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Ray of the Month


"Leadership is not a formula or a program, it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the heart of others."

About Judy Kay...
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, opening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and revitalizing doctor/team/practice/patient relationships.  

- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.

- A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry.

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Judy Kay Coral Jacket 

Judy Kay Mausolf


Health Glow


"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it."


~ Dwight Eisenhower

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June 2011

Learning Leadership!

     Mount Rushmore


You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2011 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to shine!



Monthly Podcast & Video
Click on Leadership!
or the orange box to listen to this month's pod with additional thoughts!
(under 3 minutes)

Click on VIDEO to see

Judy Kay on YouTube!

First Impressions

This month's newsletter is on leadership.  Regardless of our position in life we all lead.  The problem for many of us is we don't necessarily know how to lead to get the results we desire.  This month will be dedicated to understanding and learning what it takes to be a successful leader.     
Elephant Charging



When asked if he thought leading by example was the most important quality of leadership, the great humanitarian. Albert Schweitzer thought for a second, and then replied, "No, it's not the most important one.  It's the only one."    


A client of mine recently said, "I don't like this whole leadership thing.  It is really uncomfortable for me to lead.  I don't like being the bad guy always telling people what to do"!  My response was, "Who said you had to be the bad guy and tell people what to do be a leader"?  I decided to ask other dentists what they thought leadership meant.  Here are some of the answers I received.   Leadership is:


         Telling people what to do

         Always knowing the answer

         Being the tough guy or gal with a strong resolve

         Making people do what you want them to do


In the dictionary, leadership is described as the ability to guide, direct, or influence people. doesn't say anything about being the bad guy, telling people what to do, always knowing the answer, being tough or making people do what you want them to do.  So where did these ideas about leadership come from?  Probably from an experience or two we had in life with someone that was supposed to lead us.  Leadership became either positive or negative based on our experiences.  Once we realize this is just another person's idea of leadership and not the bible of leadership we can redefine a style of leadership that works for us.







Even with all your ducks in a row, one will escape.  Leadership shows how you deal with it. ~ Kayla Fioravanti




Character Traits of a Successful Leader 

 Leadership has everything to do with character - who you are not what you do.  



Leaders must be honest, credible and completely trustworthy.  A person with integrity doesn't twist facts for personal gains, is willing to stand up for what is right, keeps promises, and can be counted on to tell the truth.  A person with integrity makes sound decisions, especially when faced with moments of indecision, temptation and conflict. Without integrity, no leader can be successful.


Respect helps create a culture of teamwork.  Leaders who demonstrate respect show a high regard for others, acknowledging their values.  Respect is important in all situations, especially during times of conflict or criticism.  It is important for leaders to develop and embrace the following qualities of respect: Empathy, Lack of Blame, Humility, and Emotional Mastery.


Leaders earn trust by relating to everyone in the office with understanding.  A person who demonstrates the core quality of empathy:

  • Understands others' points of view including those that are different from his or her own
  • Shows genuine concern for others
  • Listens with understanding
  • Exhibits respect even when he or she has nothing to gain from the relationship

Lack of Blame

Good leaders reflect honestly on their own behavior and can admit their mistakes.  They don't become defensive and blame others when things go wrong.  Rather than spending time assigning blame, leaders spend time fixing problems.  A person who demonstrates the core quality of lack of blame:

  • Admits fault when appropriate
  • Doesn't look for a scapegoat in a crisis
  • Spends time fixing problems, not assigning blame
  • Avoids "us vs. them" thinking


Leaders with humility shun pompous and arrogant behavior. They realize that we all fail.  People who demonstrate humility don't think less of themselves; they just think more of others.  A person with the core quality of humility:

  • Listens to others with an open mind
  • Doesn't brag or name-drop
  • Clearly sees and admits his or her limitations and failings
  • Shows vulnerability without fear

Emotional Mastery


"It is not the facts and events that upset man but the view he takes of them."  ~ Epictetus


Leaders who have developed emotional mastery recognize that controlling anger may be the most important aspect. Outbursts of anger can quickly destroy a sense of partnership.  A person with the core quality of emotional mastery:

  • Says what he or she thinks but never berates others.
  • Stays calm even in crisis situations.
  • Doesn't let anxiety interfere with public speaking or other critical tasks.
  • Reflects before reacting and consciously chooses an appropriate response. 



