March 2010
Dear Friends, 

"When you quiet your mind you stop thought; when you stop thought, you stop resistance; when you stop resistance--then you are in a state of allowing"


      Zero Balancing is one form which facilitates this state of no thought. It is often observed to induce an expanded state of consciousness which allows for a deeper level of healing and alignment. This deep level of bringing thought into form from a clear and empty place, opens up all possibilities.


                                                     We are offering several upcoming classes:

A Review Day on march 20th - open to anyone who has studied Zero Balancing.

Zero Balancing I - April 30th through May 2nd -  a class open to anyone interested in learning more about this work and how it facilitates one's own and other's healing.

Geometry of Healing - June 16th through 19th - am advanced class for anyone who has taken ZBII. This is an opportunity to begin to work in the fields in which we live.

         So the offering is to meet life without stop and allow and as Gangaji says -
"Let the life that is living this life, live it. When you let life live itself, you are actually surrendering yourself".

Thank you and many blessings,
