The Pipeline People Inspired Community Driven
Putting the 'Fun' in Fundraising: Dispatches from Weekend Eventsvents
| A long yet productive weekend of 'fun'd-raising kicked off at 5 AM this past Friday when police officers from across the state took part in Cop on Top, a morning-long mock stakeout to raise donations for the Law Enforcement Torch Officer Williams  | Run, to benefit the Special Olympics.
As Officer Capetillo of the 14th District, above, held post atop a police truck, nearly flush with the roof of the Dunkin Donuts, 2565 W. Fullerton, Officer Kramer sold coffee mugs and T-shirts inside the DD. On the street, despite the gray and dreary weather, Officer Williams was as upbeat as ever, drumming up funds from passing cars and passerbys. "I'm on my third bucket," he said when I popped by around 10AM....
Birdhouse 2010/photo by Dina Petrakis  | ... The following day, on Saturday, I reached out to Dina Petrakis of Littlerock Renovation Coaching, who'd told me that she would be attending the birdhouse auction at artist Wesley Kimler's studio to benefit Pritzker's campus landscape project, which is working creatively to reach its goal of $40,000 to fund the development and renovation of an outdoor playground at A.N. Pritzker School, 2009 W. Schiller.
"Papa," by Dan Pohrte and Tiffany Nash/photo by Dina Petrakis  | Per a report sent in by Dina, who channeled her inner society-page editor, Birdhouse 2010 was attended by "a variety of people, from Pritzker students and parents to artists and architects; from teachers and principal to movers and shakers." Dina further noted that she and others enjoyed a finely crafted lam-wood shaped birdhouse named "Papa," which was reminiscent of Pac-Man and fashioned by Dan Pohrte and Tiffany Nash. Also of note was a Flying Saucer Birdship comprised of recycled reflectors and parts from an old stove, made by Lora Lode. To read Dina's recap of the evening in its entirety, as well as see more images, click here.
... The last fund-raising stop of the weekend was at the "Sunday Funday" Pub Crawl, which donated 100% of its proceeds to benefit the medical recovery of Stacy Jurich and Natasha McShane. Eleven local bars participated in the crawl. In related news, the
Lawrence Arms benefit at Subterranean, held Wednesday, May 19, brought in just over $5,250, per an update on Reckless Records' Facebook page. Next in the works is a benefit for Natasha McShane, to be hosted by Mayor Daley and retired Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheehan, slated for June 4, per this poster which was sent in by a reader. The Irish community is also planning two fundraisers for McShane on June 13, per this Sun-Times post by Mark Konkol.
Corrections and a 'Thank You'
| From last week's issue: Nathan DeLuna was represented by a personal lawyer, and not a public defender, as initially reported in the 'VTC' tagger story by Nandika Doobay. Also, Deluna resides in the city of Chicago and not Winnetka. An individual who was with Deluna at the time of the crime, which occurred in the 1800 block of N. Milw. last summer, resides in Winnetka. Thirdly, while printouts from Deluna's Facebook page were used as evidence in court, The Pipeline would like to apologize for including the link to Deluna's Facebook page, which was inserted by me after Nandika had sent in her copy. An anonymous commenter asked if the link was necessary and upon thinking about it I agreed that it wasn't.
Example of tagging on a storefront window, Fall 2009  | The Pipeline regrets all three errors but would also like to give a special thanks to Nandika for going to the courthouse. I paid Nandika $10 out of our sponsorship advertising to write the article. I thought the story was important to include here considering graffiti tags are an issue I've witnessed many small business owners deal with during street-side wanderings. Nandika resides in the neighborhood and received her associates degree in journalism in 2009 from Truman College, where she served as the arts and entertainment editor for Uptown Exchange, the college's newspaper.
Thanks for reading, as well as for your advertising sponsorships which are directly applied to funding the content creation invested into each issue of this e-newsletter.
Alisa Hauser May 25, 2010
Business News is Sponsored by The WPB Chamber of Commerce:
1414 N. Ashland, ph: 773-384-2672. Interested in joining the chamber? Download an application. |
Chamber members recently gathered for a farewell party at Club Lucky, 1824 W. Wabansia, in honor of Paula Barrington, outgoing executive director of the Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce. As reported last week, a fun time was had by all....
