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Ray of the Month

"What if I told you that your every conflict, disappointment, struggle or challenge, with others or yourself, was merely a manifestation of what's going on within your own thinking... would you go there first to fix, mend, and allay?"


~ Mike Dooley

About Judy Kay...
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, opening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and revitalizing doctor/team/practice/patient relationships.  

- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.

- A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry.

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Judy Kay 2011 

Judy Kay Mausolf


Health Glow
"Many misunderstandings and conflicts come from expecting others to act, walk and talk like we do."
 ~ Christy Geiger
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February 2012
Eggshells & Elephants! 
  Eggs - 3

You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2012 YOUR year to change.  It's never to late to have the practice you always wanted!  Don't waste one more day!  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to shine!


Monthly Podcast & Video
Click on Eggshells & Elephants to listen to this month's pod with additional thoughts!
(under 3 minutes)

Click on VIDEO to see Judy Kay on YouTube!

First Impressions

It's the eggshells that create many of the problems in our dental practices today. What are eggshells? Eggshells are the fragile feelings that arise when we try to talk about the tough stuff to resolve conflict. These fragile feelings are a result of what we perceive based on our past personal experiences and not necessarily the other person's intent. Some of the fragile feelings I am referring to are; fear, anger, judgment, retaliation, desire to be liked, insecurity, nothing changes, hurt feelings, disrespect, it's not nice, or it's not my problem.





These eggshells stop many of us from addressing the elephants (the unstated issues or concerns) in the room. We create barriers between each other by laying our eggshells all around ourselves and worrying about stepping on those that others have laid around themselves. We believe if we talk about what is not working or what is a problem or a concern we will step on their eggshells. Almost everything becomes too uncomfortable or off-limits to discuss. So we don't! Instead we just keep everything inside to avoid the eggshells and the practice environment deteriorates. The chance to make good things happen, (better results, better relationships, and more responsibility) disappear. What appears instead is a herd of elephants. Everyone knows they are there and yet no one will talk about them for fear of stepping on an eggshell.

    Elephant Charging


The problem is, if we don't discuss the issues as they happen, they don't go away. Instead the issues become elephants and the herd continues to grow until it takes over the entire practice. We end up tiptoeing around each other's eggshells and pretending the elephants don't exist. Communication between team members becomes emotionally charged. The conflicts continue to grow; resolution becomes almost impossible. The office environment is stressful and negative. This emotional stress and negative environment can drive even the best of team members to leave the practice!


To overcome the eggshells we need to first acknowledge they exist. Have a team meeting to talk about the eggshells in the office. Have each team member identify which eggshells they surround themselves with most often. They are their hot buttons and can be set off very easily.


I recently held a team meeting where each team member identified their eggshells. There was a variety of answers; desire to be liked, hurt feelings, judgment, criticism, retaliation and nothing ever changes. They differ for each team member because of their past experiences.  


Once the eggshells have been identified discuss the importance of talking about issues as they happen regardless of their existence. This proactive communication helps to prevent and remove the elephants in the room. Reinforce the message; we are all working together towards the same goal of a healthy office environment. In order to accomplish this we have to give each other a break and believe that our other team members' intents are good. We need to talk about the issues even if talking about issues creates eggshells like judgment, being disliked or criticized. 


Orange Sad Face

Professional Inspiration  


We need to stop assuming we know what someone meant by their actions or words or the way they said something. Sometimes even what they say or the words they use can mean something different than what we believe them to mean. Approach with care and concern to help relieve tension and avoid defensiveness. Respectfully ask questions until you understand the other person's true intent. Once we understand each other's intent our trust grows and it becomes easier to talk about the issues and resolve conflict. Resolving conflict as it occurs will help to prevent elephants and promote a happy, healthy, high performing team environment.


    Woman Success 


Here are 10 easy steps to resolve conflict to prevent the eggshells and the elephants!

  • Set up time to meet with the person you have a concern or conflict with
  • Don't talk to anyone else about the conflict before you meet
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Be open - don't come to the table with the solution, you haven't heard their side yet
  • Don't personalize; instead of saying you did this, say this didn't work or I am not sure what you meant by....can we talk about it
  • Listen calmly
  • Focus on the solution; it will not be perfect for anyone, but can be good for everyone
  • If you can't resolve; all members involved meet together with whoever handles conflict resolution and agree on a solution
  • Hold each other accountable
  • Believe they have positive intent; old habits die hard, they may need a few reminders before the new attitude, behavior, or system stick

Now more than ever in our world we need to be able to depend on and help each other. To do this we need to be approachable to others.   Our coworkers, patients, colleagues, friends and family all need us and we need them. We can't expect to succeed on any significant level without working with other people.


If we create a situation where people worry about walking on our eggshells when they come to us (asking for help, guidance or a solution), eventually they'll stop walking on our eggshells and go to someone or somewhere else. We need to remove the eggshells around us and help each other make good things happen!


Practicing Solutions

Be happy and enjoy YOUR journey this year!  Learn how to live a life YOU choose, read Rise & Shine!


Some days you wake up ready to take on the world!


Other days, not so much. But you can make every day great. Rise & Shine! shows you how to

  • Overcome the beliefs that hold you back
  • Define the life you want to live
  • Create an awesome attitude that positively impacts everything you do
  • Relate successfully to others
  • Be consistent with your value system so your integrity radiates
  • Embrace gratitude and appreciate all life has to offer
  • Live in the moment and enjoy it 


Give yourself the gift of this book, read it, then apply what it says. And while you're at it, show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you by giving each of them a copy of this book too.


Today is the day to begin your new journey.  Today is your day to Rise & Shine!





To order your very own copy of Rise & Shine please visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsinc.Net click on Resources, or you may email Judy Kay at



2012 Speaking/Travel Schedule  

MDDS (Minneapolis District Dental Society), January 12, 2012, Minnetonka, Minnesota 


Patterson Dental, Practicing With the Master's Webinar, February 23, 2012


SCN (Speaking and Consulting Network), June 8-10, 2012 Charleston, South Carolina


NSA (National Speakers Association),  July 14-17, 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana


IACA (International Association of Comprehensive Aesthetics), July 26-28, 2012, Hollywood, Florida


AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), September 6-8, 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona


ADMC (Academy of Dental Management Consultants), October 16-20, 2012, San Francisco, California


GNYDM (Greater New York Dental Meeting), November 23-28, 2012, New York, New York

For more information on how you may attend a webinar or presentation please contact Judy Kay by emailing

Will 2012 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results.  Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an AWESOME year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
     Judy Kay Arms out
Call Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
