Team work is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to obtain uncommon results.
- Unknown |
About Judy Kay... |
Positive~Practical~Proven! |
- Known as The Potentiality Expert, her inspiration and motivation is to help others connect to their potential by discovering what is in the way of their success and create lasting change. She excels at creating a thriving, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership, strengthening communication skills, team reviatlization and image enhancement.
- Her encouragement, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and trainer with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
i-CON of i-CAN!
Judy Kay Mausolf
Health Glow |
"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light."
- Unknown
| |
March 2009
Team Meetings
Revitalize Teams!
You've said it before..."This year will be different." But WILL it? Make 2009 YOUR year to change. Learn more, do more, become more! We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to connect to their potential and show their shine! |
Practicing Solutions
A team member is continually late for work in the morning and often comes back late from lunch. We have addressed it many times. Her tardiness improves only for a short period. We do not want to let her go as she has great clinical and patient relation skills. What can we do?
It may seem easier to just ignore her tardiness and focus on her great qualities. However, an issue that is left unresolved will continue to grow and become a conflict that affects the health of your practice. When one team member is allowed to act in their own interests and disregard what is best for the team and the practice, it creates a double standard and divides the team. The team will lose respect and trust for the doctor and the manager. It is the responsibility of the doctor and manager to hold everyone equally accountable for what is best for the success of the practice. If everyone on the team were tardy, it would no longer be acceptable. Therefore, if it is not acceptable for the team as a whole, it should not be acceptable for an individual team member.
Steps to resolution:
- Have a yearly team meeting kickoff
- Discuss the objectives and goals of the team for the year
- Define each team member's role and what it means in your practice
- Create behavior expectations as a team
- Establish as a team the consequences protocol for inappropriate behavior
- Carry out consequences protocol for disregarded behavior expectations
We are all responsible for ourselves to the team, the practice and our patients. Any team member not wanting to contribute to the overall success of the practice is really telling you they no longer choose to be a team player. In a successful practice, everyone needs to be a team player in order to be a team member!
E-mail your situation for a solution to
First Impressions
March's newsletter is devoted to the T in the five V.I.T.A.L. fundamentals to Recession-Proof your practice. T is for Team Revitalization.
We defined the vision (the V in V.I.T.A.L.) for the practice and each individual team member is now empowered (the I in V.I.T.A.L.). Our next step is to revitalize the team. What I mean by revitalize is to impart renewed energy, strength and vitality to the team.
I invite you to visit my website at www.PracticeSolutionsInc.net and look under Resources as a refresher to review December's newsletter on Vision and January's on Individual Empowerment.
Even the best of teams can lose their vitality when they aren't reenergized. Daily huddles, monthly team meetings and quarterly team workshops are necessary to revitalize the team. Huddles ensure daily accountability. Monthly staff meetings allow your team time to address and update systems and protocols. Quarterly team workshops inspire your team to clear any past grievances or baggage and work together to create future goals and objectives that once again unite them as a team.

Here is a favorite story of mine on teamwork.
"A man was lost while driving through the country. As he tried to reach for the map, he accidentally drove off the road into a ditch. Though he wasn't injured, his car was stuck deep in the mud. So the man walked to a nearby farm to ask for help. "Warwick can get you out of that ditch," said the farmer, pointing to an old mule standing in a field. The man looked at the decrepit old mule and looked at the farmer who just stood there repeating, "Yep, old Warwick can do the job." The man figured he had nothing to lose. The two men and the mule made their way back to the ditch. The farmer hitched the mule to the car. With a snap of the reins, he shouted, "Pull, Fred! Pull, Jack! Pull, Ted! Pull, Warwick!" And the mule pulled that car right out of the ditch. The man was amazed. He thanked the farmer, patted the mule, and asked, "Why did you call out all of those names before you called Warwick?" The farmer grinned and said, "Old Warwick is just about blind. As long as he believes he's part of a team, he doesn't mind pulling."
