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Ray of the Month


"Thoughts lead on to purpose, purpose leads on to actions, actions form habits, habits decide character, and character fixes our destiny."


 ~ Tryon Edwards

About Judy Kay...
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, broadening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and revitalizing doctor/team/patient relationships.  

- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.

- A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry.

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Judy Kay 2011 

Judy Kay Mausolf


Health Glow
 "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

~ Jim Rohn
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June 2012
A Habit
From Success!
  habit breaking

Make 2012 YOUR year to change!


It's never too late to have the practice you always wanted!  Don't waste one more day!  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to shine!


June - 2012 A Habit Away From Success.wmv
June - 2012 A Habit Away From Success.wmv
First Impressions


You have just heard the most fantastic speaker share a step-by-step process for 5 systems that will make your business thrive!  Instant success right?  Wrong!  The problem is we learn what we need to do to implement change but we don't learn what we need to do to sustain what we implement. 


All the good intentions and great ideas in the world won't make a difference if we can't sustain them!   



Key Success


Habits are the key to sustain change! 


Personal Inspiration


This month's newsletter is dedicated to forming new habits to sustain change!  The challenge with change and implementing something new is it takes us longer. We have to think about how and what we are doing. It can feel uncomfortable and awkward. We can no longer operate on automatic pilot. The minute we feel stressed or work gets chaotic we have the tendency to revert back to old habits. That is why if we want to sustain change long term it must become a habit.   


 "I am your constant companion. 

I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.  I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. 

I am completely at your command.





Half the things you do might just as well be turned over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed--you must merely be firm with me.   Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of all great people and, alas, of all failures,

as well.

Those who are great, I have made great.

Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person.  You may run me for profit or run me for ruin -- it makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet.  Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?

I am a habit!"


~ Author unknown



All my work is really built around what I refer to as the R.I.S.E. Philosophy.  It's a concept of best practices to help the entire team form habits that will empower them to rise to success.  A way for people think differently, act differently, make healthy decisions and create an environment they look forward to coming to work to every day...which results in ultimately growing their business.   R.I.S.E. is an acronym for Review, Introduce/Implement, Sustain, and Evaluate.  



Review - Have a team meeting and discuss what you are currently doing and WIIFTP&P (what's in it for the patients & practice) if you change! 



Introduce/Implement - Clearly define the process, system, or protocol to the entire team.  Establish as SOP (Standard Operating Procedures). 


Sustain - Be precise, consistent & realistic with routines & repetitions.   




Evaluate - Schedule regular check-ups to discuss what is working and what is not to continue to self-diagnose.





 habits - healthy




  Form habits to support your goals! 

Professional Inspiration  


You decide you want to start implementing taking IOC's (Intraoral Camera pictures).  Here is the 4 step R.I.S.E process to take your idea and turn it into a sustainable habit?


Step One Review -  Have a team meeting and review what you are currently doing and WIIFTP&P (what's in it for the patient and the practice) if you implement this new change.  People are motivated to do things based on what's in it for them!  The what's in it is better diagnostics, patient's can see what you see, greater case acceptance, and healthier bottom line just to name a few. 


Step Two Introduce/Implement - Clearly define the protocol.  For example, we will take IOC's on all new patients to establish a base line.  We will take IOC's on any existing hygiene patients who have unfinished treatment, new hard and soft tissue concerns, or who need base line photos.  We will have photos up on the screen ready for viewing when the doctor comes into the room for the exam. 


Step Three Sustain -  This is the most important step!  Be realistic and be consistent.  Ask yourself is it realistic to accomplish the new protocol with the time allowed, equipment available and current training etc.  If not, address the roadblocks.  Once all roadblocks have been addressed you are ready to implement.  Consistency is a must and expected by all.  Taking pictures on three out of five patients that fit the IOC criteria is not good enough.  If the protocol is not being implemented (5 out of 5 times), remind the team member in a supportive manner.  Old habits die hard and we all need an occasional reminder.  Continue doing the same process over and over until it becomes so automatic it becomes a habit!  Don't expect it to happen overnight.  Whenever we implement something new there is a learning curve and it may feel awkward or uncomfortable.  The time it takes to learn something new to the time it becomes a habit is the transition period.  The average time of a transition period is 66 days.  Precise and consistent repetition helps to shorten the transition period.  Informing the team that the discomfort is temporary during the transition period will help them to persevere.  The phrase, "Change is painful", is true, but it is only temporary!  


Step Four Evaluate - Schedule regular check-ups.  I suggest quarterly team meetings (in addition to regular monthly team meetings) dedicated to discussing what is working and what is not with your systems and protocols.  Evaluation will help you self-diagnose to continue to enhance and grow. 


  Baby steps



You have just learned how to form new habits in 4 easy steps that will help you R.I.S.E. to success!


Practicing Solutions


Judy Kay's book, "Rise & Shine; An Evolutionary Journey to Get Out of Your Way and On Your Way to Success" was a result of the philosophy she developed while working with dental teams for over 25 years.  Her book is a working manual that inspires but also practically spells out the steps truly successful people take to find amazing significance in life.



Some days you wake up ready to take on the world!


Other days, not so much. But you can make every day great. Rise & Shine! shows you how to

  • Overcome the beliefs that hold you back
  • Define the life you want to live
  • Create an awesome attitude that positively impacts everything you do
  • Relate successfully to others
  • Be consistent with your value system so your integrity radiates
  • Embrace gratitude and appreciate all life has to offer
  • Live in the moment and enjoy it 


Give yourself the gift of this book, read it, then apply what it says. And while you're at it, show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you by giving each of them a copy of this book too.


Today is the day to begin your new journey.  Today is your day to Rise & Shine!




Purchase 25 or more and receive a 25% savings!


To order your very own copy of Rise & Shine please visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsinc.Net click on Resources, or you may email Judy Kay at



2012 Speaking/Travel Schedule  

MDDS (Minneapolis District Dental Society), January 12, 2012, Minnetonka, Minnesota 


Patterson Dental, Practicing With the Master's Webinar, February 23, 2012


SCN (Speaking and Consulting Network), June 8-10, 2012 Charleston, South Carolina


NSA (National Speakers Association),  July 14-17, 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana


IACA (International Association of Comprehensive Aesthetics), July 26-28, 2012, Hollywood, Florida


Patterson Dental, August 29, 2012, Florida


AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), September 6-8, 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona


ADMC (Academy of Dental Management Consultants), October 16-20, 2012, San Francisco, California


GNYDM (Greater New York Dental Meeting), November 23-28, 2012, New York, New York

For more information on how you may attend a webinar or presentation please contact Judy Kay by emailing

Coaching Services!


Dentists/Owners/Managers email Judy Kay


to schedule a complimentary conversation! 

If you've ever felt:

...stressed from dealing with gossip, bad attitudes and employee conflict
...challenged to lead and sustain change
...frustrated trying to get everyone on board working together
...tired of the lack of accountability and ownership
...trapped in your role and unfulfilled at the end of your work day


Let Judy Kay help you build your business...
  • Around your core values
  • With a team that supports your goals & objectives
  • To communicate openly, respectfully, and confidently
  • To radiate enthusiasm and a positive attitude
  • To be patient focused versus task focused
  • To work together as a united team

Services Offered:

  • Coaching Programs
  • Coaching Workshops
  • On-site Training
  • Skype Coaching
  • Phone Coaching


Don't let 2012 be just another 12 months in your life!  Make it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results.  Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an AWESOME year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
     Judy Kay Arms out
Call Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
