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"Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thoughts, and habits can be acquired. An action repeated becomes and attitude realized."
~ Paul Myer | |
About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results. She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, broadening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and revitalizing doctor/team/patient relationships. - Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious. - A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry. Internal
Generate the
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow |
"Attitudes are contagious - is yours worth catching?"
~ Unknown | | |
April 2012
Make 2012 YOUR year to change!
It's never too late to have the practice you always wanted! Don't waste one more day! Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to shine!
| April - 2012 Eliminating Toxic Attitudes.wmv |
Monthly Podcast & Video
Click on Toxic Attitudes to listen to this month's pod with additional thoughts! (under 3 minutes) |
First Impressions
This month's newsletter is about how you can eliminate toxic attitudes in your life!
Attention all drama queens, pot stirrers and problem makers!

This one is about you!
Personal Inspiration
Now for the rest of you that don't fit into the above three categories, think about your office for a moment. Do you have any team members with toxic attitudes? Any drama queens, pot stirrers or problem makers who make everyone else's life miserable and yet are unapproachable. Well if you do you're not alone.
Dental teams put up with toxic attitudes for lack of knowledge of what to do and lack of understanding the total impact they can have on a practice. Toxic attitudes spider web out and can poison the entire team and practice.
They impact open communication, patient experience, treatment acceptance, high performance, team work, enjoying your work day, lower stress, feeling happy, and of course a healthy bottom line just to name a few. Yet I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "but they are a great hygienist or a great assistant etc....I can't terminate them for only having a bad attitude. Oh really? Yes you can and you should!

One toxic attitude can poison the entire team!
Professional Inspiration
Here are 4 easy steps to help you eliminate toxic attitudes in your practice.
(Schedule a minimum of a 2 hours team meeting regarding toxic attitudes.)
The first step to end toxic attitudes...don't accept or allow them! At the team meeting discuss how toxic attitudes impact the office. Inform your team they will no longer be acceptable in the practice. Ask you team who would like to work in a toxic free environment? I speak and coach nationwide and I have yet to hear anyone say they want to work in a toxic attitude environment. However, if by chance someone does, I suggest you thank them for their services, hand them their check, and invite them to work somewhere else that supports toxicity!
Step two is to define what a toxic attitude looks like to avoid statements like, "I didn't know it meant that!" Utilize a large easel pad and write down all the ideas the team describes as a toxic attitude. Vote on and agree what constitutes a toxic attitude in your office. Create a list with the results and label it "Toxic Attitudes". Print out the Toxic Attitudes list, frame it, and hang it in view of the team (locker room, lunch room, doctor office, etc). The list is important to review whenever you hire someone new or whenever someone's behavior deems it necessary.
Step three is to establish consequences. Ask the team what they feel should be the consequences. Surprisingly enough many team members suggest harsher consequences than most doctors or managers expect. Have the team vote on it. The majority vote rules and becomes the Toxic Attitudes standard of protocol. Many teams choose the following standard of protocol for toxic attitudes.
- Start by a supportive reminder by the team member witnessing the toxic attitude asking or reminding the offender to stop.
- If the toxic behavior continues, the witnessing team member is to inform the doctor/manager.
- The doctor/manager is to follow a one, two, and three process.
- One is a verbal warning, two is a written warning, and three results in termination.
Step four is for the doctor or manager to actually follow through with the actions of the consequences. So often times we give warnings and don't follow through with actions. One manager gave an employee eight warnings! She finally stopped because she knew she would never be allowed to follow through with the actions. The employee continues to display the same toxic behavior because there were no consequences. The rest of the team is now frustrated with the lack of accountability and has lost respect for the management team.
Having a standard of protocol for toxic attitudes created by the team will make it easier for the doctor/manager to follow through with actions. Doctors and managers sometimes feel like the bad guy when they have to carry out what they consider tough actions. No one likes to be the bad guy. Knowing the team supports the protocol and the consequences makes it easier for the doctor and manager to follow through. It is amazing how well this works because now everyone on the team knows what is expected and what to expect.

Will it stop all the drama queens, pot stirrers or problem makers? No but it will stop the majority! Anyone knowing the consequences and still willing to challenge the standard of protocol not only has a toxic attitude they have their own agenda. A good team philosophy is for everyone on the team to support the team agenda instead of their own or they are welcome to join a different team.
In team surveys, one of the biggest frustrations team members have with management is their lack of creating accountability and holding everyone equally accountable. Having a standard of protocol for toxic attitudes will help to do just that. Eliminating toxic attitudes is Part One. Part Two is turning average attitudes into tremendous attitudes!
To learn more about how you can turn toxic attitudes into tremendous attitudes;
I invite you to read my book, Rise & Shine
An Evolutionary Journey to get Out of Your Way
and On Your Way to Success!
Practicing Solutions
Be happy and enjoy YOUR journey this year! Learn how to live a life YOU choose, read Rise & Shine!
Some days you wake up ready to take on the world!
Other days, not so much. But you can make every day great. Rise & Shine! shows you how to
- Overcome the beliefs that hold you back
- Define the life you want to live
- Create an awesome attitude that positively impacts everything you do
- Relate successfully to others
- Be consistent with your value system so your integrity radiates
- Embrace gratitude and appreciate all life has to offer
- Live in the moment and enjoy it
Give yourself the gift of this book, read it, then apply what it says. And while you're at it, show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you by giving each of them a copy of this book too.
Today is the day to begin your new journey. Today is your day to Rise & Shine!
To order your very own copy of Rise & Shine please visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsinc.Net click on Resources, or you may email Judy Kay at JudyKay@PracticeSolutionsInc.net.
2012 Speaking/Travel Schedule
MDDS (Minneapolis District Dental Society), January 12, 2012, Minnetonka, Minnesota
Patterson Dental, Practicing With the Master's Webinar, February 23, 2012
SCN (Speaking and Consulting Network), June 8-10, 2012 Charleston, South Carolina
NSA (National Speakers Association), July 14-17, 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana
IACA (International Association of Comprehensive Aesthetics), July 26-28, 2012, Hollywood, Florida
AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), September 6-8, 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona
ADMC (Academy of Dental Management Consultants), October 16-20, 2012, San Francisco, California
GNYDM (Greater New York Dental Meeting), November 23-28, 2012, New York, New York
Coaching Services!
Dentists/Owners/Managers email Judy Kay
at JudyKay@PracticeSolutionsInc.net
to schedule a complimentary conversation! |
If you've ever felt:
...stressed from dealing with gossip, bad attitudes and employee conflict
...challenged to lead and sustain change
...frustrated trying to get everyone on board
...tired of the lack of accountability and ownership
...trapped in your role and unfulfilled at the end of your day
Let Judy Kay help you build your business...
Around your core values -
With a team that supports your goals & objectives - To communicate openly, respectfully, and confidently
To radiate enthusiasm and a positive attitude -
To be patient focused versus task focused -
To work together as a united team
Services Offered:
- Coaching Programs
- Coaching Workshops
- On-site Training
- Skype Coaching
- Phone Coaching
Don't let 2012 be just another 12 months in your life! Make it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results. Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an AWESOME year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Call Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever! 612-701-4922 |