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February 22, 2011 

A Little Goes a Long Way  

sunscreen at beach


Sunshine can lift winter spirits, but skin still needs protection from UV rays.In Australia, high skin cancer rates compel students to slap on hats and sunscreen at recess year 'round. Now comes nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter at the tiniest molecular level. It's used in developing scores of surprising products--including sunblock, as this week's activity reveals. Will your sun worshippers see promise or peril? Speaking of summer, check out these cool engineering programs for students and  teachers, including one sponsored by ASEE . 


Lesson: Explore Nano Sunblock 


nano lessonSunblocks containing nanoparticles are one of the most common applications of nanotechnology. In this quick, hands-on lesson using everyday materials, students in grades K-12 compare sunblock containing nanoparticles to those that do not and learn how nanoparticles are used to help block harmful rays from the sun.


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Feature: Peril in Small Places

teddybearMore and more consumer products are being developed using super-small particles, but is nanotechnology safe? This article examines the steps scientists are taking to find an answer, including research that already has revealed some startling and complicated results.

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K-12 News: E-Books for All Students? 

AppleFarewell, bulky backpacks--at least in Florida. State education officials recently rolled out a five-year proposal that calls for all K-12 students to use only "electronic materials" delivered by Kindles, iPads and other similar technology by 2015.

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To follow the Elementary and Secondary Education Act's overhaul, visit ESEA Watch.

Extra! Watson Humbles Humans     

Watson2It may just be the greatest man vs. machine matchup since chess champion Garry Kasparov squared off against Deep Blue. This week, the two most celebrated and successful players in Jeopardy history matched wits in a three-day competition against  Watson, an IBM supercomputer, and, as many predicted, the artificial intelligence program won by a landslide.


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kids' bookJust in at the eGFI store, "If I Were an Engineer" is a fun, colorful rhyming book that introduces engineering to kids from ages 5 to 8. Click the link to check out sample pages as well as our new introductory kit (one book, one mag, a pack of cards & poster). Limited quantities, so get 'em while they're hot!

Sample pages 

Buy the kids' book or intro kit


teacher fb 2February marks National Engineers Week (Feb. 20-26), and we plan to celebrate the entire month by giving away a pack of our eGFI cards to one lucky Facebook fan each week.


Our Facebook page for teachers is a great way to learn about contests, web resources, K-12 education news and lessons plans. It also offers a great way to interact with other STEM teachers across the nation--and around the world. Whether you're looking for a cool activity to engage your students or wrestling with rubrics, our Facebook community can help. 

So, become a fan now! 


About the eGFI Teachers' Newsletter


Delivered each week to your email inbox, our newsletter is packed with lesson plans and activities, resources, feature stories, and the latest developments in K-12 engineering education. eGFI is part of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a non-profit organization committed to enhancing efforts to improve STEM and engineering education.

American Society for Engineering Education
1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20036