... In other news, On Wed., June 9, from 9-10 AM, there will be a Business 101 session, free to chamber members and held at the chamber offices, 1414 N. Ashland. The gathering will address Using Video as an Effective Website Tool for Marketing. Presented by Joone Studios of Wicker Park, participants will learn how to use
effective videos on their business websites to effectively market
services, engage customers, and convey their business brand in a
creative manner. Please RSVP for the Business 101 session by clicking here.
Inside Caffe de Luca  | Also on June 9, all are welcome to say "hello" to summer time while mixing and mingling with fellow
chamber members on the serene back patio of Caffe de Luca, 1721 N. Damen. Enjoy a
complimentary tarot card reading (or just skip the tarot and network your way into the future!) while noshing on appetizers and an on-the-house cocktail, followed by a cash
bar. The evening is hosted by Al of Spenadel Tax and Accounting Services and Alisa from The Pipeline. RSVP to Alisa or to Al by Friday, June 5th.
photo courtesy of WhirlyBall.com  | Please visit the chamber's event page to keep abreast of other happenings, like a Business 101 on June 17 focusing on Branding Basics, led by chamber member Carol Palmer of Palmer Branding, and a Whirley Ball Summer Social slated for June 23 that will include folks from other chambers such as Lincoln Park, Edgewater, and Roscoe Village.
Students in a SC Training Center writing class  | TWEETS & Local LINKS is Sponsored by The Second City Training Center's 'Adult Summer Staycation Camp,' aka Week-Long Immersion Sessions, which focus on bringing out participants' inner funny in a supportive and air-conditioned environment. Click here for more details on course offerings and schedules, some of which coincide with children and youth camps, so parents can play too, but not in the same room as their children.
Call the training center at 312-664-3959 to get started or register here. Please reference code word 'Pipeline' for an early-registration tuition discount now through June 5th.
| Debbie Sharpe, of The Goddess and Grocer and
Feast, and Julie Horowitz Jackson, of Virtu, were featured in this ABC7 On Your Side: "Shop Around the Block'" segment. Also on the airwaves, Steve Dolinsky, aka The Hungry Hound, popped by the recently opened Dee's Place, 2114 W. Division.
Allison Haven of Greenheart Shop was featured on NBC News recently. Check out this video clip.
, RT @:
The Beer Traveler Pub of the Day: the Map Room, cool local w/ great
brew in Chicago's Bucktown.
, Chicago Job: Experienced Server
(Bucktown) - Minimum 2 years serving experience
Strong knowledge of Wine, Spir...
@erinsBIGhair, Does anyone in Chicago want a
FREE blowdry & style on Monday, June 7th starting at 2 pm @
Art+Science Salon in Wicker Park?
, We're open for Memorial Day for
Brunch! 10-3 at Bucktown and 9-3 at Gold Coast!
ChicagoBreakingNews.com posted this story on May 19th about Dan Firkins, who recently passed away. Thanks to reader Christine for sending in the link. The Pipeline extends its deepest sympathies to the Firkin family on this tragic loss and sad news.
Chicago Tribune writer Mary Schmich--one of my favorite columnists--recently wrote about the phrase "sad news" and what it has come to signify in an era of digital communication.
Got a link? Please share it.
SPACES: Openings, Closings, Re-los, Anniversaries Etc.
Marna  | This
section is proudly sponsored by Marna Spizz, an independent residential
real estate broker helping locals find or sell the spiciest and hippest
of 'spaces' since 1998!
Email Marna at mspizz@sbcglobal.net, or call 312-543-2259. Readers can learn more about Marna in the April 20th Pipeline.
| Rebecca, a local resident, marvels at the felted taxidermy creations inside the "Hunting Lodge."  | (Do you have a lead regarding a new opening, or a space you are curious about? Send us an email and we will do our best to follow up. To see which spots we highlighted in 'Spaces' last week, click here.)
New at Renegade Handmade, 1924 W. Division, is an art Paul, inside the Gallery of Glass  | gallery, per this Time Out Chicago story by Jessica Herman. First up: a Hunting Lodge! The Pipeline happened to stumble into the gallery just as it was opening this past week, above, and encountered a few curious folks as well.
The Gallery of Glass is now open for business as housed in the back room of Batteries Not Included, 1439 N. Milw. The gallery features handcrafted glass accessories from area artisans like Nick Pond, Penny and Jon, enjoying a hot dog at George's  | who made this rad set of six 7-Up beer glasses using vintage bottles.
The Dairy Queen on Damen appears to still be closed, with no known plans of reopening. Also closed for apparently the long haul is Cold Stone Creamery at 1924 W. North, though the recent brown papering of its storefront may indicate that a new tenant is on the way. The good news for ice cream lovers is that Just Indulge, Margie's Candies, iCream, Miko's Ice, and many other spots are open and ready to accommodate the local sweet tooth scene. Not a sweet tooth? Need a meal first? There's always encased meats. George's Hot Dog's, 1876 N. Damen, offers a sidewalk patio too. "We opened it [the patio] on April first and will be up until November," said owner Mary...
.... The landmark building at the Six Corner's Intersection of Milw./Damen/North that's the former home to Midwest Bank appears to be hosting temporary events, the most recent of which was a three-day sample sale featuring discounted clothing from Los Angeles designer James Perse.
Eric of Gunner's Pub  | Gunner's Pub at 1467 N. Milw., in the spot formerly occupied by the Wicker Park outpost of Cafe Biondi, is slated to open soon, per owner Eric, who told me that the story behind the mannequin arm he's holding stems from an incident wherein he and his wife were brown papering the storefront together months back and his wife's hand poked out of the paper, momentarily startling him in a creepy way. The enterprising couple saw that as a sign to buy a mannequin part and stick it out the window, hoping to spark curiosity from those passing by (mission accomplished.) In other news, a gunner is a term for a horse that cuts cattle out of a herd, though that has nothing to do with Eric's pub, he just liked the name because it begs many different interpretations. What is certain, however, is that Eric knows his bar drinks after cutting his teeth for 14 years as a bartender for the Match Box. In addition to custom cocktails, Gunner's will serve craft beers and food to anchor all the libations. Stay tuned!
RJ of Wow & Zen  | Reported in previous Pipelines, Wow & Zen has decided to close its physical storefront, 1912 N. Damen. The inventory is thinning out fast, and per RJ, all items are now 75% off through this weekend, after which the store, specializing in Asian imports, will continue to do business through its Web site. At right, RJ demonstrates how to use a Thai underarm cushion.
In anniversary news, Brooklyn Industries, 1426 N. Milw., celebrated the second anniversary of its only Chicago location this past weekend. 
Also this past weekend Lottie's Pub, 1925 W. Cortland, held a very special anniversary in honor of its 76th Year in Business!
Assistant general manager Michael paused briefly from tending to the celebration-minded crowds intent on 76-cent-draft beers to pose for the camera along with employees Arisa, at Michael's left, and Lily, at his right.
Sponsored News: Sapere Celebrates First Year
Gary still doesn't know why exactly he bought these
boots when outfitting Sapere Art in the Flat Iron Arts Bldg one year ago this
week. He guesses it has to do with his thoughts on opening
day last year, which he recorded on the board the boots sit on. "When you attempt something new - Be Prepared. You might run into shit as you go but remember to smile at
every step you take. It's your dream. Gary W. Marr, May 29, 2009''
And guess what? He's still open in Studio 341 at the Flat Iron Arts Bldg,
1579 N. Milw. With more than 400 works of art in Gary's inventory, it's always a treat getting there.
Sponsored News: 'Animal Menagerie' Opens
| Jim Budish and 'Bailey'  | This past Friday I had the pleasure of meeting artist Jim Budish, who'd just arrived at the Jackson Junge Gallery, 1389 N. Milw., in advance of the evening's Animal Menagerie opening, which featured oil paintings by Kate Hoyer and large and small sculptures by Jim, who created "Bailey," based on a friend's dog who lived on a beachfront in California.
Originally from Colorado, Jim has sculptured for most of his life, though it wasn't until 12 years ago that he decided to make a go of being a full-time artist after many years in the professional world, beginning with a stint managing the ski department of a Sear's Department store. When asked why he likes to sculpt children and animals, he replied, "It's about capturing attitude, and they've got it."
Animal Menagerie runs through June 27th.
Theater Review: Baal by Pat J. Daily
| Actors (from L to R): Dana Black, Rachel Rizzuto, Lindsey Gavel,
Ian Westerfer, Jacqueline Stone, and Stacie Beth Green/ photo by
Vojkan Radonjic  | Two hours
is a long time to spend with a guy like Baal, the title
character of Bertolt Brecht's first play. The dissolute poet (which is
actually an insult to dissolute poets) chugs booze constantly, buries
his face in food like an animal, and forces or insinuates himself
sexually onto friends--women and men--only to abandon them just as
callously--one woman is left with a child, another throws herself in a
river to drown. But that does sound like a pretty good show, and TUTA
Theatre's new production of the 1918 Baal, which just opened in
the Chopin's basement space, delivers on the show. Whoever plays Baal
had better come off like a rock star, and Ian Westerfer, whose acting
and singing are good enough, sure has the looks (and his ability to
unbuckle and unzip his pants without them dropping to the floor might
have won him the role). But the real star is the stark, lovely music
local composer Josh Schmidt came up with as the setting for Brecht's
spooky, hymn-like lyrics. Members of the large cast sing and trade off
on a variety of acoustic instruments and ensure that, in the end, it's
music and poetry, not
Baal's seeming disdain for his own art (or Brecht's nascent theories of
such), that makes this a worthwhile
evening of theater. Baal runs through 6/20: Thu-Sat 7:30 PM, Sun 3
PM, at Chopin Theatre, 1543 W. Division. Tickets are $25, $20 for
students and seniors; call 773-278-1500 or visit tutato.com. --by Pat J.
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Local Links | Chicago-Pipeline.com
@peacelovegoat, Bucktown Community Org. (BCO) on Twitter
@evachicago, East Village Association on Twitter
"Wicker Park" and "Bucktown" on Facebook.
Our Urban Times
Wicker Park Arts District
Got a local news site? Email a link
Wicker Park Videos
| View video interviews with two longtime locals directed by Gary Marks for our Wicker Park Portrait Series on Hexagram's YouTube Channel.
New: Pipeline on YouTube! Thanks to Joe of Wisthoff Fitness Warehouse, 2240 W. North, for launching this channel. We regret that we do not have a spare minute to properly maintain it, so please email Joe if you'd like to volunteer your services.
About Us
| The Pipeline
is an e-newsletter est. April 6, 2009. We are distributed via email on Tuesdays to nearly 2,100 local
The majority of our content focuses on news pertaining to residents and business owners in Wicker Park & Bucktown. Our editorial policy can be viewed here.
We are very grateful for support from past advertising sponsors as well as from these current folks who make the work that we do possible:
The Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce, The Second City Training Center, Marna Spizz, Residential Broker, Filter Cafe, DeciBel Audio, Bucktown Fitness Club, Al Spenadel, CPA, Sapere Art Gallery, Jackson Junge Gallery, Lubinski Furniture and Movers.
Editor's note: We do not share content prior to any issue. Corrections are
noted the following week.
All are welcome and encouraged to continue sending news tips and story ideas as well as inquire about sponsorship, though please understand that if we
don't cover your news, chances are likely it was a race against time
and we lost. Please consider becoming an advertising sponsor to reinforce your business or group's presence as well as support editorial production.
The previous week's issue is hosted on Chicago-Pipeline.com.
A printed, read-only copy is available at Bon Bon Sandwiches, 2333 W. North.

As always, Thanks for Reading. Have a great holiday too.... In tradition with last year, we will again e-mail a 'Soft News Post-Holiday People' issue on June 1st or likely June 2nd.
Alisa Hauser* Writer, Editor, Sales e: streetsofwicker@hotmail twitter: @thelocalfeed
Pat J. Daily Proofreader Roving Contributor e: patrickdaily82@gmail.com
Ashley Clark The Week(s) Ahead- Listings e: acegirl77@gmail.com
Nandika Doobay Crime and CAPS reporter e:lunarmodule@sbcglobal.net
*words/pics by Alisa unless noted
Bucktown Tree and GardenWalk is July 10-11, 2010
| The annual Bucktown Tree and GardenWalk will take place on July 10-11. If you are a local
resident with a garden to include in the walk, please email Eva Bergant, or sign your garden up here.
Sponsored News: Angel Club Listings
| Odd Obsession Movies,1822 N. Milw., 773-276-0894: Foreign, indie, classic, rare, and out-of-circulation titles on DVD and VHS, and a cinephile cat.
