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Ray of the Month

"Balance is key:  I need to be successful in my career to feel fulfilled, be surrounded by people I care about to share it with, and have my health to be able to do the things I love to do."


 ~  Kiana Tom

About Judy Kay...
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a happy, healthy and high performing work environment by developing leadership, opening mindsets, elevating attitude, strengthening communication skills and  doctor/team/practice revitalization.  
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 25+ years' experience in the industry.
              Generate the

Judy Kay Coral Jacket 
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow

"Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some." 
~ Robert Fulghum

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August 2010
The Elusive Balancing Act!
 Elephant on a ball


You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2010 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to maxmize their performance and shine!

Monthly Podcast 
Click on Balancing Act or the orange box to listen to this month's pod!
(under 3 minutes)
First Impressions
Augusts' newsletter is dedicated to achieving the very elusive balance in life.  I decided to write about it to because it seems to be lacking more and more in my life.  I have always prided myself on keeping balance.  But I have to tell you it has become very difficult since I started my own business.  I absolutely love what I do and have the privilege of working with great clients who sometimes have emergencies.  Their emergencies tend to become mine.  I don't coach only 8am to 5pm.  I coach when they need my help the most.  This leads to time taken away from my husband, family, friends and yes my furry kids, Gus and Zoe.  
August 5th is my 15th wedding anniversary to my awesome husband Steve.  The gift I am giving him this year is balance!  Notice I said I am giving and not try to give.  Try means a plan to fail. I don't plan to fail.  Not only is achieving balance important for Steve, my family and friends it is also important for my clients.  If I am going to help my clients achieve balance in their life; I need to lead by example.  Breathe...this does not mean I will not be available to help you when you most need.  That just wouldn't be me!!!  It just means putting a little more planning into my work-life balance program. 
   Steve & Judy 
"Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them."
~ Stephen Covey 
Do you have a work-life balance program?  If not how is your balance?   
        Man on a rope

You have probably heard the saying, "Plan your work and work your plan". With work life balance in mind, I would like to add, "Plan your work and plan your play".

Without planning your work-life balance program effectively, you run the risk of poor family relationships, deteriorating health, illness and disease. Moreover, you probably will not be as effective and productive at work. The idea is to create a healthy family life and a fulfilling career. 

Get your key people on board.                                        Who are the other people you need to take into account to get your life back into balance? It probably includes family members, colleagues and your boss. Sit down with them individually and gather the information you need so you can start to chart a healthier course.

Start with the needs of your family, spouse, children. Ask them what they expect of you and what they really value. Be wary of being caught up on the treadmill of working to create the income to provide for your family and yet are not spending any time with them! Honesty is vital in your communication here. Ambition is fine; just balance it with what you and your family really wants from life.

Where can you improve your productivity?
Be willing to explore your professional productivity and actively look for areas of improvement. For example, many of my clients have opened up extra time for themselves just by learning how to delegate effectively. Get honest feedback about your strengths and weaknesses and take appropriate steps.

Don't let your ego kill you.
Do your skills, talents and capabilities match the requirements of your position? Sometimes a reality check can save a great deal of heartache and stress. One of my coaching clients was holding onto a job position that frankly did not suit him. However with support and self reflection, he realized he would be better served to move on and find something better suited, than clinging onto a role that fed his ego but was destroying his life. It was better for the business also.  In the end a win, win for both!

What about you?
There may be many demands of you, your time and energy. However, remember you are the center of this project. Without you, your family is not the same. Without you, your business or workplace is not the same. Take time to assess and consider what is really important to you.

Put your health at the top of your action list.
Have regular health checkups and plan exercise into your daily/weekly plan. Look at your diet and sleep patterns.  Get professional help and then the support and cooperation of your family to make the needed changes.

Take the big picture view.
Make a list of all your family dreams, aspirations and the demands of your career together on one page. Add in your personal needs and requirements. Now stand back and assess your priorities, taking in all the information you now have. Find that balance between what you and your family want to experience together and the needs and demands and satisfaction your career can offer you.

Manage your time.
Many of you have used block scheduling for specific procedures to create effective flow and production in your office.  Why not use it in your personal schedule as well to create balance.  Block out time for exercise, family time, hobbies and "just me time" into your working week. These are the things that can nurture you. You need to recover and regenerate your own personal energy and spirit. 

In conclusion, you know your time is valuable and that if you do schedule something in your daily or weekly planner, BlackBerry or I-phone, then it stands a good chance of happening.

