On Hold Messaging Association
August 2010
Welcome to On Hold Messaging Association
              Save the Date:      April 14 - 16, 2011
OHMA 11th Annual
 International Conference
SHERATON WESTPORT HOTEL Lakeside Chalet,  St. Louis, MO
The 2011 OHMA conference will be held side by side with the International Business Music Association (IBMA).
Who is IBMA? " The IBMA's mission is to promote and maintain cooperative efforts among business music providers, equipment manufacturers and retail installers. The IBMA works to advance its members mutual interests, provide information and education needed for the successful operation of their companies and promote the use of high business standards and sound business practices."
Association exclusive workshops as well as joint sessions will be offered. OHMA members will experience an expanded trade show opportunity.
 Centrally located for affordability and ease of access.  More information in the coming months. Mark your calendars now.
4 'musts' that turn first-time buyers
into repeat customers
April 1, 2010 by Ken Dooley
Posted in: In this week's e-newsletter, Latest News & Views, Sales & Marketing
What does it take to turn first-time buyers into repeat customers? A study by the Forum Corp. identified four key dimensions of service most important to first-time buyers. 
1.      Reliability. The ability to provide what's promised dependably and accurately is listed as the No. 1 requirement for first-time buyers. They have no patience for salespeople who over-promise, don't meet expectations or fail to inform them of possible problems. Some salespeople spend months pursuing a new customer but fail to ensure that initial orders are fulfilled in a satisfactory manner.
2.      Assurance. They expect salespeople to have the knowledge and the expertise to meet all of their requirements. Prospects want to be convinced that you and your company are dependable. Their first order is a trial. How you handle it will determine whether they will become repeat customers.
3.      Empathy. Prospects will be measuring the degree of caring and individual attention you provide after they place the first order. They like to feel they're doing business with you, a salesperson, and not just your company.
4.      Responsiveness. Prospects expect quick reaction to a request or a problem. They also expect salespeople to try to make sure that problems don't occur in the first place. Once prospects are convinced they can rely on the responsiveness of the salesperson, there's a good possibility they will become repeat customers.
Customer loyalty is hard-won 
Customer loyalty is hard-won and mostly driven by the quality of the salesperson. The ultimate question is: How can a salesperson determine what his or her customers value most so as to satisfy their expectations and turn them into repeat buyers.
The following actions may help you convert first-time buyers into repeat customers:
- Seek customer feedback early and respond quickly. Follow up the first sale with some form of customer contact soon after delivery. Try to pinpoint any problems immediately. Satisfied customers want a positive response when they run into problems or have serious questions.
- Maintain communication with the decision-maker. Some salespeople make the mistake of dealing with the day-to-day users in a customer's organization and ignoring the original decision-maker. It's a good idea to maintain contact with your decision-maker if only to get his or her feedback.
- If you make a mistake with the first order, admit it right away. Don't try to place blame or cover it up with excuses. The customer knows what's going on and will be looking for your reaction. Once you admit the mistake, start talking about solutions.
- Come up with new ideas for new customers. You have experience and knowledge. You know what's happening in your industry and your customer's needs. Make a serious effort to share your thoughts with new customers.
- Don't take a customer's loyalty for granted, especially when dealing with a first-time buyer. The key to customer loyalty is not just by providing a quality service or product, but how you service and support it. Meeting customer expectations in a first sale may not be enough. First-time buyers want to know you care.  For loyalty to endure, it must be noticed and acknowledged.

The Forum Corporation is a world-wide sales training organization that helps organizations transform their sales force, refocus on customers and develop leaders at all levels.
A Guide for Business
Most companies keep sensitive personal information in their files-names, Social Security numbers, credit card, or other account data-that identifies customers or employees.
This information often is necessary to fill orders, meet payroll, or perform other necessary business functions. However, if sensitive data falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to fraud, identity theft, or similar harms. Given the cost of a security breach-losing your customers' trust and perhaps even defending yourself against a lawsuit-safeguarding personal information is just plain good business.
A sound data security plan is built on 5 key principles:
1. Take stock. Know what personal information
you have in your files and on your computers.

