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Advancing the discipline of risk management in public education.
In This Issue
Go for Two
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Genesis Underwriting Mgt.


Company Nurse

Target Safety

Norman Peterson & Assoc.

Selective Insurance


Core Management Resources Group

Alternative Service Concepts

School Bus Safety Company

Pittman & Company

MicroAssist, Inc.

 Bickmore Risk Services

York Risk Services Group


DuPont Training Solutions powered by Coastal

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 School Risk Groups
Florida School Boards Insurance Trust
Minnesota School Boards Insurance Trust
New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal
Schools of Ohio Risk Sharing Authority
Pennsylvania School Boards Association Insurance Trust

Six other school risk groups have joined these founders.
 School Districts

City of Atlanta, GA
City of Chicago, IL
Clark County, NV

City of Cleveland, OH 

Dekalb County, GA
Fairfax County, VA

 Francis Howell, MO
Fulton County, GA
Miami-Dade, FL
Rockdale County,GA
San Francisco USD, CA

Wake County, NC 

Other districts that are direct or associate members now number more than 2,300.

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December 3, 2010                        Special Edition No. 2                

Risk management is... a vital business process that inspires confidence and builds resiliency.
Go For Two
Two hands,  two sides of a coin, two heads are better  than one.   Measuring twice and cutting once. Checking a list twice.
Risk managers do a lot of reconciliation work that requires appreciating both sides and more than one opinion.  They also balance direct and indirect costs for optimal results.  Dealing with paradox is also part of the job -- when two seemingly contradictory statements are actually both true.  Charles Handy, a professor at the London School of business says "living with paradox is like riding a seesaw."   This is the joy of school risk management.

Two risk managers can usually learn from each other. "Learning by contrast and comparison, says Charles Handy,  concentrates the mind wonderfully and gets the conceptual juices flowing. Our eyes get opened when we see others do it, compare it with the way we do it, and force ourselves to explain the difference."  
An astute risk group executive also noted out, " the second mouse always get the cheese."  

Did you know that there are two distinct school risk groups in Oklahoma with nearly identical names? One has "insurance" in its name, the other has "assurance."  The coverage lines complement each other.    In some states there are two risk groups that work side by side to create a total risk management service.

The effective risk manager may take the road less travelled by. 
We learn from risk managers that it pays to  look  closely at both choices, to check and recheck.   Two roads may look very much the same.  Risk managers help us evaluate strengths and  weaknesses. They consider the odds.   There are even times when they may say it makes sense to go for two. 

Public School Risk Institute
Please call or send us a note with your comments and suggestions about this newsletter and any projects you would like to see us undertake. We also want to receive school contact names, contacts with organizations you believe may want to be involved, and material for the new website resources. We hope you find the Institute's newly updated website useful.  Please visit regularly and let us know how we can support your efforts to advance risk management.  Your input and feedback is greatly desired and appreciated.

Lee Gaby, Executive Director 
Public School Risk Institute
NEW Phone  (706) 715-3381 Ext. 701