Show Your Shine Header
Ray of the Month

"Human life is a journey whose end is not in sight. Searching, longing and questioning is in our DNA.  Who we are and what we will become is determined by the questions that animate us, and by those we refuse to ask.  Your questions are your quest.   As you ask, so shall you be."

~ unknown
About Judy Kay...
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, opening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and  revitalizing doctor/team/practice/patient relationships.  

- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.

- A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry.

              Generate the


Judy Kay Coral Jacket 

Judy Kay Mausolf


Health Glow


"Treat yourself as you are and you will stay as you are.  Treat yourself as you want to be and you will become it!"


~ Pat Heydlauff

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January 2011

New Year, New You!

     Fireworks 2011

  You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2011 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to maximize their performance and shine!


Monthly Podcast 
Click on New Year, New You!
or the orange box to listen to this month's pod!
(under 3 minutes)

First Impressions

This month's newsletter is dedicated to you and your journey to becoming your best you

It seems as if the universe was nudging me to write this newsletter.  I am currently reading the book, Put Your Dream To The Test, by John C. Maxwell.  He writes about the 10 questions to help You See It and Seize It!  This past week, Lorie Streeter and Heather Colicchio of AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers) asked me to present a webinar in January as a gift to inspire the members to succeed in reaching their dreams.  Lorie came up with a great title, New Year, New You!  I had also just finished reading What I Know For Sure, in the December issue of Oprah.  Oprah shared her thoughts on fulfilling the journey of doing better and being better at who we are.  So, without further ado this one's for you!   

 "Your life's journey is about becoming more of who you are." ~ Oprah Winfrey 

Sun Burst

"Today is a great day to show your shine!"
 ~ Judy Kay Mausolf

The quote above reflects the core of my belief system and is the compass of my life.  It is my mantra for serving others in this day, not waiting until the opportunity which may never come again.  I believe that every day I have the opportunity to be the best me, I can be.  Every day I have the opportunity shine.  Every day I have the opportunity to serve and impact others in a positive way to help them shine.

What quote or statement would reflect your core belief system, your compass in life, and your mantra for serving others?  Or what would like it to be?  Take a moment and think about it.  As important as it is to have a business vision statement, it is even more important for us to have a life vision statement for who we are now...and who we want to become.  It is what will help guide us in our decision making and help keep us on our path to fulfill our purpose in life.   

Here's the awesome but simple truth about our journey in life... in every breath we take we have the opportunity to continue to grow and change.  Yep, two words, grow and change, are the greatest gifts.  They are what allow us to continue to have a chance to be our best us!  To live a life we love.

Maybe some of you aren't necessarily thrilled with the role you are playing in your life right now.  You can change how you live your life.  Day dream for a moment.  Imagine, what would your life look like?  What would you like to be different?  What changes would need to occur?  What action steps would you need to take to make a difference?  

Professional Inspiration  

So now that you know your life vision statement!  How do you live it to make your dreams come true? 
Person on a Rock

It takes confidence to talk about your life vision and even more to pursue it.  Sometimes confidence separates the people who talk-the-talk from those who walk-the-walk.  Self-confidence is vital to success!  In other words, the more confidence you have in yourself, the less likely you are to sway in your beliefs and give in to the noise from others.   Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself...your strengths and overcoming your contrast to depending on affirmation of others. 

I remember when I was starting my business, Practice Solutions Inc..  I had advice on what the best, proper, or the only way to do things.  I realized quickly I had to decide what the core values of my coaching/speaking business would be to avoid having my business philosophy change daily on the whims and beliefs of others.  Much of the advice I received focused on monitoring numbers and the bottom line.  What rang true to me was to not focus on the bottom line.  To instead focus on happy and healthy doctor, team, and patient relationships built on trust and respect.  A healthy sustainable bottom line would be the result not the focus.  Yes, it would still be important to know, understand and monitor numbers, systems, and protocols to know the health of the practice.   However, the practice's success would come from the change in mindsets, attitude, and communication resulting in happy, healthy, high performing doctor, team, and patient relationships.

Initially, sharing our core beliefs and life vision can be intimidating.  Thoughts like, what if they don't like me, what if they laugh and make fun of me, or what if they don't accept me can haunt us. 

In reality, people are drawn to people who are the real deal.  Our sense of people's authenticity has an enormous impact on how much we trust them, how comfortable we are with them, and how willing we are to follow them.  Sharing our authentic self is a vital, essential piece to becoming true to ourself and our core beliefs.  When we share who we really are and what we are passionate about, our message comes across loud and clear and rings true!
Here is a step-by-step action plan to help you succeed.

  • Define your core beliefs and life vision. 
  • Make sure they are what you are enthusiastic about, and not someone else's dream. 
  • Share your life vision with others.
  • Clarify your goals and objectives for the year.
  • Know your strengths and the areas you need to grow.
  • Embrace daily habits that help you achieve your goals.
  • Surround yourself with people who inspire you.
  •  Develop strong relationships with others who have complementary skills to help you succeed.
  • Don't compromise your core beliefs, your health, or your family.
  • Challenge yourself to do difficult things to help you grow and change.
  • Focus on what you can do to benefit others. 
  • Enjoy the journey as much as the final destination. 

Road in Yountville, CA
Road in Yountville, CA

Practicing Solutions

It's almost here!  


Some days you wake up ready to take on the world.


Other days, not so much. But you can make every day great. Rise & Shine! shows you how to

  • Overcome the beliefs that hold you back
  • Define the life you want to live
  • Create an awesome attitude that positively impacts everything you do
  • Relate successfully to others
  • Be consistent with your value system so your integrity radiates
  • Embrace gratitude and appreciate all life has to offer
  • Live in the moment and enjoy it 


Give yourself the gift of this book, read it, then apply what it says. And while you're at it, show your friends and loved ones how important they are to you by giving each of them a copy of this book too.


Today is the day to begin your new journey.  Today is your day to Rise & Shine!





Email Judy Kay at to find out how you can purchase your book!

2011 Speaking/Travel Schedule 

MSAE (Midwest Society Association of Executives), February 17, 2011, Plymouth, MN


MSSA (Minnesota Social Service Association), March 21-24, 2011, Minneapolis, MN


SCN (Speaking and Consulting Network), May 21-22, 2011 Dallas, Texas


PNDC (Pacific Northwest Dental Conference), June 17, 2011, Seattle, Washington


AADOM (American Association of Dental Office Managers), September 8-10, 2011, Nashville, Tennessee


CDA (California Dental Association), September 23-24, 2011, San Francisco, California


For more information on how you may attend a webinar or presentation please contact Judy Kay by emailing

Will 2011 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you take the actions to maximize your performance, and get results.  Don't just make it a GREAT year make it an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 

Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
