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Ray of the Month
"The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it is possible."
- Unknown
About Judy Kay...
Positive, Practical & Proven! 

- Known as The Potentiality Expert, her inspiration and motivation is to help others connect to their potential by discovering what is in the way of their success and create lasting change. 
- She excels at creating a thriving, healthy and balanced work environment by developing leadership and empowering personnel.   
- Her positive energy, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and presenter with 20+ years' experience in the industry.
Judy Kay Coral Jacket 
Judy Kay Mausolf

Health Glow


"Vision without action is a daydream. Action with without vision is a nightmare."


 - Japanese Proverb

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January, 2009
January Jewels!
 New Gems for
The New Year! 
Treasure chest

You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2009 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to connect to their potential and show their shine!
Practicing Solutions
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An employee frequently does not complete what they are asked to do by the office manager.  The employee's reason is she is too busy yet the office manager sees that she spends a portion of her day on personal calls and personal conversations.
1. Meet with the team member
2. Discuss the concern or issue
3. Review the vision of the practice
4. Discuss their role in achieving the vision
5. Together establish behavior expectations 
6. Fill out and sign employee agreement form
Always have a plan of action prior to meeting with an employee to address a concern.  This will give you the opportunity to formulate a resolution that is consistent in achieving the vision of your practice.  Next, you must meet with your employee and come to a mutual agreement on a course of action to resolve the concern.  Steve Chandler, author of "100 Ways to Motivate Other People", wrote if you create agreements with your employees and enter into those agreements on an adult-to-adult basis your employees won't need to be managed anymore.  What will be managed is the agreement.  In the future, these mutual agreements will make it much easier to discuss and resolve uncomfortable subjects.     
First Impressions
Welcome to the New Year!  With all the turmoil in the world, are you approaching 2009 with trepidation or do you trust that you can rise above whatever will come your way.  How healthy is your practice?  We are all familiar with the numbers to evaluate and monitor the health of our practice.  Such as production, collection, % of collection etc...but how can we actually improve these numbers?  Evaluating and monitoring numbers do not change the results, they only tells us where we are. 
In December's newsletter, we lightly touched on the five V.I.T.A.L. fundamentals to Revivify & Recession-Proof your practice.  Over the next five months, we will cover all five fundamentals in detail on how to stop the panic and start performing your way to prosperity.  This month's newsletter is devoted to the letter V in V.I.T.A.L., which is for the vision of your practice.
Before you say, "I already know this, tell me something new".  Yes, it is true; many of us have already established a vision statement for our practice.  However, in most cases it stops there.  
Does your vision statement match what the essence of your practice is now?  Just like anything else, it can become outdated and obsolete.  Evaluate your vision statement on an annual basis.  January is an ideal time to  update and start the New Year with clarity.  Don't be a deer in the headlights in 2009!
      deer in the headlights

Your vision statement is a template of purpose that should be used to initiate, evaluate, and refine all of the activities of your practice.  First, you need to know who you are by establishing your professional values.  Who are you?  What do you stand for? 
Once you have updated your vision statement, ask yourself what are you actually doing with it.  More importantly, what is it actually doing for you?  To learn how your vision statement can help you  revivify your practice and rise above the rainy days read this month's Professional Inspiration.
Personal Inspiration
What new promises or resolutions have you made for 2009?   You know like weight loss, quality family time, eating healthier, make more money... whatever it is.  All of us have something we want to change or improve in our lives. 

