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November, 2009 
   fall - forming
News for fall of '09
The 8thDay Community is dedicated to living compassion in the city. This compassion is not only modeled but seen in a personal journey of faith and self-awareness into God's compassionate heart. Our care and compassion then becomes a community adventure in giving ourselves away to the "least, the lost, and the lonely."
8th Day Happenings
8th Day Brown logo                                 The 8th Day Community continues to grow as the Lord guides and directs us into the community of compassion He intends for us to be. This new email format to keep you up-to-date on our community rhythm and rule will provide you with the current events and other items of interest that this new and creative community is immersed in.

This fall season is a season of "forming" for the 8th Day Community. In this season we form new ties and new groups of learning and formation and celebrate Advent in the Church calendar. If you have further interest in any of the ministries of 8th Day, or would like to talk of how to present 8th Day to your church or organization phone 360-201-3957 or email Dr. Dale Pollard directly. Peace this day!

Prodigal Image
the 8th Day Institute
The 8th Day Institute continues to build and recruit for students who are interested in spiritual formation and leadership. We are currently graduating our first class of 2009 and are in the process of marketing the program and looking forward to the fall of 2010 for another class to begin. For more information on the 8th Day Institute and what it entails be sure to visit the 8th Day website or contact us via email.
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Prodigal Ministries
Prodigal Men's Ministries is continuing its reach into men's lives. Our groups are currently meeting at Roosevelt Community Church on Tuesday evenings, Bellingham Covenant and Hillcrest Chapel on Thrusday evenings. We will soon be starting yet another group at 1st Presbyterian in Bellingham on Thursday evenings as well in January of 2010.

In addition, we are developing a website for Prodigal Ministries that will be linked to the 8th Day site.  This will give us much more flexibility in the Prodigal world for both online forum capabilities and other uses.  The Prodigal website should be ready to debut in the next couple of months. For more information on Prodigal, visit the 8th Day website or email us directly.

Sola Dei Gloria!
Dr. Dale Pollard
and the 8th Day Community
In This Issue
8th Day Happenings
The 8th Day Institute
Prodigal News
Find out more about the 8th Day Community at our website!!!

8th Day Brown logo
Helpful Links:
the 8th Day Website
8th Day email

End of the year and on-going giving
If you are interested in giving to 8th Day you may visit our website and give on-line via Google check-out, or send your donations as directed under the donations/giving tab in the main menu. Thank you in advance for your gift and for your investment in this community.

Be sure to forward this newsletter to anyone you think would be interested in learning more about the 8th Day Community. Thanks!