Upcoming Events |
Dec. 16th- Jan. 2nd Winter Break
Jan. 3rd-School Resumes
Jan. 9th- Progress reports sent home with students
Jan. 16th-No School, Martin Luther King Day
Jan. 18th-Site Council Meeting, 2:35PM
Jan. 27th-Student of the Month Assembly, 8:20am
Jan. 30th-No School Grading Day
Follow us on Twitter |
The Oregon Trail School District is offering those interested an option for receiving short, timely messages via Twitter. You may receive tweets via the Twitter website, smartphone, or text message (SMS). To get started, go to the District website at www.oregontrailschools.com and click on the Twitter button; or to get updates via SMS, text "follow OregonTrailSD" to 40404. If you have any questions, contact Julia Monteith at julia.monteith@ortrail.k12.or.us or 503-668-0679.
A HUGE BMS Thank You! |
We would like to thank Ron Skinner and Brad Twigger from Brad Twigger Electrical for fixing our BMS scoreboard. All of us at Boring Middle School appreciate you taking the time and taking care of us again.
School Closure Information | |
In the event of inclement weather and possible school closures, public information will be released through the area television, radio and web media. The initial media notice of closure or delay is reported by 5:00am. In the event of a delayed start, the final media notice, if closure is required, will be made by 7:00am. Media normally broadcasting closure information include:
*AM radio: KEWS 620, KEX 1190, KUPL, KENP 1410, KXL 750, KOTK 1080, KMUZ 1230
*FM radio: KXL 95.5, KCNR 97.1, KUPL 98.7, KJIB 99.5, KKRZ 100.3, KINK 102, KKCW 103, KMJK 107
*TV: KGW 8, KATU 2, KOIN 6, KOIN.com
Go to the district website for the most up to date and accurate school closure information at www.oregontrailschools.com.
In the event of a closure DURING the school day, we will follow parent instructions as submitted on the "Winter Weather Closure" forms you completed at the first of the year. In order to avoid the overload of our phone access during these emergencies, please phone our office prior to these events to confirm that all emergency contact information is updated so we can ensure safe transport or the withholding of any child not on accessible bus routes during weather related school releases. Thank you for your assistance.
Lunch Charges | |
When a student runs out of money in their breakfast/lunch account, we do let students charge a lunch so they do not go without eating. However, those charges do add up. Students are reminded each time they get a meal if they owe money. Please check with your student to see if they owe money. You can check account balances or add money to your child's lunch account through the district website by clicking on Departments' and then clicking the nutrition tab. You can also contact Mary Higgins at the Naas Cafeteria at 503-668-4454 if you would like to find out if your student's account is overdrawn.
eScrip...(?) |
eScrip is a hassle-free way for schools and groups that support children's programs to raise funds through everyday purchases made at eScrip merchants. (In our area its Safeway.)
Simple registration:
- Log on to www.eScrip.com and go to "sign up".
- Designate Boring Middle School to receive contributions.
- Register your Safeway card and your debit/credit cards.
Be sure to use: Oregon Trail SD-Boring Middle School for the Group Name and 8560586 for the Group ID# when registering.
Queridos Padres de Familia: |
Esta información de la Escuela Secundaria de Boring será enviadas en español y serán enviadas dentro de una semana. Atentamente:
Jody Roshak, ELL Teacher, 503-668-9393 ext 133 or at 503-668-4454
Box Tops For Education |
BMS participates in the Box Tops for Education program. It is a great way to earn money for our school. Simply clip the Box Tops for Education coupons from participating brands and put them into the collection box across from the office. |

A big thank you to Nicole Stier and Stephanie Levy and the entire OLD NAVY Company for bringing the Old Navy Funnovations Inc. event to Boring Oregon. We would also like to thank Anthony Larrisey from Event Lab (Marketing Company)for being the Event Lead in charge of everything for the Old Navy Event at BMS and making the Old Navy donation possible. Also thank you to Travis Bloom from Event Lab (Marketing Company) for all his work being the Site Manager.
We would also like to thank Chris Olson and Burns and Olson Realty for being the local coordinator for the Old Navy event. He facilitated communication with BMS and Event Lab for site usage and "Wish list" requests.
This event has not only brought our community of Boring a day of FABULOUS FREE FUN,- performers, celebrities music, food, art, tree lighting, and AMAZING OLD NAVY giveaways... it also gave a very quiet bedroom community new energy and pride! Your company's willingness to make a donation to Boring Middle School for 42 new student computers and 22 teacher iPads will positively impact 435 students' lives and make their educational experience engaging beyond their imaginations. OLD NAVY'S DONATION will make the entire greater East County area of greater Portland, Oregon believers that there are still companies who care and believe in education!!!!!!
Again....THANK YOU!!!!