Sterling Goss, 1845 N. Oakley, (773) 342-7100: Prime cuts of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Poultry, Cheeses, sandwiches, catering, etc.
Pot Pan Thai, 1362 N. Milw., 773-862-6990: Dine-in & delivery, recipient of the National Food Institute's "The Pride of Thailand" Certificate of Excellence.
CopyMax, 1321 N. Milw, 773-252-6200: Self, and full-service copying, computer rental & repair, mailbox service, business cards.
Alejandra & Marina Cleaning Services, 773-877-9135: Reliable cleaning for apartments, offices, and houses. Serving Wicker Park and Bucktown.
Piano Lessons with Gary Marks, 773-208-3636
DreamBox Foto Studio, 2415 W. North, 773-292-0419: Portraits, headshots, special event, studio and location photography by Iwona Biedermann.
Gallery Cafe, 1760 W. North, 773-252-8228:Roasting all coffee
in-house, recognized by Delta magazine in 2008. Food, local art, and free wi-fi.
Division Gold, 2112 W. Division, 773-292-9600: Pawn shop serving Wicker Park for 14 years, buying gold, silver, offering unique selection.
COLORI Eco Paint Boutique, 2243 W. North, 773-252-4923: Explore color therapy with a limitless color palette. Just say 'no' to VoCs!

| Thirsty? Pop by Filter, 1373 N. Milw., and receive a free small drip coffee with any purchase, provided you say the magic word which starts with a 'P and ends with an 'E' and yes there are some letters in-between. See 'The Week Ahead', below, for more great news on Filter, like hours and links, they do a computer mouse good.
I'm Blushing Again... Over Rosé
by Teresa C. Macdonald
weather broke and I ran for the Rosé. I'm not talking about the sweet box
variety my aunts lugged to family picnics, but rather the delicate blush colored
wine with a floral bouquet and dry finish. Just think red wine made light (in color) not taste or
quality. Since Rosé is meant to be drunk young, it is a marvelous grab-and-go wine
selection for sipping over the expanse of the late afternoon.
is made from Grenache, Malbec, Merlot, Zinfandel, and even Pinot Noir grapes. Their
unique color is produced by the shortened time the skins macerate during the
fermentation process. Picture a
tea bag--the longer you steep the tea the darker the tea color becomes, or the
redder the blush. The more vibrant hued Rosé tends to stem from Australian
Grenaches and Californian Zinfandels, while the lighter salmon blushes
originate from France and Spain.
Rosé is my Achilles heel. The color reminds me of the light and smells of
afternoons in France, sitting at café tables in the Loire valley amongst geranium-filled window boxes and verdant hills. Each year I return to them, because even
with their short shelf-life they are just as complex and tasty as their red and
white cousins.Really, they are not
for the shy.
photo courtesy of Teresa  |
-By Teresa C. McDonald
In Stock Image Gallery We Trust- No, Seriously, Have a Great & Safe Memorial Day Holiday

COMMUNITY NEWS is Proudly Sponsored by Ken Lubinski of Lubinski Furniture & Movers 1550 N. Milw. "Where Couches are Made for Conversation & Our Truck is Ready to Move You Somewhere... Call the 'Please move me, Ken, Hot-line' at 7-7-3 2-7-6 2-8-3-5 for a Quote!"
| Gabe, a resident at work, near the newly mulched trees.  | Sports leagues, music, hands-on gardening classes, and lectures--it's all happening at the park. This two page circular is a "must read" for anyone planning to spend any amount of time at the park, 1425 N. Damen, just south of Six Corners. In other park news, The Wicker Park Garden Club hosted a Community Mulching Day this past Saturday. Per this email recap from Doug Wood, 62 volunteers pitched in to help beautify the park grounds! Elaine Coorens of Our Urban Times covered the mulching day happenings in this story.
In other park news, a free self-defense River Valley Ranch, spotted at the downtown Farmers' Market this past Thursday, will also be at the WP Farmers' Market again  | workshop hosted by the Chicago Police Dept. will take place tonight (Tues.), May 25, at 6:30 PM in the field house, 1425 N. Damen. For details, read more about the class in 32nd Ward Alderman Waguespack's latest e-newsletter.
