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"The greatest management principle in the world is "the things that get rewarded and appreciated get done."
~ Michael LeBoeuf
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About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results. She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, broadening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and revitalizing doctor/team/patient relationships. - Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious. - A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry. Internal
Generate the
Judy Kay Mausolf
May 2012
The Fluff & Stuff
Make 2012 YOUR year to change!
It's never too late to have the practice you always wanted! Don't waste one more day! Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to shine!
Monthly Podcast & Video
| May - 2012 Fluff & Stuff of Appreciation.wmv |
First Impressions
This month's newsletter is dedicated to the Fluff & Stuff of Appreciation!

So often times people refer to appreciation as fluff a nicety and not a necessity! When in truth it is the stuff that helps nurture value and purpose!
Personal Inspiration
Do we really need to waste time showing appreciation to our team members? Aren't we all so busy! We can't stop what we are doing just to show appreciation! We've got things to do! They should just know that we appreciate them. If we didn't we would say something, right?
The sad part is appreciation is often not a part of our busy day-to-day work mode. On the level of importance, it is usually considered fluff stuff! You know things that are nice to do but not really necessary! The problem is we get so focused on checking off what we consider to be the important things we don't leave time for the fluff stuff-niceties in life. The niceties like please, thank you, that was awesome, I appreciate you...to name a few.
So why should we care? After all how important could appreciation really be? The truth is appreciation is not fluff but instead it is really the stuff that helps nurture our purpose and value!
When we don't show appreciation for others it seems as if we don't care what other people are doing. We are basically telling them that what they are doing doesn't matter all that much to us. After all, if it did matter, we'd notice it, wouldn't we? Since they are doing it, they obviously think it matters. Add in the fact that part of their purpose is connected with what they do, what else can they conclude but that we think they are not all that important or valuable. In essence when we don't show appreciation we are telling them they have no value or purpose!
Contrast that to acknowledging people's contributions and appreciating them for their efforts. That sends a completely different message. It shows the person that what they are doing is so important that we remember the little details. Not only that, if we are so excited about what they are doing, it must have similar effects on other people too. That must mean what they're doing is creating value for others. When they create value for others it gives them purpose. When we show appreciation we are telling them they have value and purpose!
Value & Purpose... Really
Professional Inspiration
We create a work environment that nurtures value and purpose when we show appreciation. What I refer to as a Kudos Environment! To create a Kudos Environment it is important to know and be aware what is good and right in your environment. Most people see what is negative and wrong in their environment. Instead focus on what is good and right and verbally reward each other with statements such as I am proud of you, great job, way to go, thank you, or just kudos. In a very short time everyone will begin to feel recognized, important, and cared about because they know they are being seen and praised on a daily basis. I love this kudos stuff because it really works. It only takes one person to get the ball rolling in the right direction. That person could be you! You don't need permission to start. You just start by rewarding what is good and right; good moods, positive attitude, even just a smile.
When I was a practicing administrator, I met a vibrant speaker by the name of Amanda Gore who shared the magic of her wand. I brought the wand back to our office and hung it on the wall in a central location. Whenever a team member witnessed another team member doing something they thought was either, good, positive or even just made them feel good; they would tap them on the shoulder with the wand. The wand made this wonderful, magical sound that could be heard throughout the office.
Before implementing the wand, the normal news that spread like wildfire was who did what wrong? After we implemented the wand, the news became who did what right! Wanding introduced fun and raised the morale instantly! Team members started looking for good attitudes and behaviors to wand. The focus of our entire team changed from what was wrong to what was right! To think it all started with something as fluff as a magic pink wand!
The next time someone does an action or behavior you appreciate implement the following steps:
- Show your appreciation as immediately as possible.
- If you have a wand, use it! (www.AmandaGore.com)
- Be specific. Avoid general clich�s and statements.
- Mention how the action or behavior was personally helpful or supports the team's vision, values, and purpose.
- Keep it brief. Long, detailed compliments can be uncomfortable and sound fake.
- Ask if there's anything you can do to provide further support or service to that person or team.
You will be surprised at how simply showing a little appreciation can raise of the performance bar in your office.

Practicing Solutions
Be happy and enjoy YOUR journey this year! Learn how to live a life YOU choose, read Rise & Shine! This is a working manual that inspires but also practically spells out the steps truly successful people take to find amazing significance in life!
Some days you wake up ready to take on the world!
Other days, not so much. But you can make every day great. Rise & Shine! shows you how to
- Overcome the beliefs that hold you back
- Define the life you want to live
- Create an awesome attitude that positively impacts everything you do
- Relate successfully to others
- Be consistent with your value system so your integrity radiates
- Embrace gratitude and appreciate all life has to offer
- Live in the moment and enjoy it
Give yourself the gift of this book, read it, then apply what it says. And while you're at it, show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you by giving each of them a copy of this book too.
Today is the day to begin your new journey. Today is your day to Rise & Shine!
Purchase 25 or more and receive a 25% savings!
To order your very own copy of Rise & Shine please visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsinc.Net click on Resources, or you may email Judy Kay at JudyKay@PracticeSolutionsInc.net.
2012 Speaking/Travel Schedule
MDDS (Minneapolis District Dental Society), January 12, 2012, Minnetonka, Minnesota
Patterson Dental, Practicing With the Master's Webinar, February 23, 2012
SCN (Speaking and Consulting Network), June 8-10, 2012 Charleston, South Carolina
NSA (National Speakers Association), July 14-17, 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana
IACA (International Association of Comprehensive Aesthetics), July 26-28, 2012, Hollywood, Florida
AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), September 6-8, 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona
ADMC (Academy of Dental Management Consultants), October 16-20, 2012, San Francisco, California
GNYDM (Greater New York Dental Meeting), November 23-28, 2012, New York, New York
Coaching Services!
Dentists/Owners/Managers email Judy Kay
at JudyKay@PracticeSolutionsInc.net
to schedule a complimentary conversation! |
If you've ever felt:
...stressed from dealing with gossip, bad attitudes and employee conflict
...challenged to lead and sustain change
...frustrated trying to get everyone on board working together
...tired of the lack of accountability
...trapped in your role and unfulfilled at the end of your day
Let Judy Kay help you build your business...
Around your core values -
With a team that supports your goals & objectives - To communicate openly, respectfully, and confidently
To radiate enthusiasm and a positive attitude -
To be patient focused versus task focused -
To work together as a united team
Services Offered:
- Coaching Programs
- Coaching Workshops
- On-site Training
- Skype Coaching
- Phone Coaching
Don't let 2012 be just another 12 months in your life! Make it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results. Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an AWESOME year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Call Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever! 612-701-4922 |