If you don't brand "YOU" someone else will. It may not be the brand you want.
- Jill Jordan |
About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
- Known as The Potentiality Expert, her inspiration and motivation is to help others connect to their potential by discovering what is in the way of their success and create lasting change. She excels at creating a thriving, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team reviatlization and image enhancement.
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
i-CON of i-CAN!
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow |
Time is my gift that the universe has given me-this is who I am going to be, if I am not going to be me now I am not going to get another chance
-Diane Sawyer | |
April 2009
You've said it before..."This year will be different." But WILL it? Make 2009 YOUR year to change. Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to connect to their potential and show their shine! |
Practicing Solutions
A team member dresses in a manner that is inappropriate for our practice. How do I address her without hurting her feelings? We currently do not have a defined uniform or dress code.
Steps to resolution:
- Have a team meeting to talk about your practice's image and vision.
- Discuss what that means for your practice. How should the practice look to radiate a message that is congruent with the image and vision of the practice.
- Discuss what it looks like for the team. What is appropriate and what is not. Including, hair, clothing, jewelry, body piercings, visible tattoos, nails, cleanliness or whatever else is new out there!
- Create guidelines and expectations as a team for the team.
- Establish as a team the consequences for inappropriate appearance.
- Hold everyone accountable to the consequences.
I frequently work with individuals and practices to help them discover their best image. Your best image is defined by your core message, purpose and beliefs (internal shine) and your vision for the future.
"When I hired Judy Kay as my image consultant, which basically meant she was going to come to my home and work with me in my messy closet, while I tried on clothes for her, I was pretty nervous. Let's face it, Judy is tall and slender with amazing fashion sense. I'm short and, well...plump, with not much of a goal when I get dressed except to look presentable. She made me feel beautiful! She was kind and funny and patient. It was an absolutely wonderful day, where I learned so much about what colors and styles help me look my best. I now feel confident when I pick out something to wear...and pretty!"
-Dr. Sue Block
E-mail your situation for a solution to
First Impressions
April's newsletter is devoted to the A in the five V.I.T.A.L. fundamentals to Recession-Proof your practice. A is for Appearance.
We defined the vision for the practice, empowered each individual team member and revitalized the team (the V, I, and T in V.I.T.A.L.). Next is the appearance of the team and the practice.
I invite you to visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsInc.net and look under Resources as a refresher to review December's newsletter on Vision, January's on Individual Empowerment and February's on Team Revitalization.
Your appearance is a part of the outer image you radiate. What I call your external shine. Your external shine is also your attitude and how you communicate. It is the message you as an individual send and it affects every experience and interaction you have in your personal and professional life.
What does your appearance say about you?
Does it reflect your internal shine and your vision for the future? Do you even have a vision for your personal and professional life, or do you just respond to whatever the day brings your way?
"Each of us has the opportunity to change and grow until our very last breath."
- M F Ryan
Personal Inspiration
Within the first 15 seconds of meeting someone, we decide whether we are interested in getting to know them better or walking away. We have one chance to make a lasting first impression. It can either make or break our personal and professional success. Because the first impression happens in the first 15 seconds, it comes solely from our appearance and outer image, our external shine! It is important our outer image always reflect our core message, purpose and beliefs (internal shine) and our vision for the future. Let's start with how to dress to radiate a positive image attitude. It's not about being a slave to fashion or carbon copy of someone else. It's about you wearing clothing that makes you feel good about being you! It's the style and colors of clothing you choose to wear that create your own personal brand! For example, in my closet you will always find the color orange, leopard, scarves and cowboy boots. I love how they make me feel. When we feel good about ourselves, we radiate positive energy. The energy we put out there always resonates back to us.
Ask yourself these questions when you are getting dressed.
Does what I am wearing make me feel vitalized? In other words, does it put a hop, a skip, or even a strut in my walk?
Do I have an "I'm looking good and feeling good attitude"?
Does it make me smile?
If not, donate the outfit to Goodwill and try again.
When we feel good about ourselves, it shows. We stand taller, smile more and walk with awareness!
The color of what we wear also affects our attitude, as well as our energy level and our mind. Do you remember learning about ROY G BIV, (the color of the rainbow) in school? Each color has a different wavelength and vibrational frequency, which affects us differently.
- Red - Vitality & Confidence
- Orange - Happiness & Energy,
- Yellow - Clarity & Wisdom,
- Green - Harmony & Balance,
- Blue - Clear Thought & Communication
- Indigo - Intuition & Understanding
- Violet - Creativity & Vision
If you start your day and you need a little boost of energy throw on a little orange, or maybe you need a little confidence, add a little red. Think about colors when you are shopping for clothing. Which colors look good on you as well as how they affect your attitude, energy and mind?
I know that shopping for clothing can be a struggle. To simplify shopping ask yourself 3 questions before ever making a purchase;
1. Does it look good on me? In other words, does it enhance my body shape, and is it a good color for me?
2. Do I love it? Am I feeling good when I wear it!
3. Is it the image I want to radiate? Is the message I am sending congruent with my internal shine and my vision for the future?
To radiate your best image, it is important to be able to answer yes to all 3 questions before making a purchase. For example, it may look great on you. You may love it. However, it does not fit the image you want to radiate. Maybe it is too casual, or too flashy to fit your vision for the future. The old saying, "dress for success" is very true. What we wear reveals a set of beliefs about ourselves that others also believe. Your vision for the future dictates your best appearance to radiate now to connect you to your future goals and objectives.
"Time is my gift that the universe has given me-this is who I am going to be, if I am not going to be me now I am not going to get another chance."
-Diane Sawyer
What does the image you radiate say about you? Are you inspiring connections and building relationships? Is it time for a change? |
Professional Inspiration
How do you radiate your best professional image to inspire connections, build relationships and reach peak, practice performance?
Whether, you are the doctor, manager, assistant, hygienist, or front office, when you radiate an image that is sloppy, promiscuous, too edgy or incongruent in any manner with your practice's image and vision you send a mixed signal. You create doubt, confusion, and mistrust in your patients when they have to decide what is really true about your practice. Think about your professional image. What is the message you as an individual are sending and is it a congruent with your team and the practice. Imagine each team member is a flower. When your message is congruent as a team, you look like a beautiful bouquet. When the team's message is congruent with the practice, it looks like this beautiful bouquet in this great vase. However when there is discord in the message, it is like a weed in the bouquet. The weed becomes the focus and the only thing our patients see. We are only as strong as the weed. The weed could be poor customer service, bad attitude, poor communication skills or phone skills, lack of training or inappropriate appearance.

Doctors, regardless of your clinical and chair side excellence, the success of your practice rests on the weed. It is important to invest in ongoing coaching and training for the entire team. Empower the entire team with the relationship, communication and clinical skills they need to radiate your level of excellence.
We are all responsible to ourselves, the team, the practice and the patients. Don't wait for others to take the first step. Find out where you need to grow and grow!
"If you want to succeed, don't be a weed."
-Judy Kay Mausolf |
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences. Will 2009 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
952-435-4355 |