In other park news, the Sunday Farmer's Market will begin again Sunday, June 6, 8 AM to 2 PM and run through October 24th.
Also included in Alderman Waguespack's e-newsletter update was news of the tragic death of Bucktown resident Dan Firkins, who passed away this past weekend after injuries sustained from a hit-and-run incident with a taxi near the corner of Honore and North around 3:15 PM on Friday, May 14. For more information, please click here to read the alderman's e-newsletter.
Sarah of CommuniTeach/Learnapalooza, who met with me last night at The Map Room so I could learn more and snap a portrait of her, which is in line with The Pipeline's 'Tips for Taking Goofy Portraits or Bringing Out Smiles' hands-on Learnapalooza class  | At last check, 14 area businesses, including Quimby's, Jackson Junge, Hapkido, 826CHI, The Pipeline and many others, are participating in Learnapalooza, a free, day-long neighborhood festival happening at various locations on Saturday, June 19. Per co-organizer Sarah Press, who at "press time" is just $268 away from a fund-raising goal of $3,000, per this Kickstarter link, the first ever Chicago Learnapalooza is an extension of CommuniTeach, now added to the blogroll, right, which encourages community members, both
businesses and residents, to exchange skills with one another. Anyone
who has anything to share--and basically we all do in some way or another (i.e. Quimby's sent on a press release indicating that its staff will teach a few workshops on independent publishing)--is encouraged to share their passions and skills with others. For more info, visit http://learnapaloozachi.com to sign up to teach a class, learn something new, or be a volunteer on the day of Learnapalooza.
Still looking for a preschool for the fall? Pulaski Academy, 2230 W. McClean, has a new pre-k program; email tbpk@friendsofpulaski.org for more info, or check out this info packet (pdf download).
STREET SWEEPING is here to stay until Nov 30, 2010. For those without garages or parking spaces, this is big news.... Click here to read a letter from new 1st Ward Alderman Proco "Joe" Moreno about the sweeping. Note: Night hours for the 1st Ward are now Tuesdays from 5 to 8 PM and per this recent newsletter, there are now satellite Saturday hours as well. Also noted in the alderman's e-newsletter are a few Property Tax Assistance Workshops, slated for June 2nd and June 3rd.
The warm weather is here, as is Sidewalk cafe permit season too. Learn more.
Josh of Novem Studios, working on a mural at Mautene Court this past Sunday  | WPB offers a vacant-property database. It's under development and updated monthly. Upcoming in WPB's "pipeline" is Make Believe, a project which will reactivate vacant spaces through art. Submission deadline is May 26th; click here to learn more. In other Art News, the area across from Tocco, 1244-54 N. Milw. known as Mautene Court, is receiving a makeover, beginning with a mural. Josh of Novem Studios gave me permission to snap this photo, noting "Take it while I'm working; I don't like posed shots." So, here he is, working....
ETC: Because sometimes the best moments are had by wandering and perhaps listening to music, this section is appropriately sponsored by DeciBel Audio, 1429 N. Milw.
If you looked up from a taco recently at Big Star and wondered where the stereo sound and its accompanying box came from, it was likely another installation by DeciBel.
Readers are encouraged to pop in at DeciBel and use the code "Pipeline" to receive a special discount with your next purchase or installation package.
| This past Sunday Bonnie & Clyde's, 1751 W. Division, hosted the third of a four-part series of spring fashion shows. The series coincides with a launch of B&C's new Privilege Card, which offers a year-round discount and other incentives. Please email Alex directly for more information or to RSVP for the final event.
In other modeling news, almost 100 local women are now vying for the title of Miss Wicker Park, including a few familiar faces who have appeared in The Pipeline over the past year. Good luck!
There is a first time for everything, even visiting Wicker Park's park, as Nancy, above, left, did this past weekend with her boyfriend, not pictured, and Snowy, the couple's Maluccan Cockatoo who seemed to be enjoying the nice weather.
Kate Fadden, a vendor at the Vintage Heaven Market  | Fans of the weekend Vintage Heaven market, housed inside Heaven Gallery, 1550 N. Milw. above Lubinski's, might be happy to know that it's becoming a more permanent fixture this summer, offering wares from vendors like Kate Fadden, left.
On June 5 there will be a photo studio/gallery garage sale at 1462 N. Milw. Shutterbugs, click here for the full scoop.
