"Success is a journey, not a destination."
- unknown
About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
Her inspiration and motivation is to help others to maximize their potential and get results. She excels at creating a thriving, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team revitalization and image enhancement.
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
Generate the
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow |
"In the time of your life, LIVE." - unknown | |
July 2009
July's Journey
Just two things!
You've said it before..."This year will be different." But WILL it? Make 2009 YOUR year to change. Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to connect to their potential and show their shine! |
Practicing Solutions
My front office coordinator is very abrupt with new patients on the phone. I want her to become more customer service oriented.
Steps to resolution:
First, meet and discuss the goals and objectives of her role. Together define the tasks and responsibilities of her role. Clarify your expectations by prioritizing the list of tasks and responsibilities, making sure she realizes the importance of a new patient call. Next, discuss what you would like her to accomplish in the call. My clients utilize "Four Steps to a Successful Call" a form that my friend and colleague, Katherine Eitel developed to go along with her "Have Them at Hello" kit (click Have Them at Hello for more information).
Have her practice taking calls using the form to help to enhance her verbal skills. Your front office coordinator will now be confident and capable to create the ultimate new patient call.
FYI, it is important to keep in mind, if she has too many other responsibilities she will not have adequate time to create the ultimate patient experience.
E-mail your situation for a solution to
First Impressions
We travel many different journeys (family, career, purpose, etc.) during our lifetime. Some are exciting and fun while others can be tedious or painful. At the end of each journey, when we look back through all the noise and clutter there are usually just a couple of things that matter. This month is about sifting through all the noise and clutter to what matters.
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
- George Moore |
Personal Inspiration
One night over dinner, my husband Steve and I were discussing how we stress over and clutter our lives with so many unnecessary things. Things we think we need and must have. In the end, it is as simple as toilet paper and a telephone.
We were remembering our move in 2001 to our current home. We started packing boxes months prior to the move. We carefully wrapped each prized possession and put it in a labeled box. After taping each box shut, we stacked them in a room. Many of the items were packed away for months. On the day of the move, right before we were ready to walk out the door, we packed the last tiny box. It was filled with things we would need up to the very last minute. There were just two things in the box, toilet paper and a telephone! I said wow, look at all our stuff in all these boxes, who would have guessed it comes down to just two things (holding up two fingers) we couldn't go without.
Just two things reminded me of a favorite scene in the movie City Slickers.
Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is? [holds up one finger] Curly: This. Mitch: Your finger? Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don't mean ..... Mitch: But, what is the "one thing?" Curly: [smiles] That's what *you* have to find out.
I think about the journey of life. How easy it is to be caught up in all the should haves and would haves. We get confused on what is really important and what is not.
My dad and mom are elderly and in poor health. They are struggling just to survive. As it comes closer to the end of their journey, there are just two things that matter the most to them now, comfort and family companionship.
Right this very minute, if you had to pick just two things in your life what would they be. Ask yourself these questions.
- What are just two things that matter the most to me in my life?
- Do my actions always support my words?
- If not, what actions do I need to take to support my words?
You stick to that and the rest don't mean....!
"Things that matter the most must never be at the mercy of things that matter the least."
- Goethe |
Professional Inspiration
Here are the just two things in the journey to success.
1. Beliefs 2. Actions
What we believe determines our actions. Actions generate outcome.
Beliefs + Actions = Outcome
It sounds too simple to be true. Right? It is simple, but it is not easy. The most difficult part in this equation is our beliefs.
We can either empower or un-power ourselves depending on the stories we repeatedly play over and over in our minds. The stories become our beliefs. What is stopping you from going after what you want in life and being who you want to be?
I was working with a dentist who was very uncomfortable in the leadership role. In fact, he was convinced he was a terrible leader. He hated conflict and avoided it at all costs. Hmmm...I am sure no one else ever feels that way.
Well after working together, he became open to the possibility that he could be a great leader. He challenged his story and changed his reality. Now he is a fabulous leader and actually enjoys this new role. How we accomplished this was through a series of phone coaching calls.
Together we...
Whatever your role, whatever your story, there are just two things that matter, beliefs and actions. You stick to that and you can re-write any story to become a journey of success.
"We are all responsible for ourselves, you create your own reality by the way you think and therefore act."
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences. Will 2009 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
952-435-4355 |