   Woman Balancing Life
"It seems that we have it backward in our society. We tend to look up to people who are under a great deal of stress, who can handle loads of stress, and those who are under a great deal of pressure."
~ Richard Carlson
Professional Inspiration

Here are three things many of us struggle with and can become our greatest obstacles in achieving a work-life balance.

Time.  In my experience, we are often painfully aware of our own needs for a balance between work and non-work activities.  We hear it often from family and friends.  We cannot find enough hours in the day to balance work demands with family, social and recreational activities.  This increases stress, guilt, etc.  A client recently made this statement, which I think captures this pressure accurately: "I constantly feel guilty that I'm disappointing everybody.  Even though I work 10 or more hours a day, there's always more to be done.  And when I get home, I feel like my family has been waiting for me for hours and I don't have enough time with them."
                Gold work-life balance

Accessibility.  In our Blackberry/cell phone/wireless era, we are constantly accessible.  Most of us are now accessible virtually every waking hour of the day, from the breakfast table to the car to the gym to the bedroom.  This interferes with much-needed time for down-time, self-reflection, pastime, and socialization. At the same time, this constant accessibility reinforces a cycle of high expectations; if you respond to an email at 10PM, it is likely to think you are available at 10PM for emails in the future.
While having high aspirations is an important element in growing as an individual and an employee, sometimes "getting ahead" takes precedence over other priorities. There can be an implicit pressure, even within organizations, that personal lives should be 'sacrificed' (at least for a time) for career advancement.  It is easy to get caught up in a cycle of sacrificing personal time for this project or that request; the challenge becomes, where does one draw the line?
  A strategy can help you obtain a work-life balance!
Instead of a line, draw two circles, each on a separate piece of paper. Take one circle and pretend it is a pie.  How are you spending your time in any given month?  How much time are you spending on work? Family? Friends? Hobbies? Health/well-being?  Etc.  Divide up the pie accordingly, assigning percentages.

On the other paper, draw your "ideal" pie. How much time would you ideally spend on each of these activities? Divide up the second pie accordingly, with appropriate percentages.

Now compare the two. Where are the biggest differences? Where can you make changes to align your life to look more like pie #2? 

Just a heads up!  This type of exercise can cause stress and the desire to beat yourself up with should haves and didn't dos.  You may feel guilty and anxious that you are not following your  priorities.  It is important to take your anxious energy and use it for something productive.  Instead create concrete, specific goals in order to start changing behaviors.  The actions you take everyday will generate sustained behavioral change and result in a balanced life!    


Now, before you go crazy...over commit (100 actions)...under perform...feel like a failure...and finally give up!  Those of you who do this; you know who you are!  Just stop and breathe for a second.  Instead of taking just one step, I am going to suggest you just do one single daily act (SDA)!  I just recently heard this term. I like to think of it as instead of a vitamin a day, a SDA a day.  One SDA a day keeps imbalance away!  One small act that is your commitment to "achieving the balance".  Post your SDA on a post-it in your wallet or daytimer, on your phone or computer screen or wherever you will frequently see it. Whether you take the action or not, this creates awareness of the issue.  There is no time like the present, so find yourself some paper, your colored pens and start balancing!


Practicing Solutions
                 Detour Sign 
It is difficult for my entire team to make the morning huddle.  We start our day 20 minutes earlier to accommodate the huddles.  We just started having them this year and several of the team members can't come 20 minutes earlier.  Their daycare will not accomodate an earlier start time.


Steps to resolution:
The simplest solution is to change the huddle time.  Huddles do not only take place in the morning.  Many offices have their huddle the day before; at the start or end of lunch or end of day.  I recommend the end of lunch to avoid having to wait for anyone that has run over in their schedule.  Another solution is to start your day 20 minutes later.  If you are effective and efficient with your huddles you realistically can complete within 10 to 15 minutes.  To receive a huddle checklist to help fine tune your huddles please e-mail me at and put huddle checklist in the subject line. 


E-mail your situation for a solution to
Speaking Schedule Highlights
August 11-12, Bismarck, ND
August 18-19, Hoboken, NJ
September 10, Omaha, NE
September 15, Minneapolis, MN
September 16-17, Norton, MA
October 4-10, San Francisco, CA
October 22-23, Las Vegas, Nevada
November 10-11, Bismarck, ND
December 2, Edina, MN
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections and build relationships to achieve your dreams.  Will 2010 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you maximize your performance and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!