Radcliffe Choral Society News
RCS in Pictures!

'Cliffe Notes performing in the fall, "Where the Wild Things Jam".  Preparing to seranade our RCS Sweetheart, Josh Feng!  Eagerly awaiting the start of the Christmas Concert  Caroling at Christmascue  RCSers and Jim enjoying the last Christmascue ever!
Check out our website for concert and ticket information, music samples, and more!
Greetings, Alumnae!
may be the first time that some of you have received a newsletter from
the Radcliffe Choral Society in some time; with the help of both
alumnae and current singers, RCS has recently finished a database
expansion project. Each academic year you can expect to
receive both electronic and paper newsletters containing updates on the
Choral Society's current endeavors as well as invitations to alumnae
This spring offers a variety of exciting opportunities for you to connect with fellow alumnae and current singers. Those
in the Boston area are invited to sing together (with a brief rehearsal
beforehand) for residents of an assistant living facility in Cambridge
on Sunday, February 28; more details can be found here. Thanks
to the success of a current fundraising campaign among recent graduates
(Classes 2004-2009), receptions for alumnae and current singers will
take place following RCS' spring tour concerts in Washington, D.C.,
Philadelphia, and New York City. Read RCS Tour Manager Joan Xu's letter below for more information.
but certainly not least, you should have recently received a special
invitation to a Holden Choruses reunion from April 30-May 2 in
Cambridge, in honor of Jim Marvin's retirement. The weekend will include an RCS Alumnae Brunch on Sunday May 2; families welcome! You can find out more about the weekend, including the brunch, and register for both events at http://www.tingbonggoo.com/holdenmrc/register.
Friends of the Radcliffe Choral Society, RCS' alumnae foundation, is
dedicated to the support of the current Choral Society and to the
strengthening of the RCS community. Please visit http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~rcs/alumnae.html for more information about the group and activities, and feel free to contact us at friends@radcliffechoralsociety.org with any ideas or questions.
We look forward to seeing many of you this spring!
Liz Bedell '89 (Co-President)
Cara Ferrentino '08 (Co-President)
Marianne Cook '02 (Vice President of Alumnae Affairs)
Deepa Dhume '05, (Coordinator of Alumnae Activity for Spring Tour 2010)
Jaime Leifer '01 (FRCS Marvin Retirement Representative)
A Letter From Our President
we enter 2010, I have the honor of writing to you all about our incredibly
successful first semester and our exciting upcoming events. Our year started
with a fun-filled retreat with the Glee Club, a beautiful fall concert with
Collegium, and our annual Christmas concert with the Glee Club. In late January
we joined the Glee Club and Collegium for a weekend-long retreat to continue
work on our combined work for the end of the year, a commissioned work by
composer Robert Kyr.
the start of second semester, RCS was one of a very few groups selected to
participate in the benefit concert Harvard for Haiti which was broadcasted live via the
internet and which raised $36,000 for Partners In Health to help them in their
relief efforts in Haiti. RCS was thrilled to be able to participate in this
very special and important effort.
are now preparing for our spring concert with the Glee Club and the Spelman
College Glee Club. We are excited to be able to combine with the Spelman Glee
Club after having such a positive experience with them last March on our spring
tour to Atlanta. Additionally, we are looking forward to our spring tour to
Washington D.C., Philadelphia and New York. We hope to see many of you who live
in the areas at our concerts and alumni receptions. Tour is not only an
opportunity for us to bond as a choir, but also to reconnect with you, our
wonderful alums! We will close the year with a weekend-long Holden reunion in
honor of Jim Marvin's retirement after 32 years at Harvard.
am so proud of what RCS has already accomplished this year, and I know there
are only more positive experiences to come. I look forward to sharing those
experiences with you as the year continues!
Emily Pierce
RCS President,
RCS performs at Harvard for Haiti
The Radcliffe Choral Society's most recent performance was an
unanticipated one, following the tragic earthquake in Haiti. The
Boston area has a large Haitian population, and the earthquake has
elicited a strong response from the Harvard community. Shortly after
the earthquake hit, a dedicated group of undergraduates led by Glee
Club and Harvard Black Student Association member Barthalomew Sillah
'12 teamed up with the Office for the Arts to organize a Harvard for
Haiti benefit concert to raise money for Partners in Health. Partners
in Health is a charitable medical organization affiliated with the
Harvard Medical School that has been providing quality medical care and
mobilizing communities in Haiti for over twenty years. The Harvard for
Haiti benefit concert, which took place on February 12th, featured
choral groups, student soloists, student dance troupes, a presentation
by Partners in Health, and speeches by President Faust and College Dean
Hammonds. RCS, conducted by Assistant Conductor Beth Willer, performed
three pieces with themes of suffering, hope, and prayer. The concert
raised over $36,000 for Partners in Health.
See a video of the benefit concert here: http://specialevents.isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k65327&pageid=icb.page301262
Beast of the East Spring Tour 2010
Dear Alumnae,
Are you
READY? In 3 weeks, the women of RCS will be coming down to D.C., Philly and
NYC! We definitely, definitely want to see you at our concerts! And
we will be having a post-concert alumnae reception in each city!
Here is our tour schedule:
Saturday, March 13th - 8:00pm
Universalist National Memorial Church 1810 16th St. Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20009
Alumnae reception to follow
Monday, March 15, 7:00pm
Walt Whitman High School 7100 Whittier Boulevard Bethesda, MD 20817
Wednesday, March 17, 8:00pm
Church of the Holy Trinity 1904 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19103
Alumnae reception to follow
Thursday, March 18, 2:00pm
St. Paul's Chapel (Affiliated with Trinity Church, not Columbia University) 209 Broadway New York, NY 10007
Friday, March 19, 8:00pm
Broadway United Church of Christ 2504 Broadway New York, NY 10025
Alumnae reception to follow
Please contact me with any
questions, comments or suggestions at joanxu@fas.harvard.edu. We can't wait to see you!
Sincerely, Joan
Spring 2010 Concert Schedule
Junior Parents Weekend Concert Radcliffe Choral Society, Harvard Glee Club, and Spelman College Glee Club Kevin Leong & Jameson Marvin, conductors Saturday, March 6, 8:00PM | Tickets: $20
Tour to New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. Kevin Leong, conductor Friday, March 13 - Sunday, March 21 | Tickets: Free
Arts First: A Cappella Repetetoire & Festive Concerti by Heinrich Schütz with the Harvard Glee Club and Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum featuring the premiere of Robert Kyr's composition in honor of Jameson Marvin's 32 years as Directorr of Choral Activites at Harvard University Jameson Marvin, conductor Friday, April 30, 8:00PM | Tickets: $28, $24, $18
All concerts are at Sanders Theatre unless otherwise noted. Tickets are available through the Harvard Box Office.
We're really excited about our projects this year. As you may know, in order to fund
them we rely on the generosity of our alumnae. If you are interested in donating, you can donate on our website's donation page, or by sending a check in the
mail. Even small sums help enormously!
Write to Us! Write to us with stories, questions, updated contact information...
Radcliffe Choral Society Co-Historians: Candace Munroe and Kristina Yee historian@radcliffechoralsociety.org Radcliffe Choral Society Holden Chapel, Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138