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Monthly Update Newsletter
  June 2010

Sherri Hope Culver
Sherri Hope Culver
NAMLE President

I've just returned from the World Summit on Media for Children.  This once-every-three-years event typically brings together scholars, educators and the media industry for a global discussion on children's media.  But this year, the conference theme focused more directly on media literacy.  Representing NAMLE, I had the opportunity to present a session on Media Literacy in the USA.  Not enough time to share details about all of your wonderful projects and organizations, but I was able to introduce attendees to many of the exciting projects taking place around the country.  I even discovered a similar member organization to NAMLE in Italy.  Hopefully, attendees will join us at NAMLE's national conference next year; especially since our theme is Global Visions/Local ConnectionsPlease visit for more details about presentations and keynotes (including a keynote from NAMLE founding member Renee Hobbs).  I hope you'll be as inspired as you read about the creative and innovative work being done on media literacy across the globe.

Sherri Hope Culver


NAMLE Needs You.
You can make a difference and advance the mission of media literacy education by joining a NAMLE Committee:

Communications Committee
Rhys DaunicWeb management & external communication

Development Committee 
Cindy PulleyFundraising: Corporate and foundation

Program Committee  
Paul MilhailidisProgrammatic development, Journal of Media Literacy Education

Conference Committee
Deb ParkerCoordination & Development of 2011 NAMLE Conference

Conference Program Committee
Vanessa DomineProgrammatic Development of 2011 NAMLE ConferenceEditor, Update Newsletter
Membership Committee

Kelly MendozaMembership recruitment, renewal & service

Finance Committee
Brian Cohen Budgeting, reporting, strategizing & all things fiscal

Join us in Philadelphia July 22-25, 2011 for panels, presentations, networking and professional development opportunities centered on the theme:
Global Visions/Local Connections: Voices of Media Literacy Education.

The Conference Call for Proposals will be issued this September for a January 2011 submission deadline.

Want to serve on a conference committee?
Contact Deb Parker.

(Correction: The conference will be held in July. Last month we incorrectly reported June as the conference date. We apologize for the error)


core principles

The purpose of
 media literacy education is to develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression needed by critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens in today's world.


core principles

The Journal
of Media Literacy Education
now interactive!

NAMLE's online
journal now
has a blog
and forum for discussion.

Read the
current issue &

Join the


Ever wonder what
happens in the
NAMLE Board Room?

What's new with you?
Tell us and we'll include it in a future issue of Update. We are especially interested in updates from our student, individual and organizational members.
email us now

Next submission deadline:
July 12th
aking Headlines

Youth Safety on a Living Internet
The Report of the NTIA Online Safety and Technology Working Group was released earlier this month suggesting there is no quick fix to child safety. The report argues against top-down mandates and instead supports an empowerment, collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach. [full report]

World Summit on Media for Youth This past week media industry, research, journalists, youth and educators have been working hard through 212 sessions to create a better media world for children and youth. NAMLE president, Sherri Hope Culver served on several panels and highlighted numerous media literacy programs in the USA. View an interview with NAMLE-member Renee Hobbs about media literacy as a "two-sided coin." [view more interviews]

ark Your Calendars 

A Free Professional Development Program with Renee Hobbs This summer the Powerful Voices for Kids program will open its door to educators from around the city, nation and the world. Spend time observing children develop their digital and media literacy skills. Come for an afternoon, a couple of days, or stay for the week.  It will be held July 19-23rd in Philadelphia. Advanced registration required. [learn more]

Junior Film Critics Boot Camp Kids First is holding their first Junior Film Critics Boot Camp for kids ages 11-14 in LA, NYC and Santa Fe this June and July. Participants learn about the behind-the-scenes aspects of the film industry as they critique the latest films, learn how to write reviews, learn interview techniques, visit a production studio and benefit from the advice of seasoned professionals. [learn more]
Passioned: Meet our Members

"We are just finishing a Web-based version of our school-based anti-smoking media literacy program called AD IT UP.  We got good   results from a teacher-led version of this program. However, we are hoping that the Web-based version will provide another option for schools that prefer it." --Brian Primack, MD. [read more]

Want to recommend an M-Passioned NAMLE member who should be in our next feature? Contact with your suggestion.

Congratulations to the NAMLE Membership Committee for their successful membership campaign in May! The drive fully exceeded the Jane Brown Matching Fund donation of $1500. Fourteen NAMLE Members who joined, renewed, or donated in May won prizes in our prize drawing. Congratulations to Sox Sperry of Project Look Sharp who won our grand prize, a NAMLE 2011 Conference Jump Start Package! Check out all of our prize winners.


edia Literacy Resources

Media Literacy Curriculum Kit  After 4 years in the making, the revised and expanded Media Constructions of Global Warming kit is now available online. This is Project Look Sharp's first kit that teaches core science content as well as analyses of media messages about global warming. [learn more]

PBS & NAMLE Partner 
P.O.V., the longest running series on TV to feature the work of America's contemporary-issue independent filmmakers, has partnered with NAMLE to make available Media Literacy Questions for Analyzing P.O.V. Films. The new resource is adapted from the Key Questions included in NAMLE's Core Principles of Media Literacy Education in the U.S. [learn more]

ITVS and NAMLE Partner Community Classroom is an innovative and free resource for educators, offering short-form film modules adapted from ITVS's award-winning documentaries and standards-based lesson plans for high school and community colleges, NGOs and youth organizations. They recently included NAMLE's Core Principles as part of their resources. [learn more].

English as Mediated Literacy The May issue of English Teaching: Practice & Critique focuses on the relationships and integration of new literacy tools, texts and media in the English curriculum. Guest editors are Andrew Burn (Institute of Education, London) and Kathleen Tyner (University of Texas). [view contents of issue]

For All the World to See
NAMLE member (and past president) Frank Baker recommends a new photo exhibit, "For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights" which recently opened at the Center of International Photography in New York City. The exhibit was reviewed in The New York Times and has a companion web site and book of the same name. Check out the K-12 educator resources. For other books about civil rights photography, check out Frank Baker's visual literacy site.

ore Publishing Opportunities

Write for Educational Leadership The theme for the Feb 2011 issue of ASCD's Educational Leadership is: "Teaching Screenagers." The publication is written by practitioners for practitioners with a circulation of 170,000. Submission Deadline: September 1st. [learn more]

Call for Entries: Cinemakids 2010
Cinemakids seeks films, videos, and computer animations created by young people 18 years old and younger for its annual screening program.Cinemakids will take place September 18-19 at the University of Texas at Austin. Submission deadline: July 1st. For entry forms and submission guidelines [click here].

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly 
AEQ is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles related to effective teaching and learning. They invite submissions for their Winter 2010 special issue: "Educational Technologies: Innovations, Experiences and Outcomes" which will explore research and practice related to educational technologies. Submission deadline: July 31st. [learn more]

ployment Opportunities

Global Kids, Inc. is hiring Global Kids, Inc., is a New York City based non-profit organization dedicated to transforming urban youth into successful students and global and community leaders. They are seeking to fill a full-time staff position as Online Leadership Program Associate. Start date: September 1st.
[learn more]
