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When the dust settles....
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Table of Contents:
Burning Man Section
Benefits Of Natural Botanicals In Skincare
Scientific Research: Olive Leaf Extract
20% off This Month's Featured Products
lil' green Uspa

The Beauty Temple proudly carries Uspa, the natural, botanical range from the pure Australian environment.

Hair - Skin - Body

Sara-ann Goubeaud

sm Head shot

Beauty Temple

4035 Boston Harbor Rd. NE
Olympia, WA  98506

(360) 357-0275

What happens to all of the hair clippings?

It all gets donated to help clean up oils spills! CLICK HERE to read more.

2) BRING ME YOUR OLD nylons & tights!!!
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from the Beauty Temple
  Hi ,
Ahhhh.....Home sweet home.

I just got back from my 3rd year at Burning Man; a week long gathering of 40,000 plus people in the Black Rock Desert north of Reno. It's an experience that words do no justice. But I will say that it's the most concentration of creativity - perhaps on the planet. Radical self reliance and radical self expression. It's an opportunity to  step out of my comfort zone, and learn new things about myself and others. It continues to be a life altering experience and helps me to tap into my truest, deepest self and bring that back home to my daily life. When the all the (playa) dust settles, I'm in love with my life even more!

Lot's going on in my world......
Right before my trip I was in Seattle for two days of Uspa training with Brooke Taylor, VP of Uspa's brand development. Wow. All I can say is "I ~heart~ Uspa"! Next week I'm having a couple of awesome Seattle based Uspa educators out to the Beauty Temple to learn some luxurious body treatments. Yes, that means that fantabulous body treatments are on their way to a Beauty Temple near you! ;-) Can't wait! Lucky timing for my mom who I'll be practicing on....her and my dad arrive here this weekend. They will be around through October - yay!  

In service and gratitude,
sara-ann signature
Guess what?!?
Shawn and I had a silly but beautiful unofficial wedding at Burning Man during which he swapped out the cheap-o 'wedding ring' for my Celtic Unity Knot engagement ring! Got down on his knee and everything! Apparently he's been scheming since last December when he asked my parent's permission. I was TOTALLY taken by surprise!
(click here see see more 'wedding' photos on Facebook)

 wed dance full
Because so many of you have been intrigued by this Burning Man thing I go to every year, I present to you...
The Burning Man Section!!!!

If you're curious to see photos from my past three Burning Man experiences,
I invite you to check out my Burning man Albums on Facebook or the photo galleries at www.BurningMan.com- Enjoy!

Some handy links:

What is Burning Man?

Key facts of Burning Man: A Chart

the man

man burning

George & VanessaThe Benefits Of Natural Botanical Ingredients In Skincare

A brief article by George Jilly, founder of Uspa

For more than 15 years, George and Vanessa Jilly have devoted themselves to developing treatments and products based on the remarkable chemistry of plants, herbs and clays. George has an extensive background in botany and the beauty industry, while Vanessa is a former registered nurse, massage therapist and esthetician.
EyesOlive Leaf Extract: Oleuropein

For over 6000 years the olive tree has provided longevity and vibrant health to cultures as diverse as the Egyptians in their mummification rituals to the Mediterranean cultures in their use for infections, fever, and pain. Recent scientific advances have allowed for the concentrated extraction of the phytomedical substance Oleuropein, responsible for the leaves' healing powers.

Oleuropein's properties include:
- scavenger of free radicals
- protects skin from photo aging
- improves skin elasticity, maintaining a youthful appearance
- fights causes of oxidative stress
- reduces skin damage caused by pollution and UV rays
- improves skin hydration

Scientific Research:
Oleuropein has undergone many human trials to ascertain it's anti-aging/wrinkle efficiency. For these purposes volunteers used the product twice a day for 45 days. At the beginning and at the end of the treatment instrument measurements of skin hydration and elasticity are taken, analyzed and statistically compared. Results showed that with the 45 day use of Oleuropein on the face there was a 12% increase in skin elasticity, 81% increase in the skins ability to return to normal after stretching (like a rubber band), 7% increase in skin hydration.

Antioxidant tests performed on epithelial cells, showed that those cells covered with Oleuropein were protected towards oxidation caused by environmental damage, and in fact showed no signs of cellular change. Results also showed scientifically that Oleuropein possesses a strong anti-radical ability therefore reducing the action of UV rays on the skin. Ta-dah! ;-)

(Let me know if you have a topic you'd like me to include in upcoming newsletters. I am always open to your questions, ideas and feedback!)
featuredproducts20% Off
September Featured Products.....

Hydration Therapy w/ olive leaf extract

An intense anti-oxidant moisture cream for all skin types. Layered with powerful oleuropein, the isolated active ingredient found in olive leaves.

  • scavenger of free radicals
  • protects skin from photo aging
  • improves skin elasticity
  • reduces skin damage
  • improves skin hydration

(1oz reg $60.00... SALE PRICE $48.00)   
(2.55oz reg $108...SALE PRICE $86.40)   

Lavender Hand & Body Cream w/ olive leaf extract

An ideal anti-oxidant hand and body cream. Soft and silky to the touch, this cream has harnessed the powers of 'oleuropein', the vital anti-aging ingredient found in olive leaf extract. Laced with the calming aroma of lavender essential oil.

  • ideal anti-oxidant hand and body cream
  • good for hands showing signs of premature aging due to photo aging
  • increases hydration retention and elasticity in skin

lav h&b

(2.55oz reg $30... SALE PRICE $24)

Click here to visit the Uspa website and
check out other products available at the Beauty Temple!