Isn't it time we stopped comparing ourselves and our lives to others and started thinking about what is really important to us?  Our core values, dreams and desires instead of the should haves and should dos.  I once  heard you can actually should yourself to death. 
I started thinking about how important a vision statement or vision board (for the artistic types) is in our personal lives. 
Detour Sign
My Vision Board

"A goal not in writing is simply a wish."
 - Unknown
Just think about it for a moment.  How many times do you wonder if you should or shouldn't do something?  Oh oh, there it is that nasty should. 
Here is a novel idea!  Take some time to sit down, and really think about your core values, dreams and desires, and then write them down.  Also, think about what dreams or goals you want to accomplish in 2009.  Then ask yourself, how you can accomplish your dreams or goals while  honoring your vision.  Your answers become your guidelines to help you achieve your vision. 
For example, my core value or vision is to have a great marriage.  My goal is to continue to grow my business in 2009.  For my husband and me, a great marriage is to have not only quality time but also quantity time.  I am growing my business based on our vision  guidelines.  I limit my out of town travel to what is congruent with our vision of a great marriage.  I have developed other avenues, via phone coaching, local speaking and consulting that allow me to travel less and therefore are congruent with our vision.  This works wonderful for our marriage and my business.  Notice I said it is based on our vision and not what others think we SHOULD do.. For someone else it may not fit their vision of a great marriage and therefore not work at all.   
Last February was a testimonial to having a visible written vision statement or vision board.  I have always loved Oprah!  I can't count how many times I have said it was my goal to see her and go to her show before I turned 50.  NO, I am not 50  yet.... Well anyway, last January I made a vision board for my office.  On it, I taped pictures and words to represent all my dreams, goals and desires, both personal and professional.  Within 2 weeks, I received an e-mail from the Oprah website.  This was not unusual as I was on her mailing list.  My normal routine was to check for any available tickets.  As usual, there were none available but there was always an option for last minute tickets.  All you had to do was send an e-mail why you should be invited to come to their show.  This time the   subject was Vision Boards!  Hmm...I looked at my vision board with Oprah displayed dead center and excitedly wrote in 2000 words or less why I should be in their audience for that show.  I called my cousin that evening and told her get ready to go see Oprah. She just laughed.  Two days later, on February 6th, we were on our way to the Oprah show!  Wow!  I don't know about you but this doesn't feel like coincidence to me.
It is truly amazing how the universe works in our favor when we have clarity and vision. 
Professional Inspiration
Your vision statement is the essence of your practice.  It is what defines and separates your practice from all others.  So, what is unique and special about your practice?  What is your focus?  Start by making a list of the top five attributes you would like your practice to radiate.
Next, create a priority hierarchy.  In other words, list your top five attributes in their order of importance. 
It is now time for the doctor and manager to meet and discuss the vision.  It is imperative that both parties be open, respectful, and understanding of each other's beliefs, opinions and assumptions.  They need to be able to come to an agreement and walk away from their meeting on the same page and united. 
Detour Sign
Once the doctor and manager have met, plan a team meeting to share  the vision for the year.  Start out by  asking someone to volunteer to be the scribe for the meeting.  Share the vision statement and have the scribe write it on the flip chart.  Next, write down the top five attributes (1 per page) that you want your practice to radiate.  Here is where most practices stop.  Sure, we may all know the vision but how does it actually look when we put it into action. 
The most essential part of a vision statement is to define who does what, when, where, why, and how? 
For example, exceptional patient experience may be listed as one of the top five.  So, what does that really mean?  It can mean something different to each team member.  This is why it is so important to discuss how it will look and work in your practice. 
Start by dividing your team into 4 areas, front desk, assistants, hygienists, and doctors.  Each group will write down all the ideas they can come up with to create an exceptional patient experience that are congruent with the vision of the practice.  Once each group has exhausted all their ideas, open it up to everyone's suggestions.
Together as a team, create the guidelines from the notes written on the flip chart.  It is also important to create how the team will transition patients from one member to the next.  Think of it like an exceptional relay team with precise handoffs. 
We have all had the experience where things looked great on paper and failed in real life.  This takes us to the last and most important step.  A trial run as a team.  Role-playing and practicing verbal skills will enable the team to work though any hiccups and fine-tune their roles to perfection. 
Once your vision is defined, every decision you make regarding your practice must be in keeping with your established vision. Continually challenge yourself by asking whether the decisions you make are helping to achieve, or deter from that vision.  
Congratulations, you are on your way to creating a vision statement that will revivify your practice!
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences.  Will 2009 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!