You're Invited:  Tuesday, June 22, 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern presented by

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Presenting online - versus presenting in-person - brings own set of challenges and opportunities. Sure you don't have to fret about what you're wearing or if you're going to trip while on stage, but you do have to think about how to engage and interact with your audience - all while you cannot see them.

Join Webinar expert and author of the new book, "The Virtual Presenter's Handbook," Roger Courville, to jump start your success when planning, designing, and delivering online presentations.

This event is specifically designed for sales and marketing professionals using virtual presentation tools with the aim of influencing client decisions and advancing the decision-making process.

Attend this event to learn: 

  • Research-based evidence of the most common Webinar presentation mistakes - and how to avoid them.
  • How to deliver an authentic, engaging online experience.
  • Tools and techniques to engage prospects with your products and services.
  • How to transition from the web-based presentation to the next steps in clients' decision cycle.


About Roger Courville

Roger Courville, author of "The Virtual Presenter's Handbook", is the co-founder and principal of 1080 Group, LLC, an independent consulting and training firm that helps companies design and optimize web seminar programs. A practitioner in the web seminar industry since its inception, Roger has provided companies with thought leadership, innovative web seminar program design, vendor and system analysis, and staff development. His real world expertise is backed by that of the seasoned professionals at 1080 Group -- expertise gained from working with hundreds of clients on thousands of events involving more than a million event attendees.
Together with co-founder and industry veteran Scott Driscoll, Roger has created of the industry's first independent curriculum to teach marketers and trainers how to organize and accelerate their web seminar production efforts. Roger is a frequent speaker and trainer, both online and onsite, on how to improve corporate and personal productivity using web-based communication tools. 

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