Upcoming Workshops
Long Beach CPSE
Neighborhood Resource Center
425 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach,
Saturday, June 5----10am-2pm
Senior University Pedestrian Safety
This workshop will be held on Tuesday, June 8 from 9:30 to 2:30 at the Senior University, 705 Natoma Street in San Francisco. The status of pedestrian safety will be discussed. For more information call Pi Ra at 415.546.2096. |
SafeTREC Research Seminar Tuesday, June 15th from Noon to 1:30 in the SafeTREC conference room, 2614 Dwight Way, Berkeley. Visit their website for further information: http://www.safetrecberkeley.edu/news. |
California WALKS Executive Director on National Panel Wendy Alfsen will be presenting at ProWalkProBike 2010 Conference on Pedestrian Safety Programs across the U.S. panel. This presentation will highlight several pedestrian safety assessment, action planning, and training programs across the country. For more information go to ProWalk/ProBike. |
2010 Equal Footing Summit Equal Footing is a new project of America Walks. They will launch their campaign with a FREE SUMMIT on September 16 in Chattanooga, TN in order to achieve concrete outcomes such as:
- Raise the profile of walking to an issue of national importance.
- Build unity and energy so that we can speak with one voice for transforming walking and walkability in America.
- Raise America Walks' capacity to lead the national walking movement.