2. Scale down. Keep only what you need for
your business.

3. Lock it. Protect the information that you keep.

4. Pitch it.  Properly dispose of what you no
longer need.

5. Plan ahead.  Create a plan to respond to security incidents.
Use the checklists on the following pages to see how your company's practices measure up-and where changes are necessary. You also can take an interactive tutorial at www.ftc.gov/infosecurity.
I own a small business. Aren't these precautions going to cost me a mint to implement?

No. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to data security, and what's right for you depends on the nature of your business and the kind of information you collect from your customers. Some of the most effective security measures-using strong passwords, locking up sensitive paperwork, training your staff, etc.-will cost you next to nothing and you'll find free or low-cost security tools at non-profit websites dedicated to data security. Furthermore, it's cheaper in the long run to invest in better data security than to lose the goodwill of your customers, defend yourself in legal actions, and face other possible consequences of a data breach.

Why Join an Association? 
You may ask yourself, why should I join an association such as the On Hold Messaging Association?  Our lives are hectic enough already, there just doesn't seem to be enough time. The reality of it is, time spent bettering yourself or your company is time well spent, and membership dues are but a drop in the bucket for what you get out of association membership. Whether you are a small operation or a large enterprise, association membership benefits everyone. 
Membership in a professional organization is an investment in your professional credibility.

It's an investment in personal development, and growth.

Membership is a way to stay connected to fellow owners and managers who are going somewhere, and don't mind sharing knowledge on the journey.

The Key is Networking
The key to belonging to an association is networking with your peers. Not only does it provide the opportunity to meet individuals who share a common interest; it can also spark the beginning of a new friendship. After all, one can never have too many contacts in the industry.
Newsletters provide Useful Information
Most associations provide a newsletter, whether it's weekly, monthly or quarterly. Within the pages are priceless information touching on all the topics that affect the industry - equipment, new trends, background history, environmental, managerial, legal and financial issues as well as technical information. You can find news on upcoming meetings, new standards, employment issues and more. The OHMA newsletter keeps its members informed on the latest developments among association members as well. 

Website Access to great resources:
          -Certified Installers
          -VoIP Resources 
         -Discount on MARCE awards entry fee
         -archived copies of past association newsletters
         -List of Regular and Affiliate Members/Manufacturers...and more!
Special Events Offer Many Benefits
Many associations have frequent meetings to discuss topics of concern to their membership.   A massive amount of information, company promotion and networking takes place thru meetings.

If you have questions about being a member or how you can better benefit from membership, contact [email protected] or the OHMA Membership Chairperson, Justin, at  845-346-4653 or [email protected].
Issue: 2, Vol. 4
In This Issue
- 4 "musts" that turn . . . into repeat customers
- Protecting Personal Info . . . A Guide for Business
- Why Join an Association?
Member Happenings 

 - Audio Messaging Solutions, LLC honored as the 36th fastest growing business in the Tampa Bay area.
 - Amir Watkins/Watt Media writes blog article:Phone Systems with T1 Lines Pose New Challenge for On-Hold Messages: http://bit.ly/8Zvenu
- Pete Turpel/Phone On Hold and 2010 chairman of the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce writes letter to the Editor at the Ventura County Star on healthcare reform; check it out:
You Still Have Time to Get HIRE ACT Tax Credits for Hiring Workers
Thursday August 5, 2010
The tax credits for employers under the new HIRE Act of 2010 (better known as the "Jobs Bill")  seem to be working to increase hiring of previously unemployed workers.  The HIRE Act provides employers an incentive to hire workers who have been unemployed for 60 days or longer by exempting wages paid to these workers from the employer's 6.2 percent share of Social Security payroll taxes for the remainder of the year.  The HIRE Act also allows employers to claim a tax credit of up to $1,000 for each newly hired qualifying worker who is retained for one year.
For more information click here 
On Hold Messaging Association