Old Navy brought the magic, fun and spirit of Funnovations Inc. to Boring, Oregon with a citywide celebration for fun-thusiasts of all ages. With special guests Duff Goldman, owner of Charm City Cakes, and Bootsy Collins and Funk U-nity, Old Navy hosted a spectacular party with stylishly warm giveaways, fun family activities and lots of live entertainment, all at no cost to attendees.
Iconic musical artist Bootsy Collins and Funk U-nity enlivened the party with one-of-a-kind funk and dance tunes. Members of the Boring Middle School and Sandy High School Band also provided music for the occasion.
Duff Goldman, star of the Food Network show "Ace of Cakes" brought one of the biggest funfetti cakes around provided and created by Charm City Cakes. Other tasty treats like cinnamon buns, hot chocolate, cotton candy, hot dogs, and Voodoo doughnuts were provided at no cost.
"Finger smear" artist Kelly Sullivan led the community in the creation of a colorful, large-scale painting as a commemorative gift to the school.
Party-goers snagged free winter apparel and accessories from Old Navy, such as scarves and fleece.
Student of the Month
Nov/Dec "Trustworthy"
Students were asked to nominate fellow students who demonstrate the qualities of fairness. These qualities include:
- Being honest (don't lie, cheat or steal)
- Being reliable (keep your promises and follow through on your commitments)
- Searches to accept what is true and avoids accepting what is false
- Being a good friend and not betraying a trust
Our winners for Nov/Dec are:
8th Grade Winners
Cody Jordan & Tatum Garrison
Congratulations to all of our winners and to all of those who were nominated. Keep up the great job! |
Hello from the PBIS Team:
With the holidays drawing near we have been working feverishly to keep up with the ongoing needs of our student body here at BMS.
Over the past few years we have been targeting the behavioral climate of our school community. Always an ongoing process, we also wanted to turn our attention to motivating academic excellence as well. So, with that in mind, the PBIS team has come up with some new twists in recognizing and promoting students to do their very best. Thus, we have instigated, what we call, the "Academic Awards of Excellence," or the AAE's.
The criteria will be based on a 4.0 trimester GPA and that of a 3.5+ GPA. The first presentations took place on Dec. 15th during the students' silent reading time. Teachers gave a short speech on the significance of this honor, presented the awards, and shared the ongoing rewards for their accomplishments.
It is our hope, as a staff, that in this new approach students will be spurred on to greater heights of excellence.
Happy Holidays,
Parents, please remember to check your children's immunization records before the exclusion day. Required vaccines have changed for 2012.
The new year will be here before we know it, and the Oregon Immunization Program wants to remind parents that now is the time to make sure kids' vaccination records are complete. State law requires that all children in public and private schools, preschools, Head Start and certified child care facilities be up-to-date on their immunizations.
Parents or guardians will receive a letter in late January or early February 2012 if their child's immunization record shows that he or she has not received the required vaccinations. Children will not be able to attend school or child care starting Feb. 15, 2012, if their records on file show missing immunizations.
"The goal is to make sure children are fully protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. If school and child care shot records are not up-to-date, the child will be sent home," said Lorraine Duncan, Oregon Public Health Division immunization manager.
This year, parents should take note of some new information:
Tdap vaccine requirement: Tdap vaccine is required for seventh, eighth, and ninth-graders. Tdap is a tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) booster.
Parents seeking immunizations for their children should contact their health care provider or local health department, or call Oregon SafeNet at 1-800-SAFENET or 1-800-723-3638. No one can be turned away from a local health department because of the inability to pay for required vaccines. Additional information on school immunizations can be found at www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/imm/school.
Financial Relief
Have your circumstances been affected by the recent problems with the US and World economy? Unemployment rates are up, and while we hope none of our families are impacted, the harsh reality of the situation is that some may be.
If your family income has taken a hit recently or you qualify and hadn't applied previously, our school kitchens may be able to help. Ask your school office for a Free/Reduced Breakfast & Lunch application to see if your child qualifies. Staying attentive and learning on an empty stomach is tough. Take advantage of federal and state funding to make sure they don't have to go hungry during the school day.
Applications are strictly confidential, so you need not be concerned about privacy. Help keep your student's body and mind properly nourished. Pick up an application today!
Reminder From The Office
Please remember that school hours are from 7:40-2:20pm. There is supervision at the school from 7:15-2:30pm only.
Students who arrive at school before 7:15am must wait outside the building.
Students may only stay after school when they have made previous arrangements with a staff member.
Boring Middle School 503-668-9393, 27801 S.E. Dee Street, Boring, Oregon, 97009
OTSD Special Needs Contact Statement: Persons having questions about or requests for special needs and accommodation should contact Courtney Murphy at the BMS office at 503-668-9393. Contact should be made 72 hours in advance of the event.
Discrimination Statement: It's the policy of the Oregon Trail School District Board that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex(gender), marital status, sexual orientation, religion, natural origin, age or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment.