Issue: # 11 Every Pedestrian Death Costs California over $6 million Join the fight toward Zero Deaths CW on YouTube! | November 2011 |
Pedestrian deaths cost California nearly $3.4 billion every year, but ... California spends less than 1% of transportation dollars for pedestrians.... Join California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) and California WALKS in the fight for pedestrian safety! At its Oct. 2011 statewide convention, CARA organizations representing 900,000 Californians adopted pedestrian safety as a priority....MORE
National Youth Council elects Diana Rodriguez as Secretary for 2012. Diana, 16, a California WALKS VVM Youth Leader from Bakersfield, CA has been active in the Youth Council of the America Public Health Association's Community-Based Public Health Caucus for two years, winning scholarships to travel this month to Washington, DC and last year to Denver, Colorado.
Dr. Teresa Chapa,Senior Policy Advisor for Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Minority Health congratulated Diana for her achievements. Dr. Chapa was honored at APHA for her equity commitment with the Helen Rodriguez-Trias Social Justice Award, sponsored by The California Endowment. Diana is already following in Dr. Chapa's social justice footsteps as one of California's national youth leaders, promoting equity in healthy environments and sustainable communities for everyone.
Community-based youth groups throughout California are encouraged to join the California Youth Council and APHA National Council. MORE |
NCST Webinar: Successful Collaboration Between Aging and Transit
November 15---11:00 a.m.
This National Center on Senior Transportation webinar will help participants identify opportunities for collaboration between aging and human services transportation services and public transit agencies. Participants will also learn how person-centered mobility management can be used to address the mobility needs of older adults. For more information, contact Lucinda Shannon at lshannon@easterseals.com. Register online at http://seniortransportation.easterseals.com/site/Calendar?view=Detail&id=36345&autologin=true
6 Wins Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary at 11/16 meeting

6 Big Wins for Social Equity in Sustainable Community Strategy's next Network meeting celebrating its one year anniversary is Wednesday, November 16, from 2-5 pm at the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, 1970 Broadway, Suite 450, Oakland, near 19th Street BART station.
FTA Title VI & Environmental Justice Regulation Session
On Monday, November 14 from 6-9 pm, Ed Roberts Campus on Adeline & Ashby in Berkeley at Ashby BART station, the Federal Transit Administration seeks comments on Title VI and Environmental Justice requirements . Go to http://fta.dot.gov/civilrights/title6/civilrights_13041.html
HTN Regional Bike-Ped Workshop in Santa Cruz by Rails to Trails Conservancy, Local Government Commission and CA Bicycle Coalition on Tuesday, December 6
Registration is limited to 40 people. Click here for more information.
Sacramento Regional Seniors and Walkability Workshop
Monday, December 19---8am-3pm
Place: Fruitridge Community Center, Sacramento, CA
Workshop is in partnership with AARP, WalkSacramento and California WALKS. For more details check www.walksacramento.org.
U.S. Dept of Transportation Secretary LaHood joins in Walk to School Day.
To see his blog, click Sec of Transporation Walks to School.
California WALKS is on YouTube! Come and check out our Video Voice clips from around California and beyond!
California WALKS is now on Facebook! Visit and like us! Go to our page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/California-Walks/227095277335924.
California WALKS at APHA 2011: California WALKS' work was well aligned with the 2011 APHA theme Healthy Communities Promote Healthy Minds and Bodies. We kicked off the conference with an 8:30 am Monday Oct. 31 (Halloween!) presentation from our staff, Rhianna Babka and youth leader Diana Rodriguez, on Engaging older adults (using Video and PhotoVoice) as effective health advocates for increased access, safe mobility, physical activity and access to goods and services. With over 13,000 attendees and 1,000 sessions, we were honored to be a part of such a momentous conference. Diana Rodriguez, part of the APHA National Youth Council and a California WALKS youth leader, worked with other youth from around the nation to set youth priorities in public health practice, career advancement and keep a youth presence at APHA in the coming years. We made connections with other youth and senior advocates, allies and funders. We look forward to attending APHA next year at our home in beautiful San Francisco! California WALKS at the 2011 Equity Summit: California WALKS also attended the 4th national PolicyLink Equity Summit, bringing together the nation's equity movement--fellow advocates, activists, policymakers, foundation officials, and equity leaders--to advance a truly inclusive policy agenda. Seeing our local and national partners was enjoyable, but the message of growing the national equity movement was truly inspiring. Join us in communicating that equity is the new normal! |
Carbon Savings from Walking Trips
Save 1 lb Carbon with Every Mile You Walk!
1 mile driving (20 mpg) foregone (walking trip) = 1 lb CO2 saved based on the following formula:
Average car gets 22 mpg
1/22nd gallon =1 mile foregone
per this site (http://timeforchange.org/what-is-a-carbon-footprint-definition)
1 gallon of gas= 8.7kg CO2. 1kg=2.2 lbs.
8.7 x 2.2 is 19.4 lbs
so, in a car that gets 22 miles to the gallon, the vehicle generates .88 lbs CO2 per mile.
The calculations change depending on MPG, so if a car gets less than 22 mpg, it generates more carbon per mile, with 19.4 MPG being the 1 mile=1 lb CO2 point.
Count each mile you walk instead of drive as saving 1 lb of CO2!!
(Formula from the Massachusetts Climate Action Network) Thanks to WalkBoston for this info. |
Please contact wendy@californiawalks.org or call 510.684.5705 if you have any questions or want information about our organization. . Sincerely,
Wendy Alfsen California WALKS
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please send request to unsubscribe |