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"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm ... As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others."
~ Audrey Hepburn
About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results. She excels at creating a thriving, happy, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team revitalization, attitude and image enhancement.
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
Generate the
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow |
"Friends are angels who lift us up when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."
July 2010
You've said it before..."This year will be different." But WILL it? Make 2010 YOUR year to change. Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to maxmize their performance and shine! |
Monthly Podcast
Click on Lift Up
or the orange box to listen to this month's pod!
(under 3 minutes)
First Impressions
July's newsletter is dedicated to lifting our self and others up to believe we can achieve whatever it is we desire. My mom, Ione, was the queen of lifting herself and others up! She was my first inspiration who taught me that the Sky was the limit not me! I miss her.
The Turtle on the Fencepost
An old rancher said,
"When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top of the fence post, you don't have to wonder how much of the credit belongs to the turtle!"
It is obvious that it had some help. Clearly an outside party was involved.
The same is true in each of our lives. Not one of us has gotten to where we are today on our own. We've all received help from someone that inspired, encouraged, taught us, opened doors, trusted and supported us. It is because of that mentorship that we are where we are today.
Alex Haley, the well known author of Roots, kept a picture in his office of a turtle on a fence post. When asked why he had this picture in his office he said, "This turtle did not get on the fence post on its own. Someone gave it a lift. Likewise, I did not reach this position as an author without help. Friends gave me a lift."
So my question to you is what are you doing to lift yourself as well as others? |
Personal Inspiration
The alarm rings, chirps, beeps or buzzes and once again it's time to start the day. For some, it might be after hitting the snooze several times! Now that you are up, what do you think about? Okay, maybe after nature calls...what pops to mind?

I absolutley love the early morning. I can't wait to start the day. Are there any other morning birds out there? For those of you who are night owls, it may be hard for you to understand excitement for the morning. The birds our singing, the sun is rising, an entire day is magically waiting to unfold.
My first thoughts are what new and exciting things can I make happen today? How can I make a positive impact on those I connect with today? Who can I lift up and help them see how wonderful life can be? How can I help them tune out the noise and turn up the volume on the lighter, brighter side of life? What I refer to as sharing a little orange energy.
I recently shared with a client to think of life's challenges as something to embrace. The challenges we face today become our strengths tomorrow. Challenges are what lift us up to be stronger and better. It is only when we are lifted up that we can lift others. So begins the Turtle on the Fence Post cycle in life. The next time a challenge comes along welcome it as a gift to strengthen you in order that you may strengthen others.
If you would lift me up you must be on higher ground.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Having said all this, what pops into my mind is...why do I feel this way? My husband Steve always tells me I live in an orange world. A world in which I believe it is our purpose to help others Smile & Shine! The credit goes to my mom.
I wish you could meet my mom. I am the youngest of seven kids who grew up on a farm in ND. Our closest town was four miles away. Population maybe 21 on a good day. We didn't have a lot of money but really never seemed to go without. Mom would cut our hair to help make ends meet. I had what we called a pixie back then! It was a short bob cut. She would start by placing scotch tape on my bangs, hold them down and cut above the tape. They would spring straight up. They were always too short and crooked. I also had a big wide space between my front teeth. Mine was wide enough to shoot water through. Now top it off with tons of freckles! Do you get the picture? Not your typical beauty queen!
Me with my horse Trigger!
Well I loved watching beauty pageants. I'm watching Miss America with my mom and I am so excited. First of all, you don't realize how lucky I was to be able to watch the pageant. It was 1965 and back then we only had one T.V. Which meant everybody watched the same show. It was a big brown Philco. Chanel 5 & 12 were are only two channels and us kids were the remote.
So, I am sitting next to my mom doing the mom thing. "Mom, mom, mom, do you think I could be Miss America some day! Hah mom! She just smiled at me with the crooked haircut, space and the tons of freckles. "Oh honey, you're my little ray of sunshine. If you believe in yourself and you show that shine to the world you can be whatever you want to be." In that, one powerful statement she lifted up a five-year-old little girl to believe in herself.
We don't become what you want, we become what we believe. What do you believe?
What we believe determines are actions and our actions generate our outcome. In the story I shared, it's not important whether the little girl becomes Miss America. BTW her interests lead her elsewhere. What is important is the fact that she learned to believe in herself. Because whatever it is we desire in life, happiness, respect, more money, less stress, our success always depends on our beliefs.
Internal messages always generate the external.
Professional Inspiration
I would like you to take a moment and think about who lifted you up in life? Who was there for you to help you up when you had fallen? Who opened doors when they were all closed sometimes even locked? Who believed in you enough to help you believe you could take the first step in reaching your dreams. Wherever you are right now right this moment give thanks!
