the sound-dampening capability of materials by designing and prototyping model sound booths. They learn about how sound is reflected and absorbed, and how it travels through various materials, providing an overview of sound dampening propagation in the context of engineering.


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Feature: The Real Story of Auto-Tune  


Rapper T-Pain Auto-Tune is a type of sound-editing software responsible for the electronic warbling that makes many of today's popular music artists sound robotic. But it's not just a fun effect applied to vocals. The tech behind it is a powerful tool created by an engineer looking for petroleum reserves deep under our oceans. Take that, T-Pain!





K-12 News: Nearly Half of Schools 'Failing'

classroomNearly half the nation's public schools failed to meet federal benchmarks this year, up from 39 percent in 2010 and marking the largest washout rate since the No Child Left Behind Law took effect a decade ago, a new national report calculates. That's still well below the 82 percent failure rate that U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan predicted earlier this year, but the nonpartisan Center for Education Policy's findings still indicate an alarming trend.   


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Coming in June: K-12 Teachers' Workshop  

workshop Saturday, June 9, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas. This day-long program for teachers and engineering educators offers a fast-paced and exciting overview of engineering education resources for the classroom. You'll discover valuable best practices, new contacts for collaboration, and the latest take-away tools for effective teaching about engineering education. Count on a full, fun and motivating day! See last year's program and highlights.    






For Navy-related student research opportunities, check out the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) and the Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP).


egfi 5th edition What do the blockbuster "Avatar," high-performance sports gear, Angry Birds phone app, and pollution-eating bacteria have in common?  


They are among a host of cool innovations developed by engineers and featured in the new fifth edition of the American Society for Engineering Education's Engineering, Go For It magazine.  


The kid-friendly magazine is part of ASEE's campaign to inspire more K-12 students, particularly young women and underrepresented minorities, to pursue engineering majors and careers.


Now available in our store! 


About the eGFI Teachers' Newsletter


Delivered each week to your email inbox, our newsletter is packed with lesson plans and activities, resources, feature stories, and the latest developments in K-12 engineering education. eGFI is part of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a non-profit organization committed to enhancing efforts to improve STEM and engineering education.   

American Society for Engineering Education 

1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600

Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20036