Personal Inspiration
So how does Team Revitalization pertain to our personal life? Our family and friends become our team in life. How are things going in your personal life? Are you happy with the relationships you have with your family and friends? If not, maybe it is time to evaluate and define what your role is on the team. Here are some great questions to ask yourself to see if you are holding up your end of the team.
- Do I communicate openly and honestly?
- Do I respect other's personal truths?
- Do I avoid gossip?
- Do I take personal responsibility for my interactions with others?
- Do I try to resolve conflict?
- Do I let go of past baggage and wipe the slate clean?
- Do I hold myself accountable for my actions and consequences?
- Do I praise and acknowledge family and friends successes?
- Do I create a positive environment wherever I am?
If you answered yes to all nine questions you are a vital team player!
For many years, I was disappointed with the relationships I had with my six brothers and sisters. Many of us were very distant and rarely spoke to one another. Occasionally, we would get together for the have-to gatherings. You know, weddings, funerals, our parent's 50th wedding anniversary. Even then, we didn't sit together after the meal. I would tell my close friends that I felt so distant from my family. In fact, at times my friends felt more like family.
Life has an amazing way of tapping us on the shoulder until it gets our attention. This past year has been very difficult for both my parents. They have had some major health issues, which resulted in both being placed in nursing homes. Some very difficult decisions had to be made by all seven of us kids. We needed to come to an agreement, somehow, on what would be the best care and living arrangements for our parents. We had become so distant with each other, it was difficult to even start a conversation?
(My brothers & sisters and me in the tie)
We came together dreading the moment. Afraid we would not be able to come to an agreement. Afraid our individual desires for our parent's welfare wouldn't be respected. How wonderfully amazing it was to find that we were all on the same page when we openly shared what we thought was the right thing to do and why.
What had started out with many different beliefs, opinions and assumptions ended in a unified agreement. We were united for the first time in many years. Talk about a feel good feeling!
What I realized was that my brothers and sisters were always there. It was up to me, to build a relationship with each one. I am thrilled to say, we are on our way to becoming a revitalized family team! One conversation at a time! |
Professional Inspiration
So how do we renew energy as well as strengthen and revitalize the team?
Communication is key. Daily huddles, team meetings, and workshops are great venues to communicate with the entire team when they are effective. To facilitate an effective meeting it is necessary to create an open environment where everyone feels safe to share their thoughts and ideas.
Revitalizing quarterly workshops are the backbone to renewing and strengthening the relationships of the team. With the right consultant/coach to facilitate the workshop, there is no limit to what the dentist and team can achieve.
Quarterly workshops are the perfect venue to work with a consultant/coach who can inspire, motivate, and empower the team (including the doctor) to define their goals and objectives, clear any past grievances or baggage and once again communicate and work together to create future goals and objectives that unite a team. Working together as a team creates a common bond that strengthens and unites the team. When the team achieves their objectives and goals through teamwork, it cements the bond even further.
"Our lives are the direct reflection of the expectations of our peer group."
Accountability is also key. It is imperative that everyone is held equally accountable for their role in the success of the practice. No exclusions or exceptions or you divide the team.
Recently, I facilitated a team workshop where the team no longer talked to each other. Instead, they talked about each other. The team had taken sides and literally split in two. By the end of the workshop, everyone on the team had let go of past grievances and wiped the slate clean. They were once again talking and working together, planning the future goals and objectives for themselves, the team, and the practice. Results were achieved in a positive, lively and fun atmosphere.
I received the following Thank You note from the doctor.
"You have truly transformed my practice into something positive and productive. My team thanks you; they are happy, united, and rejuvenated! I have been practicing for almost 25 years and once again, I am excited to come to work everyday. I look forward to our continued working relationship!"
FYI, a revitalized team revitalizes the practice, which revitalizes the bottom line!
Stop waiting for things to fix themselves. Isn't it time to revitalize? Call to schedule your workshop today! |
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences. Will 2009 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around? Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year! In fact, the best year of your life.
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!
952-435-4355 |