News from Around the Network | |
Welcome Walk Long Beach to the Network!
Please welcome our newest Network Affiliate: Walk Long Beach. Walk Long Beach works to promote livable neighborhoods for residents and visitors through exploration on foot.
In partnership with America Walks, Walk Long Beach hosted a Walking Action Workshop earlier this month to catalyze and enhance community-based efforts to increase walking and walkability in Long Beach. Community residents, city staff, and even walking experts joining from ProWalk/ProBike came together to develop a concrete plan and next steps for improving walking conditions in Long Beach.
Network Affiliate Profile: WalkSF's Peak2Peak 2012
| Image by Wendy MacNaughton |
WalkSF has been hard at work these past few months planning its annual Peak2Peak event--a guided walking tour of San Francisco that takes participants from the heart of the city in the Mission district all the way to the Pacific Ocean. With over 180 participants, the sold out eighth annual Peak2Peak was a huge success! WalkSF led participants over 14 miles and over 10 peaks all across San Francisco.
Congrats WalkSF for putting on yet another great Peak2Peak!
Check out more more photos from this inspiring event here.
New Resources | |
Cal WALKS Issue Brief
Adapted from California WALKS' participation on the MAP-21 Working Group of the Caltrans Active Transportation and Livable Communities (ATLC) Advisory Committee, this issue brief briefly describes major changes for active transportation programs under the new federal transportation bill, MAP-21.
Healthy Transportation Network Report
Our report also found that the more difficult task will be for Caltrans to foster and cultivate an organizational culture that treats bicycle and pedestrian transportation on par with other modes as it evolves into a more multi-modal transportation agency. "Caltrans has an enormous opportunity to deliver on its Complete Streets promise. Having already invested in and developed a Complete Streets Implementation Action Plan-Caltrans needs to now provide training for its staff to bring this vision-decades in the making-into reality," says Cal WALKS Executive Director Wendy Alfsen. "We've made it this far, and now more than ever before, we can't let the chance to advance a truly multi-modal transportation system slip through our hands."
In a new blog post, Network Affiliate WALKSacramento details an interesting case study that demonstrates how walkability supports economic sustainability. Read more here.
America Walks and Sam Schwartz Engineering have released a new publication, " Steps to a Walkable Community: A Guide for Citizens, Planners, and Engineers," which features strategies and tactics to create more walk-friendly communities from across a variety of disciplines. The comprehensive guide also provides vignettes, case studies, and factsheets that help demonstrate effective practices for a built environment, policies and programs that encourage walking and make healthier communities.
Upcoming Events | |
Los Angeles, CA | Oct 14-17, 2012
Rail~Volution brings together passionate people who want to engage in thoughtful discussion about building livable communities with transit. The conference's more than 75 workshops, networking events, charrettes and toolbox sessions gather some of the best minds on livability in the country and the world. They present concrete examples and dialogue to illustrate the rediscovery of community that is sweeping the country.
Irvine, CA | Oct 26, 2012
Please join the University of California Irvine and the Alliance for a Healthy Orange County (AHOC) at the Orange County Regional Active Transportation Forum held on Friday, October 26 at UCI's University Center. The forum intends to bring together policymakers, traffic engineers, planners, pedestrian and bicycle advocates, health care leaders, and community members interested in expanding active transportation in Orange County.
Panelists will share best practices, discuss barriers and opportunities and develop priorities for active transportation. Come to engage policy makers and work to increase opportunities for walking and bicycling in the region! See agenda for more details. The free event is open to all.