pedestrian bumper sticker
Issue: # 8June 2011
ACTION ALERT: Senator Boxer; School Zone Fines
DANGEROUS BY DESIGN: Find Your Community
SAFE FOR ALL: Complete Intersections Guide--CA MUTCD Comments Due


                         SafeTREC-UCTD Seminar


                     Friday, June 3-- Noon to 1:30 p.m.

"Analyzing Travel Behavior Using the National Household Travel Survey"

Presented by: Swati Pande, MS, SafeTREC Research Associate

Location: 2nd floor conference room at SafeTREC,

2614 Dwight Way, Berkeley CA 


Free. Register at 



3rd Safe Routes to School National Conference August 16-18 in Minneapolis, MN. Register at for early bird rate through June 17! California WALKS Youth Video Voice panel will be a part of this conference. 


Safe Route 5 E's and engineering grant applications due July 15. Go to   


Action Alert:   Urge Senator Boxer to Stand Strong for California Transportation Safety

including Toward Zero Pedestrian Deaths. California's 18% is too many!

Go to the following link for a template as a draft for your letter. California template letters  
Letters should be emailed to Senator Boxer's Chief of Staff Laura Schiller ( Please bcc: California WALKS so we can track contacts.  



         Congresswoman Matsui Introduces Safe and Complete Streets Legislation 


Requring each state's department of transportation and metropolitan planning organization to put in place a Complete Streets policy ensureing all Federally-funded transportation projects accommodate the safety and convenience of all users. Click here for complete article: Safe Streets legislation 

                           Dangerous By Design: California One of the Dangerous States
Hear Dangerous By Design interview with James Corless, T4A Executive Director 
at                                        6 wins logo

 Find media reports regarding pedestrian safety in your community by clicking here: California media 
SF Bay Area, Madera, Merced, San Diego, Sacramento, Inland Empire, Riverside, San Bernardino, Central Valley, Orange County 



                               Graduated Fines in School Zones
AB539 was passed in the State Assembly. It is now in the Senate. Send support letters for School Zone Graduated Fines (AB530) to California State Senate Transportation & Housing Committee Chair, Mark DeSaulneir: (See AB 539 letter)
                    Each Pedestrian Injury Costs $75K in County General Funds
These are 2010 statistics from San Francisco. We encourage our various chapters & walk groups around the state to get their respective county health departments to work with emergency room staff, first responders, and police/sheriffs to develop similar data. Click here  injury for chart & research study.  

 California Department of Public Health Webinar Series


Creating a Health Framework for Climate Action and Adaptation Planning

June 22---11-12 pm

Learn how cities and counties throughout California are planning for climate change, how health and equity can be integrated into these efforts and the important role community members can play.


Register at: https:/ /


For questions about any of these webinars, please contact Kathy Dervin at

                        ANNOUNCEMENTS: COMPLETE INTERSECTIONS Released
Caltrans is pleased to present Complete Intersections: A Guide to Reconstructing Intersections and Interchanges for Bicyclists and Pedestrians. The guide provides tools and techniques for meeting and enhancing safety needs of pedestrians and bicyclists at intersections within the State Highway System. The guide can be downloaded at




CRASH MAPS FREE:   New Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) Web site: GIS maps of all pedestrian crashes in your city or county, created by researchers at UC Berkeley SafeTREC based on SWITRS crash data. Go to for more information & set up your own account.


Safe for All: WalkSanDiego's Complete Streets Best Practices  (walk)



                              MUTCD Comments due by June 30

Send your letters supporting longer crossing times and adding of RRapid Flashing Beacon to 2011 CA MUTCD and implementing Complete Streets in Highway Design Manual update: Send in two comments:  1) on proposed updates to Caltrans Highway Design Manual (implementing Complete Streets) and 2) to California MUTCD (signal timing, traffic signs, signals, markings) [see D4PAC Letters] and urge Caltrans to add the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon due June 30, 2011.



For HDM comment submissions due July 8, 2011, send to and she will forward them.

June 14 1:00 pm, 1120 N Street, Room 3442 (3rd floor), Sacramento


HDM Update, answer questions, and clarify submitting comments: 

 In person, or via free-to-you webinar, join and call: 


1 Join the meeting;

2 Enter required fields [meeting number 7416211865, name, email

3 Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy

4 Click on Proceed  

To join the phone bridge:

1   Call the phone bridge number: 1-877-562-0462

2   participant code: 8900273                             

Coming in August...
TRB Emerging Issues in Safe and Sustainable Mobility for Older Adults
August 30-September 1, Washington D.C.
Take the national walking survey at Tell them California WALKS sent you.


October Conference for Older Adults


California WALKS "Engaging Older Adults" (using video and photovoice) as effective health advocates for increased access, safe mobility, physical activity and access to goods and services" a joint HTN-NHTSA, PBIC, UNC Older Adult Pedestrian Safety project has been accepted for oral presentation at APHA conference this fall!

3001.0, Aging and the Built Environment, scheduled for Monday, October 31, 2011 at 8:30 AM. Join us in Washington D.C.:

                                   Carbon Savings from Walking Trips


 Save 1 lb Carbon with Every Mile You Walk!


1 mile driving  (20 mpg) foregone (walking trip) = 1 lb CO2 saved based on the following formula:


Average car gets  22 mpg

1/22nd gallon =1 mile foregone

per this site (

1 gallon of gas= 8.7kg CO2. 1kg=2.2 lbs.

8.7 x 2.2 is 19.4 lbs

so, in a car that gets 22 miles to the gallon, the vehicle generates .88 lbs CO2 per mile.


The calculations change depending on MPG, so if a car gets less than 22 mpg, it generates more carbon per mile, with 19.4 MPG being the 1 mile=1 lb CO2 point.


Count each mile you walk instead of drive as saving 1 lb of CO2!!


(Formula from the Massachusetts Climate Action Network) Thanks to WalkBoston for this info.

For more information or to join California WALKS, go to  

Please contact or call 510.684.5705 if you have any questions or want information about our organization.
Wendy Alfsen 
California WALKS

 If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please go to