Show Your Shine Header
Ray of the Month

"Time is my gift that the universe has given me-this is who I am going to be, if I am not going to be me now I am not going to get another chance." 
 ~ Diane Sawyer

About Judy Kay...
  Her message empowers, energizes, and exhilarates others to maximize their performance and get results.  She excels at creating a thriving, happy, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team revitalization, attitude and image enhancement.  
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
              Generate the

Judy Kay Coral Jacket 
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow

"Most of us struggle our entire lives to gain credibility that comes only from being who we really are."


~ Lou Solomon

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May 2010
I introduce

An enigma to many!    

You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2010 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to maxmize their performance and shine!

Monthly Podcast 

To listen to May's podcast, Authenticity, please click on the ear and you will hear this month's pod. (under 4 minutes)

First Impressions
We have all heard, "They are the real deal!"
             Real Deal 
May's newsletter is dedicated to knowing and showing the truth of who we really are at our core.   Our authentic self. 
The authentic self is the soul made visible.
 ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
Know you! 

Authenticity is the degree to which one is true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, despite the pressures of the world.   

To show up as our authentic self we must first know and understand who we are at our core. 
        Person on a Rock
With all the noise going on around us, we can easily lose who we are and what is important to us.  The noise I am talking about is all the questions and suggestions we hear from well intending others.  These seemingly innocent questions and suggestions block the path to knowing our authentic self.  The you should haves, the must dos, and the why aren't you, just to name a few. 
We have all heard at least one of these if not all; you must do this to succeed in business...or isn't it time you get married, or have kids, or get a real job or get a life....or whatever!!!!!
Just stop the noise for a moment, for a second...okay maybe a little longer.  For some of us we may need a few days, weeks, months or even years.  There are no rights or wrongs or rules or regs to finding your authentic self.  It's whatever time it takes you to breathe, dig deep inside and find what really matters to you.  What is important and real to you?  What empowers, energizes, and exhilarates you to live life to the fullest?  Than listen to what your core (gut) is telling you.  A very good friend of mine, Katherine Eitel, shared the essence of how we know it is our core versus our intellect talking to us.  Our intellect will try to explain and reason things out in long sentences, for some of us paragraphs or even a short book.   Don't laugh; you know who you are...LOL!
Our core response is concise and clear and leaves us no room for doubt.  Yes, no, stay, go, don't do it, do it are examples of what comes from our core.  The more closely we listen and tune into our core the easier it becomes to hear.  Eventually it becomes so loud we can't miss it even if we want to.  Sometimes our core message challenges us to tread in new waters and is sometimes scary.  Trust your core, it is never wrong.  It is the essence of you and the expert of you. 
When we began to make decisions and live a life based on what has meaning to us and not others we become our authentic self.  You will know when you are living your authentic self.  Tremendous feelings of freedom to be who you are along with gratitude and celebration for the life you are blessed to live will embrace you. 
Professional Inspiration
Show you! 
Now that you know you; it's time to show you.  Ooh...more scary thoughts.  Thoughts like, what if they don't like me...what if they laugh and make fun of me...what if they don't accept me?  Now, it's really me they are judging and not someone I am pretending to be?    
People are drawn to people who are
the real deal. 
When you show your true authentic self you shine!  People are drawn to people who are the real deal.  Our sense of people's authenticity has an enormous impact on how much we trust them, how comfortable we are with them and how willing we are to follow them.
Showing your authentic self is a vital, essential piece of integrity and that goes back to trust and respect.  If people detect that you are not who you say you are, they lose trust and respect for you.  Be genuine, don't manipulate, be true to yourself and your beliefs.  Avoid putting up a fa�ade and being unreachable.  Everybody is vulnerable. Nobody is super........ woman...or man.  The more self-confidence you have the easier it is to be vulnerable.
When we show who we really are and what we are passionate about; our message comes across loud and clear and rings true.
Hmmm....the real me, let me see, who would I be introducing you too....that would be starting with a farm kid from North Dakota, proud of her roots.  Thanks mom and dad!!!!  I love you and miss you daily. 
Followed by....  

A passion to make a positive impact, to make a difference in other people's lives whether speaking, coaching or interacting in daily life. 

Loves her husband, her absolute, most, favorite person in the world.  Who calls her as Jude! 
Surrounds herself with her critters, Gus & Zoe. 
Extremely proud of her brothers and sisters and grateful for family.
Adores and cherishes her clients. 
Energized and exhilarated with life's lessons and blessings.

Loves the color orange and has been told she radiates an orange bubble of happiness and energy.  

Has been known to wear cowboy boots..often...and sometimes even with a skirt.  Regardless of whether they are in or out of style.  Is drawn to Leopard for business and casual attire.  Must be tasteful of course! 
Takes great pleasure in digging in the dirt, growing and nurturing her seedlings into scrumptious tomatoes and herbs. 

Believes attitude is everything!

Loves to laugh and have fun especially when working. 

Thinks she is funny...has been told she is not...doesn't quite believe it.  You can find her laughing at herself often.  

So, that's a little about me.  It really wasn't that scary to share.  It is what it is, the elephant in the room. 

Oh my, I just got a visual....boot wearing, skirt flaring, leopard jacketed elephant...with hoop earrings.  Yup...that's me!  Now you have to admit, that's funny!
It's time to show you and let people know you, the real deal, your authentic self.  Just watch and see what manifests in your life...  
"Today is a Great Day
Show Your Shine! "
~ Judy Kay Mausolf 
Practicing Solutions
                 Detour Sign 
I am the manager and very good friends with another team member.  I feel she takes advantage of our relationship and expects I will make exceptions when she demonstrates inappropriate conversation or behavior.   
Steps to resolution:
Schedule a meeting with her as soon as possible.  Share with her how much you appreciate her friendship.  Explain that at work your relationship wears a different hat.  You are the manager and responsible to hold everyone equally accountable to the standard of communication and behavior previously established by the team.  There can be no exclusions or exceptions or you will divide the team.  If she is unhappy with a standard protocol she is to bring it to the team and discuss with the team.  Changes will be made to protocol based on team  agreement and not on one individual team member.  The team's decision is based on what is good for the patients and practice.         
E-mail your situation for a solution to



May Highlights


I am thrilled to be presenting at the following meetings! 


 In May, the Inland Northwest Dental Conference, the premier district dental conference of Washington.

Come connect, explore and discover how to "Rise Above the Rainy Days; Recession-Proof Remedies".   

In these extremely challenging economic times, many businesses are barely surviving.   Yet, some are not only surviving they are thriving!  What is the difference between those that thrive and others that barely survive?


Learn the five V.I.T.A.L. fundamentals to plan, practice and perform to Rise Above the Rainy Days.  


Inland Northwest Dental Conference 

Thursday, May 6, 2010. 2 sessions, from 8:30-12:00 and 1:00pm-4:00pm.  Please e-mail to register.

SCN -Speaking & Consulting Network, like-minded speakers, consultant and writers who network annually to shape and redefine the profession.  

SCN - Speaking & Consulting Network, May 17-18, 2010. 

Anaheim, California, Embassy Suites, South 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010. 2 Sessions, 11:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-2:00pm.  A writers Workshop.  Please visit, for more information.


Sign up now!  

Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections and build relationships to achieve your dreams.  Will 2010 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you maximize your performance and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!