eGFI logo for teacher newsletter
January 25, 2011 

Fair Thee Well  

science fair


'Tis the season for science fairs, when classrooms sprout cardboard jungles--and students sweat the details. Did you know this tradition only took root after 1942, with the first Science Talent Search? By now, science fairs are a high point of the school year around the country, and Google is launching a global online version (check out their amazing Rube Goldberg-like video). Projects need not be exotic to teach complex concepts. Let your Curious Georges monkey with bananas. See who gets DNA!


Science Fair Winner to Join Michelle Obama at State of the Union


Lesson: Extract Banana DNA


bananaIn this lab activity, students in grades 5 through 9 use a salt/detergent mixture to make a piece of a banana water-soluble. Then they add cold ethanol to precipitate a froth of white DNA from the solution. With careful technique, the slender threads are wound onto a glass rod for observation of deoxyribonucleic acid, the blueprint of all organisms.

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Feature: Fired Up Teens

makers faireThousands throng to Maker Faire, an annual Bay Area celebration of hackers, inventors, and do-it-yourself creators. Now, middle and high school students are joining in. One result: Saphira, an 8 1/2-foot-tall, fire-breathing dragon.

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K-12 News: Starring on YouTube: Math

math doodlingVi Hart has an audacious career ambition: She wants to make math cool. In November, she posted a video about doodling in math class. More videos followed, including one about drawing stars and another about prime numbers. By now, they've gone viral, viewed more than a million times. 


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teacher fb 2February marks National Engineers Week (Feb. 20-26), and we plan to celebrate the entire month by giving away a pack of our eGFI cards to one lucky Facebook fan each week.


Our Facebook page for teachers is a great way to learn about contests, web resources, K-12 education news and lessons plans. It also offers a great way to interact with other STEM teachers across the nation--and around the world. Whether you're looking for a cool activity to engage your students or wrestling with rubrics, our Facebook community can help. 

So, become a fan now! 


kitClassroom-ready and teacher-approved, these K-12 teacher kits make learning about engineering fun!

eGFI Teacher Kits include:

* 20 eGFI magazines -- our award-winning, comprehensive 64-page introduction to engineering
* 5 sets of eGFI cards -- 16 cards explain the major engineering disciplines, with a thought-provoking question about each field. An extra card provides ideas for using these materials in the classroom.
* 1 eGFI classroom poster -- a large 3x2 foot poster with illustrations of the most popular engineering disciplines
* 1 bonus teacher guide -- 6 pages of engaging classroom activities using the eGFI magazine, cards, and website

A $133 value -- just $99.95!
Order kits for your classroom today! 

Buy the kit

About the eGFI Teachers' Newsletter


Delivered each week to your email inbox, our newsletter is packed with lesson plans and activities, resources, feature stories, and the latest developments in K-12 engineering education. eGFI is part of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a non-profit organization committed to enhancing efforts to improve STEM and engineering education.

American Society for Engineering Education
1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20036
