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Ray of the Month
"Leadership is not a formula or a program, it is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the heart of others."

About Judy Kay...
- Known for the knowledge and energy she brings to her consulting and presentations.
- Her empowerment, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and presenter with 20+ years' experience in the industry.

Judy Kay Mausolf

Judy Kay Mausolf

Health Glow

"You get the best efforts from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within."
- Bob Nelson


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November, 2008
Nomination November!

You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2008 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to show their inner shine!
First Impressions
It's an election year November!  In just a few short days, we will be voting for who will be our new leaders.  How exciting that every adult age 18 and older has been given the right to cast a vote for the candidates they think will best lead this country.  The need for great leadership has become more important now, than it has ever been.   
How sad that there has been so much mud-slinging and negative press in both campaigns.  I think we can all agree, it is time the candidates tell us what they will do right and not what the other person did wrong!  Inspire us by how they will L.E.A.D.! 
"We become the words we give to others, they can either build us up or put us down"     
- John Crudele
     Girl with pumpkins
So what qualities should we look for in a new leader?  Well, to help me answer that, I will refer to a few quotes from some of our country's greatest leaders!
When asked if he thought leading by example was the most important quality of leadership, the great humanitarian. Albert Schweitzer thought for a second, and then replied, "No, it's not the most important one. It's the only one."

"A leader's job is to look into the future and see the organization, not as it is, but as it should be." - Jack Welch
"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." - Dwight Eisenhower
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

"A leader is a dealer in hope" - Napoleon
Personal Inspiration
When we become adults, we take over the responsibility of leading our own lives.  I wonder how many of us have ever really thought about that concept in any depth. 
As adults, how many of us actually take the time to lead our own life.  We get so busy putting out fires, ours and others, that we tend to live in a reactive mode.  We stop taking the time to learn and explore the very things that could help us achieve our vision and goals.  When we limit our experiences, we also limit our possibilities.    

How do you lead your life?  Have you thought about your purpose or vision for your life?  Are you leading and living that life now?  Or, are you waiting for that perfect time to start and in the meantime just reacting.  

Think about how you would like your life to be?  It's time to stop waiting for life to happen to you.  It's time for you to happen to life!
"If you have to know it before you can do it, then you can only do what you have already done which means your destiny can only be a repeat of your history."
- Carl Hammerschlag
Woman with BinocularsHere are a few steps that can help you start leading the life you desire.  Take time to stop and think about what is really important to you?  What are your goals and dreams?   Create your vision statement based on those goals and dreams.
Once you have established your vision you will have direction and no longer just react.  Every decision you make will be in keeping with your established vision.  Continually challenge yourself by asking whether the decisions you make are helping to achieve, or deter from that vision.  
Living according to your vision empowers you to make choices that are proactive to live the life you desire.       
"Time is my gift that the universe has given me-this is who I am going to be, if I am not going to be me now I am not going to get another chance."  -Diane Sawyer

Professional Inspiration
This whole leadership thing can be a bit overwhelming at times.  To help clarify leadership, I teach a method with the four principal fundamentals.   
They spell out the word  L.E.A.D.  
  1. Live Your Vision     
  2. Elevate Communication 
  3. Accountability 
  4. Daily Inspiration

To Live Your Vision you must know, believe and follow your vision.  One of the questions I ask when I am interviewing dental teams is, "what is your vision statement?"  The most common response I receive is, we created a vision statement at one time and it's somewhere in a book and I think it goes something like this. 

It is your primary job as a leader to create a vision for your practice, and then live in that picture as if it were already happening in this very moment. Create the vision. Know the vision.  Live the vision.  Living your vision empowers you to live the life you choose.

Elevate Communication by establishing communication guidelines as a team for your practice.  Teams are made up of many different personalities, therefore, they have many different expectations of what appropriate communication looks like.  Setting guidelines as a team will eliminate tension, misunderstandings, and gossip by setting a standard of communication for the  practice.  A standard of communication will empower the team to know and understand the practice's communication expectations.  Establishing communication guidelines  allows everyone to be on the same page and revitalizes the team.   
Accountability -
It is important to hold everyone equally accountable for his or her behavior.  There should be no exclusions or exceptions.  Otherwise, you create mistrust and divide the team.  Morning huddles are an ideal venue to talk about what's working and what's not.  Any issues or breakdowns can be resolved together as a team.  Your team will embrace change when they initiate it or have a role in creating it.      
Daily Inspiration happens when you create a culture of acknowledgement.  To create a culture of acknowledgement the entire team must first know and be aware of what is going on in their practice.  Verbally reward and praise each other daily for all positive behavior.  In a very short time the entire team will begin to feel recognized, important and cared about because their being seen and praised on a daily basis.  Inspired teams inspire peak practice performance.
        Learn Lead 
Living your vision, elevating communication,  team accountability, and daily inspiration creates a practice that delivers exceptional patient experiences resulting in a maximum bottom line.  Embrace the four fundamentals of leadership and Learn to L.E.A.D.! 
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences.  Will 2008 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!