Leaders lead by example.  They don't ask others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves.  No task that needs to be done is beneath them to do.  The old saying, "Don't do as I do, do as I say," is not a part of their belief system.  A person with the core quality to lead by example:

  • Sets and maintains high standards
  • Does not allow double standards
  • Embraces and lives those standards   

Professional Inspiration  

Leadership is not about ordering or commanding someone to do something.  Our role as a leader is always-always - to keep our people cheered up, optimistic, and ready to play full-out in the face of change.  That's our job.  Many managers and doctors do not do this.  They see their role as babysitters, problem-solvers, and firefighters and so they produce babies, problems, and fires all around them. Leadership is about having clarity, confidence, passion and perseverance to lead others to achieve a certain outcome or goal.    
Learn Lead


Leaders must have clarity of the direction to go and what to accomplish.  Leaders who focus on the big picture and think in terms of what's in the best interests of the patients and the practice as a whole and not just what's in it for them.   


They have an understanding of and enthusiasm for the business as well as an understanding of their industry.  A person with the core quality of clarity:  

  • Makes decisions based on the best interests of the patients and the practice as a whole
  • Looks at the long term results instead of immediate
  • Realizes he or she represents the practice to the patients
  • Understands how what they do affects the entire team
  • Gathers information from the team when making decisions 



Leaders must be confident in their decisions and leadership.  Self-confident leaders recognize the value of building self-confidence in others.  A person with the core quality of self-confidence:    

  • Has a self-assured bearing
  • Exhibits flexibility and a willingness to change
  • Gives credit to others easily
  • Tells the truth without fear



Leaders must have passion to inspire others to follow.  Passion is what ignites the heart and soul.  A person with a core quality of passion: 

  •  Enthusiasm for life
  • Appreciates even the little things
  • Strong belief in their direction and journey
  • A purpose bigger than themselves 

"Passion then is when who we are on the inside shows through to the outside for others to experience." ~ John Crudele




Leaders who have perseverance do what needs to be done regardless of the difficulty.  They keep on keeping on.  They continue look for ways to succeed when they hit a road block.  They don't say "I will go half way if they will.  Perseverance leaders ask, what can I do now?  A person with a core quality of perseverance: 

  • Takes initiative to get things done
  • Keeps on keeping on with a can do attitude
  • Realizes there is more than one way to do things
  • Doesn't let fear of the unknown or fear of failure stop them
  • Takes personal responsibility for the practice's success. 


Practicing Solutions

Learn how to live a life you choose, read Rise & Shine!


Some days you wake up ready to take on the world!


Other days, not so much. But you can make every day great. Rise & Shine! shows you how to

  • Overcome the beliefs that hold you back
  • Define the life you want to live
  • Create an awesome attitude that positively impacts everything you do
  • Relate successfully to others
  • Be consistent with your value system so your integrity radiates
  • Embrace gratitude and appreciate all life has to offer
  • Live in the moment and enjoy it 


Give yourself the gift of this book, read it, then apply what it says. And while you're at it, show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you by giving each of them a copy of this book too.


Today is the day to begin your new journey.  Today is your day to Rise & Shine!





To order your very own copy of Rise & Shine please visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsinc.Net click on Resources, or you may email Judy Kay at



2011 Speaking/Travel Schedule  


ODA (Oklahoma Dental Association), April 30, 2011, Tulsa Oklahoma 


SCN (Speaking and Consulting Network), May 21-22, 2011 Dallas, Texas


PNDC (Pacific Northwest Dental Conference), June 17, 2011, Seattle, Washington


AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), September 8-10, 2011, Nashville, Tennessee


CDA (California Dental Association), September 23-24, 2011, San Francisco, California


Lakeview Health Services, November 3, 2011, Fairmont, Minnesota


GNYDM (Greater New York Dental Meeting), November 28, 2011, New York, New York

For more information on how you may attend a webinar or presentation please contact Judy Kay by emailing

Will 2011 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results.  Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an AWESOME year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 

Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
