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  February 6, 2010 | The Start of Something New
The Source Point Training team has been working hard and with great enthusiasm to define what we are offering people who are interested in facilitating revolutionary change. Whether as leaders in your day-to-daySPT lives, as a professional coach working with clients or as a facilitator-of-change, you are teaching, training or influencing others to take on new levels of learning to be most effective and truly fulfilled.

We believe that in today's busy world with so many things occurring (all those apps!) that people are only interested in what they can grab and use most effectively right now. The speed of technology and the fast pace we all experience does not allow for much quiet time and reflection. However, there is still the need to connect, to feel connected, to relate and to obtain valuable information. The Source, the Source Point Training e-newsletter is designed to give you the most up-to-date and topical news on personal growth and professional development.

What will make this newsletter a must read when you receive

The Community is Live!
Talk about revolutionary, consider what has come from social media. Just two years ago Facebook was mostly used by teenagers. Now everyone is writing on digital walls. There are so many choices, and we all know that choice is better than no choice.At Source Point Training, we are committed to facilitating revolutionary change.



It's All In the Word
In January, the country celebrated Martin Luther King Jr., a man whose legacy of leadership continues to manifest. This man stood for diversity, embracing human beings far beyond the color of their skin. He believed in unity for all. I imagine this man's legacy will continue to be realized because he was willing to stand for his

SPTOprah has one, and so can you! Branding is not just for talk show hosts and the Fortune 500 anymore. Coaches, authors, speakers, trainers and other solo-entrepreneurs need a brand. Discovering, creating and leveraging your personal brand is key to the success of your business. When you are grounded in an authentic and consistent brand, the rest of your business-building and marketing activities move from being overwhelming and challenging, to ow and ease.

There are many definitions of a personal brand, and here is my pesonal version:

Lou Dozier

When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, By dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.—Greg Anderson

Getting from where you are to where you want to be

I am so excited to connect with all of you and intend to provide valuable and thought provoking information that will assist you in purposefully creating "living the life you love." We have now entered a new decade and I invite you to stop, openly look, intentionally choose and most importantly, take action now to do it and create a life you will love! In order to create this vision, I assert that you need to spend some time evaluating what's working and what's not working. This will give you a much greater possibility of creating a life by design rather than default, as The Design Coach, Ruth Hensley would say.

My friend, Mary Golly, shared some of the following questions

Leadership Source
This training will assist you in creating extraordinary results in your life while living the principles of leadership. Begins with a high-impact, two-day weekend where goals are declared. Learn to lead with purpose.
April 10-11, 2010
for ten weeks
Sacramento, California
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Certified Relationship Coach
Designed for experienced coaches who want tools to work with individuals or groups that assists people to understand their unique contribution, and how to bring it to all relationships in their life including themselves.
Begins May 20-23, 2010
Embassy Suites

Tempe, Arizona
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Leadership Source
Certified Relationship Coach
Business Building
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