"First we make our attitudes. Then our attitudes make us."
- Dennis Waitley |
About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
Her inspiration and motivation is to help others believe in their potential. She excels at creating a thriving, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team reviatlization and image enhancement.
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
Generate the
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow |
"You don't have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great!"
-Debbie Mrazek | |
May 2009
You've said it before..."This year will be different." But WILL it? Make 2009 YOUR year to change. Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to connect to their potential and show their shine! |
Practicing Solutions
How do we show our patients we sympathize with their difficult economic situation when presenting their treatment plan and fees.
Steps to resolution:
Listen to your patients and be compassionate and understanding of their circumstances. However, it is important to remember that we are in the health care industry. We are not selling a product that can be purchased at a later date without consquences. Their health will continue to deteriorate. Our role and responsibility as a health care provider is to inform our patients how they can achieve and maintain optimum health and wellness. It is wrong for us to withold treatment options based on what we think our patients can and can't afford. Our patients have the right to make an informed decision. Discuss the entire treatment plan with your patient and adjust treatment and phasing to fit their needs.
You can ease the financial burden of your patients by being user friendly and offering a flexible and affordable payment plan like CareCredit. It can make the difference between a patient being able to accept treatment or not and whether they proceed with single tooth, quadrant or full-mouth dentistry.
E-mail your situation for a solution to
First Impressions
May's newsletter is devoted to the L in the five V.I.T.A.L. fundamentals to Recession-Proof your practice. L is for Lifestyle Dentistry!
In the past four newsletters, we defined the vision for the practice, empowered each individual team member, revitalized the team and enhanced appearances (the V.I.T.A. in V.I.T.A.L.). The final fundamental step is providing Lifestyle Dentistry.
I invite you to visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsInc.net and look under Resources as a refresher to review December's topic introduction newsletter, January's on Vision, February's on Individual Empowerment, March's on Team Revitalization and April's on Appearance.
Lifestyle Dentistry is an attitude about dentistry. It can change the image you radiate from a provider of maintenance and repair to a provider of health and wellness.
"Wow them to Woo them!
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Personal Inspiration
Your lifestyle reflects your attitude about life. What is your attitude about life? Do you just get up, go to work, come home and go to bed? Are you looking for something more out of life?
Each day we write our own story. Our actions today create our reality tomorrow. Just as you can't plant squash and expect to harvest carrots, you can't have a negative attitude and expect a positive outcome.
One of the best ways to change your lifestyle is to change your attitude in how you start your day. How do you think and feel when you first wake up in the morning? Your thoughts set the tone for the day. If your first thoughts in the morning are: "Oh, I'm so tired. It's too early to get up. My eyes won't even open. I'll just hit snooze and lay here . . . just fifteen minutes . . . just fifteen more minutes," you're off to a slow... negative start.
Instead, change your story. When the alarm goes off immediately jump out of bed. Tell yourself and anyone listening, I am going to make it an awesome day. I am ready for whatever comes my way today. Your brain believes what it hears.
I would like you to think about a day when your world seemed friendlier. We have all had that day when the birds are singing louder, the sun is shining brighter, people actually let you merge into traffic, maybe even a parking spot up right front. We think wow, if everyday could be like today it would be awesome! Maybe it could be. I wonder what your role was in that day. I wonder what mood you were in when it started. I wonder what you wearing and how it made you feel, and were you smiling? When we feel good about ourselves, we radiate positive energy. The energy we put out there always resonates back to us.
Now that you are feeling good and on top of the world, think about what you want to accomplish today. When we think about and plan our daily goals, we are more likely to achieve them. Setting realistic daily goals and accomplishing them, creates a positive pattern, positive attitude and positive lifestyle. Actions today creates reality tomorrow. We do create our own lifestyle!
"You create your life. Whatever you sow, you reap. Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant."
- Unknown |
Professional Inspiration
How do you feel about dentistry in today's economy? Do you wonder why some practices are thriving while others are barely surviving? Could it be attitude? Many think that times are difficult and people can't afford their dentistry (maintenance and repair) and their right they can't. While others think, times are difficult and people can afford their dentistry (enhances health and life) and their right they can. When it comes to lifestyle, people still desire the very best. Look at the cars people drive, the T.V.s they purchase and the wine they enjoy. Okay, maybe the wine part was just me. However, when it comes to utilities, they now opt for the cheapest. How do your patients perceive your practice? Do you enhance their health and life, or do you only offer maintenance and repair? Attitude is the difference!
So how can you radiate an image that enhances Lifestyles?
There are 2 questions to consider before you diagnose, treatment plan, consult or treat a patient.
1. What can I do to make my patient's life easier or better?
2. What can I do to create optimum health and wellness for my patient?
Once your patient sees the connection between the treatment you provide and their improved quality of life they will desire the best of care and be willing to pay for it!
Ideas to help you radiate an enhanced Lifestyle Provider image in your practice:
Comprehensive diagnostics
- Intraoral camera
- Diagnodent
- Perio screening
- Oral cancer screening - Vizilite
- Blood pressure check
- Comprehensive treatment planning - health & wellness -infection free
- Comprehensive exam appointments
- Longer appointments no interruptions
- Healthy mouth connection to healthy body
- Better function -improved health
- Look better - improved self-esteem
- Wellness checks
- Comprehensive treatment appointments
These are all great examples of how you can create optimum health and wellness for your patient.
It's important to always share with your patients why you are doing what you are doing. Otherwise, you are missing the opportunity to explain the health and wellness benefits to your patient. In other words the what's in it for them!
Some examples to make your patient's life easier or better;
Offer a lip balm to all your patients. "Mrs. Jones, here is a moisturizing lip balm for you to apply and keep. This will help to prevent your lips from drying out and cracking during the procedure. Please let us know if during the procedure you need to apply more. We want to make sure you are always comfortable and leave here feeling even better than when you arrived."
Offer a break in the middle of a longer appointment. "Mrs. Jones, We are taking a short break for you to stand up, and stretch. Please feel free to walk around or utilize our facilities to freshen up. We find this to helps our patients feel more comfortable through the remainder of the appointment." (In reality, it may also be a great time for the doctor to do a hygiene wellness check.)
Offer a pickup and delivery service for patients having comprehensive appointments that require a driver. "Mrs. Jones, we offer a complimentary Limo service to our patients with appointments requiring a driver. We want our patients to be relaxed and worry free over travel arrangements."
Have a team meeting and discuss ways your practice can make your patient's life easier, better and healthier. Be a Lifestyle Provider!
Rise above the rainy days
V.I.T.A.L. Prosperity! |
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences. Will 2009 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
952-435-4355 |