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Ray of the Month
"Belief fuels enthusiasm, and enthusiasm explodes into passion.  It fires our souls and lifts our spirits."
About Judy Kay...
- Known for the knowledge and energy she brings to her consulting and presentations.
- Her empowerment, creativity and dynamic spirit are contagious.
- A natural communicator and presenter with 20+ years' experience in the industry.

Judy Kay Mausolf

Judy Kay Mausolf

Health Glow

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul

Samuel Ullman

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June, 2008
 Juicy June!
You've said it before..."This year will be different."  But WILL it?  Make 2008 YOUR year to change.  Learn more, do more, become more!  We are excited to offer this newsletter to help inspire and empower our readers to show their inner shine!
First Impressions
It is 6 AM and the birds are chirping.  Time to start my day.  I stretch, get out of bed and brush my teeth (I am sure this is the first thing those of us in the dental field always do).  It is time to let my Yorkie, Zoe, out of her kennel.  I already know how happy she will be to see me.  Everyday rain or shine, early or late it does not matter... she is filled with enthusiasm!  She embodies enthusiasm at it's core!  Her enthusiasm is extremely infectious.  I am instantly in a better mood.  What a wonderful way to be greeted in the morning.  Imagine what a happy world we would live in if everyone could start their day this way!
This got me thinking.  If a little, enthusiastic dog could have such an effect on me, just imagine the potential a little enthusiasm shared by people could do to boost each other's day!
Personal Inspiration

Okay, so maybe some of us aren't necessarily the happiest person in the morning and we don't have the benefit of a Yorkie to greet us.  How do we become enthusiastic for the day? 

Start your day by thinking of five things you are grateful for.  Say a thank you to the universe or whoever it is you may talk to.  The five things do not need to be extraordinary.  They can be as simple as;
  • I am still alive. 
  • I can get out of bed without aid. 
  • I have food for breakfast. 
  • I have a car to drive to work. 
  • I have a job to go to or maybe I don't have a job to go to!   

Next say a heartfelt Thank You, feel it, and mean it.  It's time to develop an attitude of gratitude

jumping girlWhen you stop taking things for granted you will be amazed at how quickly you become enthusiastic 
over even the little things in life.   If you can't find five things you are grateful for it is time to evaluate your expectations, choices, and how you are living your life in general.
Professional Inspiration
You can inspire enthusiasm at work by creating a Culture of Acknowledgement.  To create a Culture of Acknowledgment  you need to first know and be aware of what's going on.  Even the small things are important.  Know when team members achieve objectives and goals, both as an individual and as a group.  Then acknowledge each other with verbal praises.  Everyone on your team will start to feel recognized, important, and cared about because they are being seen and praised on a daily basis.  I love this acknowledgment stuff!  Anyone can start it immediately and they don't need permission.  It only takes one person to get the ball rolling in the right direction.  You start by giving verbal praises for everything that is right with the practice.  You get what you reward!  Reward personal responsibility, good moods, good attitudes and even just a smile. 
Some great acknowledgment phrases are;
  • I am proud of you.
  • Great job!
  • Way to go!
  • Thank You.
  • Kudos!
Mario Fernandez said, "Rain and sun are to the flower as praise and encouragement are to the human spirit."  
For example, Betty the receptionist takes great notes on an emergency new patient.  The assistant could say, "Thanks Betty for the great notes on the emergency new patient.  I was able to have the set up ready which made the entire appointment flow smoothly."  Can you imagine how good this will make Betty feel?  Do you think she will try to do an even better job next time?  You bet she will! 
I also suggest you share her good work at the next day's morning huddle.  Your morning huddles will become positive and focused on what is right with the practice.  Good performance will no longer be overlooked and taken for granted.  The office environment will become one that embraces an attitude of gratitude.  The end result, once again, everyone will be enthusiastic to come to work!
Enhancing your personal and professional image can inspire connections, build relationships and create WOW experiences.  Will 2008 be just another 12 months in your life, or will it be the year that turns your life around?  Let us help you awaken your inner shine and not just make it a GREAT year but an EXTRAORDINARY year!  In fact, the best year of your life. 
Contact Judy Kay today if you are ready to start the momentum to your best year ever!