Register now for Pedestrians Count! 2012: Successes, Challenges and Data on May 3rd and 4th in Los Angeles.
Registration ends April 26, 2012.
Pedestrians Count is the only event of its kind focused solely on pedestrians and it provides an opportunity for advocates, practitioners and researchers to come
together to share best practices, ask and answer questions, work to integrate data across fields, and to continue to build a solid foundation for improving the pedestrian environment. Session topics will include walkability to transit and TOD, Sustainable Communities Strategies, health equity, and pedestrian data collection. Statewide professionals, academics, and community leaders will share their current and most promising work. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from,
share, and network with California's leaders in pedestrian
safety and walkable communities. View the full agenda and learn more about the event here.
Go directly to Pedestrians Count! 2012 registration site.Ticket Information: General = $110 Government or
Non-profit Organization = $75 Student or Community
Advocate = $35 A limited number of registration fee
waivers are available. Learn more.