"Aly De Luca," this e-newsletter's writer, is looking forward to another fun Free Tarot Night this Wednesday, May 26, from 6 to 9 or 10 PM. Consult the caffe De Luca Facebook page.
In other news," NKOTB are back.... well, they never really left, or did they? Adults wishing to relive nostalgia can find NKOTB at Rudy's Roundup, as I did, but despite what the clerks jokingly accused me of, I never was a fan. But maybe you were?
The world's largest mobile Art Exhibit is coming to a train track near you, well, if you ride the Orange Line it is... click here for more information on Art on Track.
In animals-looking-for-home news, Leonard, or Lenny, whichever you prefer, is the store cat at Myopic Books, 1564 N.. Milw. After a solid run of seven or so years, he is seeking a new home, preferably one that is not in a crowded bookstore full of people. Per J.R., interested parties are encouraged to pop by the bookstore and meet Leonard to learn more.
Gorilla Tango Theatre, 1919 N. Milw., just announced four new original comedy shows.
Eric, in blue, and Pete, in yellow  | In advance of Memorial Day, area folks wanting to create custom dog tags for themselves or in memory of a loved one might want to stop by Belmont Army Surplus, 1318 N. Milw. and visit Eric and Pete in the basement. This past Saturday the men revealed that they couldn't help but notice the fact it is a beautiful day outside. When asked if they "get upstairs often," they replied, almost in unison, something like as soon as they walk up someone is always walking down. Also spotted were fun piggy banks. I then walked back upstairs-- just as something was walking down. I hope these guys see sunlight soon.
The Week(s) Ahead: Because sometimes it's nice to take a breather at a cafe before and after venturing out to local events, these Listings are Proudly Sponsored by Filter Cafe, 1373 N. Milw.
Please mention 'Pipeline' at the register for a free small drip coffee with any purchase through June 15th! For more specials and java-inspired news, including meet-ups, events and images, visit Filter on Facebook.or pop by in 'RealSpace' M-F: 7AM-11PM, Sat.: 8M-11PM, Sun. 8AM-10PM
| 'Taming the Wild Boy,' a collaborative painting by Flat Iron artists Lisa Carter and Danielle Morse who will display at the FIAA's upcoming SmART Show  | Sat. May 29th, 8 AM to Noon Electronics Curbside Pick-Up (Your Curb)
May 29, 7 to 11 PM Vision & Sound 1442 N.
Milw. (The
SIlver Room)
Fri. June 4th Drawing Attention - Opening 2416 W. North Ave. (Tom Robinson Studio/Gallery)
June 4th, The Natasha McShane Benefit 2260 S. Grove St, (Local 399 Event Hall)
Sat. June 5th, 6 to 10PM Spring Trunk Show 1712 W. North (Galleria 1712)
Sat. June 5th, 6 to 10 PM Painted ladies- Opening 1800 N. Milw. (OhNo!Doom Collective)
Do Division 2009/Pipeline file photo  | Sat June 5th and Sunday June 6th Do Division Street Festival and Family Fun Fest
Sunday June 5th, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Get Out & Get Healthy Awareness free event 627 N. Elston (Strack & Van Til Grocery lot)
Sunday June 6th, 8AM to 2 PM Opening Day- Wicker Park Farmer's Market 1425 N. Damen (Park Grounds)
June 19th- 10 AM to 5PM Learnapalooza Various Locations
Closing May 29th Gods and Monsters 1800 N. Milw. (OhNo!Doom Gallery)
Closing May 29
Poetix and Color Blocks 1579 N. Milw. (Gallery 203)
Closing June 2nd Seen & Unseen 1431 N. Milw. (Eyeporium Gallery)
(Do you have a community meeting, noncommercial networking event, art exhibit, or benefit fund-raiser taking place during the next three weeks? Please email the details to Ashley. Due to time constraints we regret that we are unable to list local theater performances or boutique trunk sales but we try to review or pop by them when we can and often integrate coverage from said happenings into other areas of this e-newsletter.)
We are Powered by Al, as in, Al Spenadel, CPA, funded the software used to create & send this e-mail. Whenever Al is asked a question, he always replies, "The answer is still three-- just like in baseball, three strikes and you're out."
For more "Al-isms,' call 847-226-4895, or alspenadelcpa@comcast.net