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Ray of the Month

"Things that matter the most must never be at the mercy of things that matter the least ."
- Goethe



About Judy Kay...
Her inspiration and motivation is to help others to maximize their potential and get results.  She excels at creating a thriving, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team revitalization and image enhancement.  
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
              Generate the

Judy Kay Coral Jacket 
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."
~ Pericles

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October 2009
What Matters!

   Mom Photo

Dedicated to my Mom! 


You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2009 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to maxmize their potential and show their shine!

Monthly Podcast 
Detour Sign 

To listen to October's podcast, Observing What Matters, please click on the ear and you will hear this month's pod.

First Impressions
I am dedicating this month's newsletter to a very special woman, my mom, Ione Miller.  After years of battling Alzheimer's, she is finally free from pain and disease and is at peace.  She passed on July 25th, 2009. 
Mom was as beautiful on the inside as she was the outside.  She loved life and loved to laugh and have fun. 
She had a positive outlook and the strength and perseverance to weather any storm.  She taught us to respond to events that happened in life with her frequent quotes, "This too shall pass" and "It is what it is"!   
Hardworking and supportive to everyone, she was always willing to lend a helping hand to family, friends and neighbors.  Even though she had more than enough to keep her busy with the maintenance and care of the family and farm.  I am awestruck when I consider how hard she worked.  Her day not only included taking care of 7 kids, which that in itself would have put me way over the edge, it also included, milking cows by hand twice a day, preparing 3 large meals for 9 per day, laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, clothing mending, watering, weeding and harvesting the vegetable garden, canning fruit, vegetables, juice, jelly and jams, painting the white fences, red barns and other buildings, keeping the yard manicured and beautiful including planting a different color of petunias around the entire house every spring, and helping dad in any way she could.  Whew...I am tired just writing it down.     
She was an early riser, no need to sleep past 5AM, or half the day was wasted.  Energetic and eager is how she started each day. 
She loved routine, Monday washday, Tuesday town shopping day, Wednesday ironing day, Thursday gardening day, Friday house cleaning day, and Saturday kid cleaning and baking day.  Sunday was for church and family time.
Mom was driven to achieve what mattered!  One of her favorite quotes was, "Come hell or high water this is happening", and believe me it did.
She was a lioness when it came to the care and needs of her family.   
She had a love affair with my dad that spanned over 60 years of marriage.  Even to the very end, his eyes would light up when she entered the room. 
She knew what mattered in life and lived a life that mattered.  We will miss her every day.
       Mom - High School
"Life is short,
break the rules,
forgive quickly,
kiss slowly,
love truly,
laugh uncontrollably,
and never regret 
anything that
made you smile." 
~ Unknown




Personal Inspiration
What matters to you when it is all said and done?  What do you want to be remembered for?  What will your family, friends and colleagues say about you? 
What matters to me is to spend time with my family, which starts with my husband Steve and our two pets, Gus & Zoe who I introduced in last month's newsletter.  My mom & dad, Ione & Clem, six brothers and sisters, which I will list starting with the eldest to avoid any future heat on possible favoritism, LOL!  Lorraine (husband James & son John), Leatrice, David, Jeanette (her two dogs, Molly & Medora), Ken (wife Annette, two sons Jesse & Wade), and Jim (two sons Tyrel & Trevor).  That's just my immediate side. 
Next is the Mausolf side, which includes Sharon & Dale (Steve's mom & dad), Larry (Steve's brother, wife Jennifer, daughter Amelia), Linda (Steve's sister, husband Eric, their children, Tyler, Paige & Brock).  All my aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, outlaws, and in-betweens etc...  Hopefully, I did not miss anybody.  Oops, and so sorry if I did.
       Miller Family    
A family picture, after us kids taught our visiting city cousins how to ride pigs!  (BTW, Mom would have my head for sharing this family picture.  It mattered to her that we were clean and well dressed.)  Yes that's me, the littlest one in the red designer pants and striped shirt up front.      
What matters to me is the happiness, health and well being of others.  To let my friends know that I love and cherish them and my colleagues and clients that I appreciate and care about them.  Hopefully you all know who you are because I have told you often. 
What matters to me is to take time daily to nurture my spiritual health, mental health, and physical health.  
What matters to me is to strive to not just exist, but instead, to observe what matters and make a difference, to awaken, impact and transform the lives of others.
What matters to me is to continue to grow to learn to light the way to help others Shine!  
So, my question is what matters to you?  Take a moment and think about it.  What steps are you willing to take to show what matters?  Words are just words, actions are what matter!
Professional Inspiration
What matters in the work place?  In coaching practices, I have found what matters to most is a happy, healthy, high performing environment.  So, what does that really mean?
Happy ~ arriving at work each day ready for the day.  In other words tuned-in to what matters at work!  Starting each day with a positive attitude.  Smiling, and greeting each other with kindness.  Giving each other the benefit of believing we are all trying to do our very best and what is best for the patients and the practice.  Staying calm, positive and upbeat even in hectic moments.  
I decided to see what Webster had to say what mattered to be happy.  Here are synonyms:  blessed, blissful, can't complain, captivated, cheerful, chipper, content, contented, delighted, dynamic, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flying high, gay, glad, gleeful, gratified, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, looking good, merry, mirthful, on cloud nine, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat, walking on air!  Do you show up happy everyday?    
Healthy ~ arriving at work each day with an open mind.  Communicating in a professional, respectful, understanding and compassionate manner.  Avoiding gossip, and resolving conflict daily. 
Webster's synonyms for healthy:  in good condition, able-bodied, active, all right, athletic, beneficial, blooming, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, chipper, clean, energy-giving, firm, fit, flourishing, fresh, full of life, hale, hardy, healing, hearty, helpful, in fine feather, in good shape, invigorating, lively, normal, nourishing, physically fit, profitable, pure, restored, robust, rosy-cheeked, safe and sound, stimulating, stout, strong, sturdy, sustaining, tough, trim, unimpaired, unpolluted, useful, vigorous, virile, well, whole!  Do you show up healthy everyday?
High Performing ~ arriving at work each day with the willingness and desire to work together and maximize results.  Creating goals and objectives as a team, and uniting efforts to succeed. 
Webster's synonyms for high performing:  to carry through to completion, to carry out an action, undertaking, or procedure, often with great skill or care, performing a task or putting something into effect in accordance with a plan or design, the successful completion of something, often of something that requires tenacity or talent, to accomplish something, often something significant, especially despite difficulty, the power of an agent to bring about a desired result, to live up to expectations or satisfy demands, wishes, or requirements, to perform all the steps necessary for its fulfillment!  Do you show up as a high performer everyday?
How do you really show up to work?  Are you happy, healthy and high performing?  If not, what steps are you willing to take to show what matters? 
                Red smile
Practicing Solutions
                   Detour Sign 
I have a team member that consistently complains about  insignificant things that she feels others are doing inappropriately because they don't do it exactly like she does.   
Steps to resolution:
Consistent complaining drains the energy of the entire team and creates a negative environment for your team and patients.  Meet with the team member.  Clarify what really matters.  Discuss the  negative concerns with micro-managing.  Share the benefits of allowing each team member to utilize their unique and individual strengths.   Reinforce that what matters is the outcome.   
E-mail your situation for a solution to
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections and build relationships to achieve your dreams.  Will 2009 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you maximize your performance and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!