Child Trends

August 31, 2012


Increasing Young Latina Women's Use of Reproductive Health Care Services  

Latinos in the United States experience high rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), teen childbearing, and unintended pregnancy. Child Trends' latest report, Reproductive Health Care through the Eyes of Latina Women: Insights for Providers, presents nine recommendations for sexual and reproductive health clinics and providers to increase young Latina women's access to and use of services.


Nearly one in five Americans was a Latino in 2011. Improving the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services to this population has the potential to significantly increase consistent contraceptive use and to reduce high rates of STDs, teen childbearing, and unintended pregnancy.


The recommendations are based on findings from 14 focus groups conducted by Child Trends in three cities in the United States with young adult Latina women (18- to 24-years-old) and with reproductive health care and social service providers serving large Latina populations. An extensive literature review supplements the focus group findings.



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