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March 22, 2011 

Hoops and Heaps of Learning  


When Shakespeare warned about the ides of March, he didn't have college basketball in mind. But hoops fans know all about the season's twists of fate. Cinderella teams, humbled heroes -- the NCAA's annual "March Madness" tournament beats even the Bard for drama. The game is as much science as art, however, as your Air Jordans will learn in this week's activity. Extra credit: Have them figure their hot teams' free-throw percentages in this year's Big Dance.


Lesson: The Physics of Basketball


Basketball PhysicsBasketball not only is fun to play or watch--it packs a lot of math and science in each move. What forces are acting on the ball? How does spin or pivoting affect accuracy? In this lesson, developed by NPR's Talking Science with U.S. Naval Academy physicist John Fontanella, students will learn how physics affects the game.  


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Feature: An Engineer on England's Court

British Basketball EngineerWhat does basketball have in common with engineering? Plenty, if you're Rhodes Scholar Reed Doucette, 25, a former University of Southern California player now pursuing a doctorate in mechanical engineering at Oxford University in England. For both, says the 6-foot-6 forward, a solid grasp of basic skills and hard work are part of the game, but so is the chance to learn from failure.

K-12 News: Suspect Test Scores   


Scantron Bubble TestA USA Today examination of test scores in six states and the District of Columbia uncovered 1,610 examples of gains on state test scores that were so striking as to be questionable. 



To follow the Elementary and Secondary Education Act's overhaul, visit ESEA Watch.


Coming in June: ASEE's K-12 Teachers' Workshop


k12workshopSaturday, June 25, 2011 in  Vancouver, B.C., Canada. This day-long program for teachers and engineering educators from Canada and the United States offers a fast-paced and exciting overview of engineering education resources for the classroom. You'll discover valuable best practices, new contacts for collaboration, and the latest take-away tools for effective teaching about engineering education. Count on a full, fun and motivating day!


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Our Facebook page for teachers is a great way to learn about contests, web resources, K-12 education news and lesson plans. It also offers a great way to interact with other STEM teachers across the nation--and around the world. Whether you're looking for a cool activity to engage your students or wrestling with rubrics, our Facebook community can help.   


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About the eGFI Teachers' Newsletter


Delivered each week to your email inbox, our newsletter is packed with lesson plans and activities, resources, feature stories, and the latest developments in K-12 engineering education. eGFI is part of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a non-profit organization committed to enhancing efforts to improve STEM and engineering education.

American Society for Engineering Education
1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20036
