Weekly Empowerment from Source Point Training | January 26, 2011



We often believe that when the holidays are over, everything will calm down.  Yet, that is typically not the case.  Our busy-ness just changes.  So, how can you keep your sanity all year long?  We share some great insights and suggested habits to embrace below.


We will certainly be doing those things ourselves as the next several months at Source Point Training are filled with lots of exciting events that will have us traveling and being with many wonderful people.  From various in-house trainings that we will be doing with several private companies, to speaking engagements with various ICF (International Coach Federation), ASTD (American Society for Training and Development) and SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Chapters, as well as 3 more Leadership Source trainings, Mastery of Performance Coaching, another Certified Relationship Coach training, and our next Fundamental of Performance Coaching.


Visit our website for more details as well as to check out our webinar schedule.  We welcome your requests for information or collaboration and we look forward to hearing from you in My Source Point Community.




Barbara Fagan                                         Lou Dozier      

Co-Founder and President                        Co-Founder and Executive VP

Staying Sane in Crazy Times!
Barbara Fagan, President and Co-Founder

Chinese New Year BannerThe Chinese New Year is upon us and it is the year of the Hare. This feels very comforting - meaning that things are supposes to be getting calmer and less volatile. That is certainly great news, and yet we know that part of living each day fully means that we still face challenges.  I have just finished reading all the publications about how to keep our New Year's resolutions - get that flat tummy,Year of Rabbit make the right investment, eat healthy and reduce stress.

Well, at my age, I realize that there really is nothing new. However, at Source Point Training we continue to watch our times and the people who live in them and as any committed coach or facilitator for revolutionary change, we also have some suggestions.
Unplug - Establish times each day when you have NO noise around you except the thoughts in your head and then learn to BE quiet with them.  We have become such a noisy world that there are few places we can find real quiet, and with quiet comes the sense of peace that produces rest and relaxation.  This may be a challenge for those who have young children and many obligations each day. Yet, it is important to find the time and environment to do so.

Slow down - We have shared our famous 3 P's with many of you and I would suggest that this become a consistent tool for just about anything that you do. Each time you start a conversation or an activity without defining your purpose, you are setting yourself up to get off course and at the very least take more time to accomplish whatever you set out to do and reducing the impact you want to create.  Ask yourself - what is the Purpose (WHY?).  What are the Products/outcomes you want (WHAT?) and what is the best Process or course of action to support your purpose (HOW?).  Always put the HOW last and you will get there faster!

Be Present - Watch what is happening in the world around you - not from a place of having to do anything, but to learn and observe yourself and others.  This requires that you listen deeply and respond to what you hear, so that people know you see them and hear them.  Today's technology can drive connection but also can create a separateness and selectiveness on how we choose to respond.  This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz - most of us want to know who is really behind the curtain.

Be complete in all that you do - There are many ways to feel complete. Sometimes people choose not to complete something because they overestimate the time and energy it takes to be complete.   In the end, they realize that things will stack up, become heavier and create more resistance. My mother taught me to always pick up after myself. Being complete is the same thing. When we take action to be complete, it requires less energy and we will sleep much better at night.  
Little Girl Self Love
Love yourself - You can only give love if you experience love of self.  You can't give what you don't have.  So learn to love yourself, no matter what age you are, what shape you are in or how much you have or don't have.  Love your life.  As Lou always says, "Get in the driver's seat of your life!"  There is only one you and this is YOUR life.  Find time each day to really enjoy it and the people who are in it.  Tell someone you love them each day!!

As a Capricorn known for butting my head up against things for a good deal of my life, I am excited to be celebrating the Year of the Hare and finding the calm in these (sometimes) crazy times. 

See you all down the road - enjoy the ride!!

Invite Barbara and/or Lou to Speak at Your Next Event

Does your company or organization have an upcoming event or local conference that you would like to have Barbara or Lou speak at?  Do you know someone who is planning an event and looking for fabulous speakers to deliver great keynotes or presentations?  Simply give us some basic information through the link below and we will gladly contact you or the appropriate person.


Live Events, Webinars and Trainings
The time is now to take the lead in your life and generate the results you really want!  Join Source Point Training's Leadership Source Coaches for an extraordinary hour!
Certified Relationship Coach Training  Tempe, AZ - Begins Jan. 27-30 
Mastery of Performance Coaching  Tempe, AZ - Begins April 1
Leadership Source  Salt Lake City, UT - Begins April 9-10
Fundamentals of Performance Coaching  Tempe, AZ - Begins Sept. 9-11

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