Spectral Gems
Spectral GemsAugust 15, 2011
Roger and Ginger are going to Africa!


We're going to Africa! As most of you know, Roger has been making regular trips to east Africa in search of the finest gem rough he can acquire. This time Ginger is going as well. We're pretty excited about this trip as it will be Roger's 14th trip to the African continent, but Ginger's first! She's heard all the stories, seen all the pictures and watched the excitement from the sidelines. Now she finally gets to be in the thick of it! 

Zircon mine
The rich red dirt of the Zircon mine in eastern Tanzania.


In addition to Ginger, a good friend of ours is joining us. He's a graduate gemologist and seasoned jewelry professional that took a detour in his career to follow his passion of film production. He'll be documenting the trip with the ultimate plan being a full length film production you might find on The Discovery Channel, Travel Channel or PBS. Think Harrison Ford in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' or maybe Roger Dery, Rock Star on Gem Safari! Along the way we'll be recording short video clips that will be available to stores we perform Gemstone Roundtables with to further enhance the Roundtable experience. Roundtable guests will be able to see us digging at a zircon mine or sifting rough at a garnet mine. Experiential and exciting!


Loliondo spessartite rough
Inspecting a Spessartite Garnet rough from the Loliondo mine in Tanzania
We'll keep you posted!


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