Now think about who will you lift up and open doors to help reach their goals?
Who do you know in your personal and or professional life that could use a little lift? What can you do to help them tune out the noise and turn up the volume to the lighter, brighter side of life? How can you help them to believe they can reach their goals?
Now that you decided who, the next question is what can you do?
I am a firm believer it is not in the words we say but instead our actions that ignites others to follow. Mom's favorite quotes, "practice what you preach and lead by example, otherwise, don't expect others to do what you ask." Hmmm...I have yet to see success with the old saying, "Do as I say, not as I do"!
Lead by example by tuning out the noise that gets in the way from lifting yourself up. There is inner and outer noise. The inner noise I am talking about is the voice we often hear in our head pointing out the uncertainties and unknowns that lead to doubts and fears.
The outer noise we hear comes from well meaning others. LOL! Our family, friends, neighbors, business associates, aquaintances, and the media. You know the ones that say, you didn't do this good enough, you can't do that, you shouldn't have done that, you will never achieve that, if you try you will fail....! Stop the noise, after all it is only their beliefs, opinion, assumptions, their truths based on their experiences and has absolutely nothing to do with you. In the end that's all it is, just blah, blah, blah noise! It reminds me of the teacher's voice on the Peanuts cartoon, wha wha wha!
Once you have tuned out the noise it is time to tune in and turn up volume to the positive things you have already accomplished in your life. What have you done today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade, your entire life (get the picture) that you feel good about. Grab a notebook and write it all down. No matter how small it may be or even if you just took the first step write it down. Try to remember how you felt when you were considering taking that first step. Was it kind of a scary or were you apprehensive or doubtful?
Did you know all the answers from start to finish or just the answer for what to do at the next step? Maybe you didn't even know the answer to the first step at the time. But you found a way, a person, and an answer something or somehow to take you to the next step. Where you challenged? What did you learn from each accomplishment or step? Did it make you feel stronger when you achieved it? Did you grow? Did it lift you a little higher, make you a little stronger, and become a bigger believer in yourself?
Once we have lifted ourselves; we can now lift up others. Send a little orange energy, lead by example and practice what you preach! Walk with a skip in your step, have the confidence to act instead of react and embrace the challenges life brings your way!
As mom would say, "The Sky's the Limit"!
Practicing Solutions
How do I motivate my team to be excited about changes in the direction I want to take my practice?
We don't really motivate others. Motivation comes from within. However, we can inspire, educate and empower others to motivate themselves. When we buy-in or believe there is value in achieving a particular goal we become motivated.
I would start by having a team meeting. Passionately and confidently share the direction you want to take the practice. A good analogy is that you are the captain of this ship and this is the direction the ship is sailing. They need to be 100% on board to be on your boat!
Discuss the benefits for the patients and the practice and how it will also benefit the team including the doctor. Next, ask who is on board and who is not. For those who say they are on board, clearly state that all their future actions must reflect and support their agreement to be on board. Words without actions will be perceived as not being on board.
For those who are not on board, thank them for their honesty and past support and reinforce the direction the practice is going. To continue on working together with different goals would cause frustration for all parties and would not be in the best interests of anyone. End the working relationship and offer to help them to secure a new position. Wish them success in their future endeavors. It is unusual for everyone to continue to be a good fit when you raise expectations and make changes in the direction of the practice. It is important to stay true to your expectations and new direction even if it means losing some team members. They have a choice to both support and trust the doctor they work for or they can choose to support someone new. No one is a victim; everyone has a choice in which direction they will take.
For those on board, break it down into individual projects. For each project establish a plan of action including time lines. Discuss and define the roles, who does what, when, where, how. Discuss the education, training and updates needed to achieve the goals. Create a check list (accountability sheet) to follow up with updates and results on a daily, weekly, monthly etc. basis. Designate someone to be the accountability leader for each check list. The accountability leader is to update the doctor and or manager on a weekly basis by discussing the updated check list at a set time each week. Your team is now inspired, educated, empowered and self-motivated to support you in achieving the desired changes and new direction.
E-mail your situation for a solution to
Speaking Schedule Highlights
July 2-5, Bismarck, ND
July 17-20, Orlando Florida
September 10, Omaha, NE
September 15, Minneapolis, MN
September 16-17, Norton, MA
October 4-10, San Francisco, CA
October 22-23, Las Vegas, Nevada
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections and build relationships to achieve your dreams. Will 2010 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you maximize your performance and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!