Radcliffe Choral Society News
 Spring e-newsletter                                                    
                                                                March, 2009
RCS Sanders 09/08
In This Issue
Alumnae Brunch Review
Beethoven's Missa Solemnis
Listen to RCS!
Spring Tour, 2009!
Festival Review
Recital Review
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Visit our Website!
For sound clips, our concert season, past newsletters, contact information and news updates, be sure to check out our website for up-to-date information anytime!

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Alumnae Brunch!


The Friends of RCS wish to thank all the alumnae who joined us for our reunion brunch to celebrate the Women's Choral Festival. We had a great time seeing so many friendly faces and look forward to future alumnae events!

alum brunch

RCS alumnae reconnected and shared RCS  memories from tours to retreat parties.

Jim brunch

Jim also came to reminisce with alumnae!

Kavita brunch

Current RCSers and alums mingled and connected to share their stories.

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Photos of the Christmas Concert and Holiday Activities

xmas concert

RCS and HGC rehearse for the Christmas Concert in Pleasant Street Congregational Church, Arlington, MA.

secret snowflake

RCSers exchange secret snowflake gifts before the Christmas Concert in December.


RCSers and Holdenites singing carols through Jim's neighborhood for "Christmascue"

RCS Sanders 09/08 Letter from our President
Dearest Alumnae,

As RCS moves further into the spring semester, I am happy to get the chance to reflect with you upon all that we have accomplished thus far, and all that is still to come!  Our most recent endeavor was February's Festival of Women's Choruses, which was a great success.  The diversity of the repertoire and sheer volume of talented treble singers was astounding, and I could not help but feel proud to be a part of such an enriching community.  In an effort to enhance communication amongst women's choirs, RCS held a student management meeting, at which leadership of some of the participating high school and college choirs came together to share ideas and work to push our organizations further.  In addition, to stimulate more connection with alumnae, the Friends of RCS hosted an Alumnae Brunch, which was incredibly fun and rewarding!  As past members reconnected with their friends, and current members connected with past RCSers for the first time, we all joined together with the common bonds of a passion for singing and a great love for RCS.  Many alums expressed their enthusiasm for such events, and so RCS and FRCS are making it our goal to create many more similar opportunities in the future!  With our Spring Tour to Georgia and Tennessee a mere two weeks away and with excitement building for the Missa Solemnis performance in May, RCS is in a wonderful place as far as morale and looks forward to the bonding experiences that are soon to come.  As always, we are so grateful for our wonderful alumnae network and graciously thank you for your enduring support.

Erin McKenna '09
President, Radcliffe Choral Society
Beethoven's Missa Solemnis
Friday, May 1st at  8pm,  Sanders Theatre

Don't miss out on the Radcliffe Choral Society's last concert of the year: a joint Holden performance of Beethoven's magnificent Missa Solemnis with full orchestra and professional soloists for Arts First at Harvard.

Tickets can be purchased through the Harvard Box office,
either through their website or at 617-496-2222.
   Listen to RCS!
Click on the links below to hear recordings from our most recent Fall concert, "Autumn Evensong", performed on November 8th, 2008 with the Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum.

Hosanna from Missa O Admirabile Commericium, Palestrina
Kevadtuul from Kevadkillud, Tormis
Lehtivad Pungad from Kevadkillud, Tormis
Ca' the Yowes, Scottish folksong arranged by Jameson Marvin for RCS
Spring Tour, 2009!

RCS cannot wait for our Spring Break tour to Georgia and Tennessee this March!
Below is our final concert itinerary - as always, we would love to see alumnae support at our tour performances! For more information about our tour, see our tour webpage.
You can also contact our tour manager, Nora Barr '10, at tour2009@radcliffechoralsociety.org

Radcliffe Choral Society and the Spelman Glee Club
Saturday, March 21
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Sisters Chapel, Spelman College Campus

Radcliffe Choral Society
Sunday, March 22
Time: 10:30 AM (Worship Service)
Location: St. John's United Methodist Church

Radcliffe Choral Society and Lee University
Monday, March 23
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Dixon Center for the Performing Arts, Lee University Campus.

Radcliffe Choral Society
Tuesday, March 24
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: University of Tennessee at Knoxville, James R. Cox Auditorium

Radcliffe Choral Society and Vanderbilt University's Concert Choir
Friday, March 27
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Christ the King Catholic Church
3001 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37212
RCS at festival Festival of Women's Choruses Review
A Community of Women's Choruses

This past February 27th and 28th saw the culmination of a year's worth of work on RCS's Festival of Women's Choruses, 2009 - an event that featured eleven other choirs (youth, high school, college, and professional) as well as publishers and composers from all over New England. 

With three concerts; a round table discussion between composers, publishers and conductors; a student management meeting; a seminar on healthy choral singing; a read-through session of new music; and many opportunities to mingle and interact with the other choirs, the Festival was an exciting and enriching success!  Many of the choirs came early or left late in order to hear other performances, and it was incredibly rewarding to be able to share our common love of women's choral music with so many other people.  Conductors were thrilled to listen and learn from what their colleagues demonstrated with their choirs, and everyone - from the composers and publishers to the singers themselves - learned what a strong community women's choral music shares. 

This was the largest endeavor that RCS has ever taken on to bring together people who contribute to and share a love for women's choral music, and it certainly paid off. After attending all three concerts, I can truthfully say that I had no idea how deep the genre of women's choral music truly is, and I am so excited to further explore many of the composers that I heard over the weekend, from the 11th century through the 21st. 

Perhaps most inspiring was knowing how women's choral music - and, in fact, any type of music at all! - can cross boundaries so easily.  RCS had the wonderful opportunity to meet and spend time with other choirs through housing two of the choirs, the two receptions, the Saturday breakfast and lunch, the reading session, and the student management meeting.  This is truly what the Festival of Women's Choruses was about: sharing our love for women's choral music with such a passionate group so that the Festival became a unifying event from which our community could learn and grow.

RCS would like to thank all our wonderful alumnae who participated in the weekend and supported us in this important endeavor. Your support is invaluable and allowed us to hold what was truly an enriching event for all those involved!

Kavita Kannan                                                      Above: RCS performs in Memorial Church
Manager Emerita, Festival Coordinator                            for Concert II of the Festival

Festival alums

Right: Some of the many RCS alums who supported RCS at
their performance for the Festival.

 Benefit Recital, 2009
 The Muses: Inspirational Women in History and Mythology

  recital soloists 2

The Choral Society was proud to hold its 4th annual benefit recital on Friday, March 6th, featuring RCS soloists as well as other talented female soloists from the Harvard community. The proceeds of the event, which was co-sponsored by the Harvard College Women's Center, will go towards our spring tour to Georgia and Tennessee. The event was a great success, showcasing RCS's solo talents and reinforcing RCS's ties within Harvard's community of female singers. We are thrilled that the Radcliffe Choral Society Recital has become an annual tradition, and are excited to continue providing a special performance venue for RCSers and Harvard female performers for years to come.

Above: the recital performers receiving roses after the concert. The recital featured RCSers Candace Munroe '10, Antonia Fraker '09, Kate Patrick '09, Anne Lewandowski '09, Samantha DeGennaro '09, and Kati Rogers NEC '10. The recital  was accompanied by the extremely talented RCSer, Julia Carey '08.
Contact Info
Questions, comments, compliments? Want to share an RCS story or give us your alumnae news?
Contact the Historians, Antonia Fraker and Anne Lewandowski, at historian@radcliffechoralsociety.org